Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 517 The Devil's Comfortable Nest

Chapter 517 The Devil's Comfortable Nest
And because Zheng Gui is a bandit, how can he know advanced medical skills, such as the basic common sense that caesarean section women can only have two children in a lifetime, and he also doesn't know.

Just to fulfill their selfish desires, just for their immortality, they will never stop, so many women die when they are pregnant with their third child...

Zheng Gui didn't let go of these dead pregnant women. He marinated them into cured meat for him to eat at any time.

As a result, more than 9000 women died tragically at the hands of Zheng Gui in just two years.

Li Chongzhong learned about Zheng Gui's atrocities from a dying Jianghu guest. Although he felt a little strange, it was strange that the government of Wangshan Town turned a blind eye to Zheng Gui's atrocities!

But the force of justice forced him to take action, so he led the officers and men with great speed to find the robber's lair, and captured Zheng Gui easily without any hindrance, and rescued more than 1000 humiliated women.

He arrested Zheng Gui, and Chang'an Chief Secretary and Historian Jiang Wan justly sentenced Zheng Gui to beheaded.

Who knew that on the day Zheng Gui was beheaded, the great eunuch Wang An came to deliver an order, and Zheng Gui was acquitted.

Jiang Wan asked Wang An the reason, and Wang An said that "the holy will is difficult to understand, and the power of the sky is unpredictable." The emperor's destiny is greater than the sky.

Who knew that Zheng Gui, who had won his freedom, hated Li Chongzhong. When he was not at home, he entered his hometown and snatched his son Li Yingsheng. The purpose was to let Li Chongzhong go alone to exchange Li Yingsheng as a hostage. Wang Shan saves his son Li Yingsheng...

Xiao Xiaomo was taken aback, searched his memory, and found out the following facts about Li Yingsheng:
Li Yingsheng, the son of Li Chongzhong.Born in the 21st year of Wanli (1593) and the 44th year of Wanli (1616), he was ranked No. 5 in the first class of Jinshi, and was awarded the official position of Nankang. He was famous for his integrity.

In the second year of Tianqi (1622), Yuan Yuzhen, the magistrate of Nankang, asked Li Yingsheng to preside over the Bailudong Academy and re-edit the "Bailudong Academy".

In the past four years, Wei Zhongxian, the eunuch of the eunuch party, has secretly revised the sixteen crimes. On behalf of the leader of the Donglin party, Zuodu Yushi Gao Panlong, he wrote "Cui Chengxiu" in solidarity with Yang Lian and other Donglin party members, and was hated by the eunuch party.Wei Zhongxian was presented with 72 major crimes, and was dismissed from office in the fifth year of Tianqi (1625).

In March of the sixth year of Tianqi (1626), he was arrested by Dongchang. When he was arrested, tens of thousands of residents gathered in Changzhou City to appeal for his grievances.

In the sixth year of Tianqi (1626), on the second day of June, he was killed in prison.

This Li Yingsheng is a good seedling, and when he grows up, he will be an upright official, not afraid of power, and dare to fight against Jiuqiantui. Although it ended in failure in the end, this kind of strong spirit that is not afraid of violence is exactly what many people do not possess .

In any case, I must protect an upright official like Li Yingsheng until the end.The most urgent task is to rescue Li Yingsheng and his son as soon as possible.

Xiao Xiaomo thought about this, and immediately said: "Old man, you can rest assured, I will rescue your son and grandson right away!"

Mr. Li hurriedly stopped him and said: "Those people are a hundred times more vicious than demons and ghosts, and this matter has nothing to do with you. I think you should leave it alone, so as not to take your life for no reason. Our family appreciates your kindness." gratitude!"

Xiao Xiaomo said with a smile: "The so-called uneven road is stepped on by everyone! What's more, I, Xiao Xiaomo, like to collect those monsters and goblins!"

"It turned out that it was Xiao Mo, Daoist Crane, who arrived. The little old man really has eyes that don't know Mount Tai! The things in the rumors are unexpected, but they are true! Old lady, thank you, Daoist, for your selfless help!"

The couple bowed their heads and bowed. When they stood up, Xiao Xiaomo had already disappeared.

Obviously, Xiao Xiaomo set off to Wangshan to save people.

Mr. Li hugged his wife and looked at the distance outside the door. His face was full of hope. He opened his chapped lips and said, "Old woman, our grandson is saved, our son is saved..."

Because their grandson was kidnapped by Zheng Gui, the couple did not drink any water for a day. They planned to wait until late at night, and after confirming that their son and grandson had not returned, they both committed suicide by drinking rat poison.

"I hope this real person can do what he says...Bodhisattva bless..."

said his wife.

Old man Li secretly said: "The old woman is so naive. One of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have been begging for a day did not appear, but a Taoist priest came instead! I am surprised, is the Taoist priest also fed by the Buddhist family?"

However, even though he thought so, seeing his wife's pious appearance again, he couldn't bear to drink up.

I couldn't stop praying in my heart: "Infinite Life Buddha, Infinite Heavenly Venerable, Taishang Laojun, Master Tongtian... Lao Khan begs you to bless your descendant, Master Mo, to save my children and grandchildren, as long as... as long as Master Mo I can really save my children and grandchildren, Lao Khan swears, I, Li Quan and my family will all convert to religion in the future!"

He stayed in Hang Aunt Ma and others to take care of the second elder

Xiao Xiaomo originally rode a famous Dali horse. Now, in order to save others, he raised his whip and urged the horse to gallop in the starry night. In less than three quarters, he arrived at Wangshan, a hundred miles away.
Zheng Gui's den of thieves is in Qinglin Valley, halfway up Wangshan Mountain.
Xiao Xiaomo didn't have time to appreciate the moonlight and mountain scenery, so he put on his horse and entered the Qinglin Valley in a short while.

But seeing the towering ancient trees, hundreds of beasts passing through, dense forests, night birds singing strangely, and the night fog gradually rising...

It's somewhat strange.

There is no way to go, all are blocked by old trees and wild vines, and it is impossible to pass through on horseback.

But Xiao Xiaomo still urged the horse to rush to the deepest part of the forest, because he had already used the full monitoring function of the Chivalry Cultivation System to find out that Zheng's garden was at the end of the forest.

The Zheng Garden is the safe haven of the big silver demon Zheng Gui.

If Xiao Xiaomo wanted to reach Zheng's Garden to save people, he had to pass through this ancient forest.

Xiao Xiaomo now has a stylus in his hand, but when he pointed at the ancient tree in front of the horse's head, he saw a burst of purple air spewing out from the tip of the stylus. The boa constrictor... all melted like ice and snow, and became invisible in an instant...

Sweeping the stylus in Xiao Xiaomo's hand to the left and right, a burst of purple air is also emitted from the tip of the pen, and everything touched by the purple air disappears invisibly in an instant...

This is naturally the effect achieved by Xiao Xiaomo activating the chivalrous devouring small system.

No matter how many obstacles you have, they can't stop Xiao Xiaomo's horseshoe from moving forward.

After this devouring, he gained 1000000000000 chivalry merit, chivalry and chivalry points.

After a while of devouring and galloping, a mansion with a width of ten miles is already in sight.

Zheng Garden.

The lights are brightly lit, as if trying to compete with the bright moonlight for glory.

It's really red lanterns hanging high!

How can he show the dignity of Zheng Gui, a rich man, if the show is not big?

But no matter how many red lanterns he has, it seems that it can't cover up the weirdness of Zheng's garden.

Because resentment still hangs over Zheng Yuanlin.

Because another 380 beautiful women were imprisoned in Zheng's garden.

(End of this chapter)

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