Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 552 Poisoning

Chapter 552 Poisoning
"So, grandpa messed up this thing, and the kid is going to clap and laugh!"

Li Chengliang sighed: "You hate Nuer Huangji very much?"

Li Ruomei said: "It's hard to say that I hate it too much, but the teachings my grandfather and father taught me since I was a child made my child deeply understand the pride of being a son and daughter of the Han family! Why do I want to marry a barbarian from a foreign race? Let him be his slave Huangji is the darling of heaven, and I wouldn't even pay him a half-eye."

Li Chengliang sighed: "Actually, the engagement of this marriage five years ago was just an expedient measure for me to take advantage of the situation to make our Li family comeback, and this situation refers to Houjin. The magic of these, only you Daddy knows that even you have been kept in the dark, and now is the time to tell you everything."

Li Ruomei said respectfully: "I would like to hear the details!"

Li Chengliang said: "15 years ago, because of my outstanding military achievements, I was slandered by the traitors in the court, so that the emperor dismissed me from the post of Liaodong General Army, but retained the vain post of Uncle Ning Yuan.

"Five years ago, Nuer Haci brought his son Nuer Huangji to propose marriage, and I agreed to this marriage without the consent of your father and daughter. Because I think this is a great opportunity for a comeback.

"Later Jin's rapid rise is obvious to all Ming emperors and ministers. I firmly believe that there must be someone in the court who can clearly assess the current situation and use my in-law relationship with Nuer Haci to ensure the peaceful coexistence of the two countries... Sure enough, there is another capable person in the court—— This person is the capital Shen Yiguan.

"It was he who recommended me to the emperor to serve as the general soldier of Liaodong again. However, if Mr. Shen hadn't considered my Li family's marriage slave Ha Tie, he would not have recommended to the emperor to restart my grandfather, or even my Li family. One day! This is all thanks to you, son! Your father was strongly opposed to the marriage, but after I had done a lot of hard work, he forced him to stop his grief and reluctantly agreed... After I regained my military power, I came up with an idea One way to withdraw the engagement to fulfill your wish!"

He deliberately emphasized the word "heart".

When Li Ruomei heard this, her beautiful face immediately glowed, and she said coquettishly: "Grandpa, you are making fun of Ruomei again, what does Ruomei have in mind?"

Li Chengliang smiled and said: "Then last time you violated the military order and went to Black Eagle Mountain privately to assist Xiao Xiaomo in killing Yuzhenzi, why?"

Li Ruomei's pretty face turned even redder, and she forced herself to explain: "I said it a long time ago, I was going to visit the Black Eagle Mountain, nothing else. I just met Brother Xiao and Yu Zhenzi fighting, I... I saw Yu Zhenzi wanting to Only when we were able to escape could we send arrows to help, nothing else!"

Li Chengliang laughed loudly: "Traveling in mountains and rivers? Go to Black Eagle Mountain to catch black eagles? But I haven't seen you catch a few black eagles and come back!"

Li Ruomei stomped her feet and said angrily, "Everything I said is true, why don't you believe me, grandpa?"

Li Chengliang suddenly said seriously: "I don't care whether your words are true or not, I want to tell you that I have decided to recruit Xiao Xiaomo as my grandson-in-law, Xiao Xiaomo is very likely to be your husband in the future, I wonder if you will forgive grandpa self-assertion?"

Another self-assertion?But for Li Ruomei, such self-assessment is too precious!

It turned out that after Li Chengliang got the news that Xiao Xiaomo had handled the relocation of Gushan Castle, he thought that he was a genuine hero, and Xiao Xiaomo had passed his test.

The fantasy became reality, Li Ruomei was so excited that I couldn't express it in words. Her delicate body trembled slightly, and her voice was like a mosquito's wing, and said in a low voice: "Everything... everything depends on grandpa..."

After she plucked up the courage to say this, she ran out of the study with a flushed face, and Li Chengliang's laughing words came from behind: "Child, call Xiao Xiaomo to come in and see me?"

Li Ruomei returned to the living room, suppressed her inner excitement, gathered her emotions, and whispered to Xiao Xiaomo who was admiring the mural: "Brother Xiao, grandpa invites you to the study for a talk?"

Xiao Xiaomo nodded and said with a smile: "Sister, is your it sick? Let the elder brother take your pulse?"

It turned out that although Li Ruomei had calmed down a little, the blush on her face was still there, as bright as the morning sun, and she was really pretty.

Li Ruomei quickly waved her hands and said, "No...I'm go!"

Xiao Xiaomo just rushed to the study room, in fact, all the conversations between Li Chengliang's grandfather and grandson just now fell into Xiao Xiaomo's ears. He knew it through the whole process monitoring function of the chivalrous cultivating system.

In his heart, he was grateful to Li Chengliang for his great love for him, and worried that Li Ruomei didn't like him, so he talked to her, checked her attitude towards him, and saw that she didn't show any disgust towards him except for shyness.

At that moment, he was clear-eyed, his guess was right, this little girl started to have a good impression of him at some point, and she was grateful for her love and compassion, so she stopped making fun of her.

After Xiao Xiaomo entered the study room to meet Li Chengliang, Li Chengliang asked some more details about the relocation of the residents of Gushan Fort. Then Li Chengliang explained that getting Li Ruomei engaged to Nuer Huangji was just a temporary expedient. He had no intention of marrying his granddaughter Li Ruomei to a foreign race.

Finally he said: "Boy, what do you think of this child Ruomei?"

Is this poking at my tongue? "

Xiao Xiaomo said sincerely: "In addition to being as beautiful as a flower and loved by everyone, Miss Ruomei is even more rare to have a heart of innocence to serve the country. She is a rare girl of a generation. Who will be lucky enough to find her in the future? If sister Mei is to be his wife, it is definitely a blessing that my ancestors cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

After all, I can't stop admiring.

Li Chengliang said: "Boy, you are the lucky one! I decided to recruit you as husband for Ruomei, Ruomei is very happy, now you just need to nod. To be honest, do you like Ruomei?"

Xiao Xiaomo's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he said: "Of course I wish I could marry Ruomei, but I already have a wife, and Ruomei is from a famous family... I'm afraid she will be wronged?"

Li Chengliang smiled and said: "It's perfectly normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, why should you be pregnant? I don't care, Ruomei is even more so!"

Xiao Xiaomo's face was full of joy, he bowed his head to the ground, called him grandpa, and changed his name from then on.

As a result, Xiao Xiaomo stayed in Li's residence, preparing to escort Zhang Qipa and others to Huozhou to make a living after six days, thinking that he and Li Ruomei would get more chances to get along with each other.

However, man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation, and everything is often unexpected, which makes people unable to deal with it.

On the second day when Xiao Xiaomo stayed at Li Chengliang's house, when Li Ruomei was traveling with Xiao Xiaomo in Ningyuan City, she suddenly fell to the ground with black air on her face, and she fell unconscious.

Xiao Xiaomo got off the horse in a hurry, leaned her delicate body in his arms, felt her pulse, felt that she had been poisoned by a strange poison, called out loudly, but there was no response, and her life was not in danger.

Xiao Xiaomo based on the records corresponding to "Nangu Poison Sutra".

(End of this chapter)

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