Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 612 Drinking Together at One Table

Chapter 612

But thinking about it, no one dared to stand up and criticize him.Because the Mo religion can kill the vicious bandits of the Triad Society, which proves that it has the strength to defend Wuzhen and intervene in many things in Wuzhen.Many people present here, including Wen Ting, have secretly made an agreement with the Triad Society, and the Triad Society has turned against customers.

Wen Ting gave Wen Kui a wink, and Wen Kui laughed and said, "Sect Master Wang, if you have anything to say, just speak out, and I'll definitely listen to you!"

"Yes! I'm all ears!"

Everyone said in unison.

Xiao Xiaomo asked: "This scene is extremely spectacular. I think you must have spent a lot of money to organize this banquet! Do you dare to ask if there was anyone other than the source of this money? Master Wen, I hope you are honest. Answer my question, don't cover it up, otherwise once I find out the truth, there will be triad robbers coming to snatch your belongings and women in the future, and Wang and others can only watch from the sidelines and ignore them!"

Mingyuenu was surprised to find that today's 'Wang Lun' (Xiao Xiaomo) speaks extremely sharply and does things more decisively. She couldn't help trembling her heart, and even felt a little joy.

Wen Kui asked Wen Ting for instructions with winks.

Wen Tingchong nodded to Wenkui.

Wen Kuicai said: "Surely, Master Wang has insight into everything, and I really admire it! Yes, besides everyone here, there are also many poor people who have contributed more or less money... Uh! It's just that they are busy with their affairs, so they don't pay much money. I can come here to celebrate Master Wang and all the heroes!"

There must be something strange about this, I am afraid that these "big men" have always looked down on the poor people from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that the poor people are of low status and are not qualified to sit on an equal footing with them and eat together. I am afraid that Master Wen is too lazy to tell these untouchables the place and time of the meeting.

Xiao Xiaomo realized the joint, and immediately flew into a rage, and said coldly: "All ordinary people who have paid money must be present, otherwise, I will not participate in this banquet!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and was silent for a while.

Mingyue Nu opened her small cherry mouth in shock!

Xiao Xiaomo's whole person suddenly became taller in the eyes of Mingyuelou and others.

Wen Ting gritted his teeth and still did not speak, but still nodded at Wen Kui and accepted Xiao Xiaomo's 'unreasonable request'.

Wen Kui had no choice but to say yes, and went out to handle the matter.

Everyone sat down at the banquet again. Although the table was full of delicacies, fine nectar, and fine wines, no one tasted them. The atmosphere of the scene became tense, and many people were worried and did not speak.

Xiao Xiaomo and other members of the Mohist Sect sat alone in a seat, looking powerful and calm.

Xiao Xiaomo is relaxed and rests his eyes with his eyes closed.

A hundred tables of wine and banquets, and the steaming heat from the delicacies could not conceal the uncertain faces of the crowd.

During this free time, Wen Ting finally spoke, and he introduced the famous people in Wuzhen to Xiao Xiaomo and others.

as follows:

The owner of Wuzhen Restaurant and Wulin Leyuan (brothel) is the same person, that is, Wu Zhenren, the younger brother of Wu Tianxia, ​​who replaced and merged Xinglong Restaurant and Xianghuayuan;
The owner of Taibai Restaurant is Li Naihei, Li Naibai's younger brother, who annexed Zuixiang Pavilion;

The owner of Wuzhen Casino is Fan Jiangshan’s younger sister, Fan Jianggu. With her beauty and wisdom, she kills the original owner of Jiuqu Casino and takes over. Son, named Fan Wencheng;

Kerike became the beautiful think tank of Liu Defa, the president of the Fuzhou General Chamber of Commerce, but she actually positioned herself to influence Liu Defa's business prices through flattering means. Note that the Ming Dynasty had always promoted agriculture and suppressed business. However, under the impact of the international situation, in the East Inspired by foreign businessmen from China and the West, the sprouts of capitalism had appeared in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.Although the imperial court issued an order and the poor people were not allowed to engage in business at will without the approval of the imperial court, many knowledgeable people saw that doing business could bring huge profits, so they bribed corrupt officials of the Ming Dynasty to obtain the qualifications to do business.Among them, the four great imperial merchants in the late Ming Dynasty should be the first to make huge profits.

And Liu Defa was supported by one of the four imperial merchants, and the Francine woman Creek Gu is the younger sister of Creeks, the former president of the Haojing Chamber of Commerce.

Wude Taoist's younger brother, Wude Taoist, established the Dragon and Tiger Hall in Wuzhen.

In addition, there is Jia Daizhen, the owner of Baishou Villa, who is a businessman specializing in fish and meat business.

But there is one thing that makes Xiao Xiaomo very puzzled and incomprehensible, that is, Kazuo Yamamoto's remnant party, he has never learned of its whereabouts from Wen Ting's introduction.

Xiao Xiaomo thought it was suspicious, so he asked Wu Zhenren and others about it. Wu Zhenren only knew that Kazuo Yamamoto had a younger sister, Hideko Yamamoto, who was not good at martial arts, but he didn't know where she was.

Xiao Xiaomo felt a little relieved when he heard that Eiko Yamamoto didn't understand martial arts.

After about one stick of incense, Wen Kui brought in one hundred and eight plainly dressed Diannong, including men and women, old and young.

They all cast warm and grateful eyes on Xiao Xiaomo.

Xiao Xiaomo's Wang Lun's body used to haunt Wuzhen from time to time, although he is now the leader of a sect, they naturally recognize it.

Wen Kui led the crowd closer, and said to Xiao Xiaomo, "Master Wang, the guests you invited, Wen Mou lived up to his fate, and brought them all to your old man."

Xiao Xiaomo smiled and said, "It's really all here?"

Wen Kui said: "It's true!"

Xiao Xiaomo nodded, then stood up, slowly approached the hundred or so poor people, looked at them for a while, and then asked: "I, Wang Lun, the leader of the Mohist sect, thank all the elders for your attention, and donate to help with this project." For the banquet, Wang Lun is here to thank all the elders for their generosity on behalf of Mojiao!"

After finishing speaking, he gave a deep bow to all the poor.

All the poor people said again and again: "It should be..."

Wen Ting and the others showed displeasure on their faces.

Xiao Xiaomo just pretended not to see it.

Xiao Xiaomo asked again: "It's just that we just killed a thieves, so why are you so generous to set up this banquet?"

A 50-year-old man inside said tremblingly: "The dog robber Mao Dafang of the triad society often runs rampant in the village, exploits the people, bullies men and women, and has brought boundless disasters to our ordinary people for ten years. Mao Dafang is a evil star." ...Thank you, Master Wang, you Mohist heroes who helped us get rid of this great evil...In order to express our gratitude, we pooled up a small amount of money to buy this banquet...I don’t know why Master Wang summoned us?"

Xiao Xiaomo said with a smile: "I am a chivalrous person, and I always take it as my duty to be a chivalrous man. Mao Dafang did a lot of evil, why should he die? Not long ago, my teaching was not strong enough. In order to confuse Mao Dafang and others, I had to bully the people..."

(End of this chapter)

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