Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 78 Laudno's Flying Pigeon Biography

Chapter 78 Laudno's Flying Pigeon Biography
Lin Pingzhi chased out of the gate of Huashan Bieyuan, watched the three small sedan chairs that grandpa and two uncles were sitting on disappeared at the turn of the mountain, and knelt down on the ground: "Grandpa, uncle..."

When Lin Pingzhi was sad, Xiao Xiaomo led the crowd out.

Xiao Xiaomo said sincerely: "Pingzhi, don't worry, even if you are not my son-in-law, I will teach you all the martial arts of the Huashan Sect to help you get revenge. You should get up first!"

Lin Pingzhi wept and said: "Thank you, master, for your company. This disciple will never forget it. I must practice martial arts with all my strength. I must fight the demon Yu Canghai and Mu Gaofeng with my hands."

Lu Dayou seemed quite upset: "Grandpa, uncle? My daughter and sister were murdered, but they didn't want to take revenge? Instead, they came here to urge the marriage?"

"Dayou, shut up! Pingzhi, get up." Xiao Xiaomo said and asked Laudenuo, "Denuo, how is the tombstone thing going?"

Lao Denuo approached and respectfully said: "Return to Master, after all the craftsmen have been rushing to work day and night, it is estimated that after five days, the project can be completed no matter what."

Xiao Xiaomo gave Lao De Nuo a look of approval, nodded, and said: "Today's matter, all of you have to respond in time, Senior Brother Feng, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Lao Denuo approached and respectfully said: "Return to Master, after all the craftsmen have been rushing to work day and night, it is estimated that after five days, the project can be completed no matter what."

Xiao Xiaomo gave Lao De Nuo a look of approval, nodded, and said: "Today's matter, all of you have to respond in time, Senior Brother Feng, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Cheng Buyou said: "Jianzong is about to return to Huashan, Huashan is our home, the Wang family dares to come to my house to make trouble, our three masters of Jianzong will naturally not sit idly by."

Feng Buping said: "I still say the same thing, as long as you can fulfill your promise to us, then our Sword Sect members will return to Mount Hua."

Cong Buqi said coldly: "If Senior Brother Yue and you guys can really finish the project after five days, it will prove to be eight days earlier than our stipulated time. square."

Xiao Xiaomo hurriedly said a few words of humility, and the three masters of Jianzong bid farewell and left.

Xiao Xiaomo and others returned to the main hall.

Xiao Xiaomo asked Linghu Chong about the recent situation of the Huashan School these days, and Linghu Chong answered them one by one. Except for the miscalculation of the Wang family, the others did a good job, Xiao Xiaomo was very pleased.

Then Xiao Xiaomo asked all the disciples about their progress in martial arts. After learning that all the disciples had improved a lot, Xiao Xiaomo was very happy, and asked Lin Pingzhi and Lao Denuo carefully. , both of them are deeply impressed.

Soon, Bujie, Tian Boguang, Taogu Six Immortals and others all returned to the Huashan other courtyard. The eight people were cursing, saying that they were deceived by traitors and were led to Luoyang City. After sending everyone to comfort him, he rushed back after starry night.

The crowd was lively again, but the commotion reached the second watch, and then they washed up hastily and went to rest.

Tonight is still full of moon and stars.

Lauderno cautiously left the wing where he was resting and went to the gate of Huashan Mountain. He whistled softly and a carrier pigeon flew out from the dense forest nearby and landed on his shoulder.

Without hesitation, Lao Denuo took out a chicken-feather letter from his pocket. On the envelope were written the nine words "Letter to the Left Leader of the Wuyue Sword Sect" and tied it to the foot of the carrier pigeon. Spread your wings and fly to Songshan School.

Two days later, the main hall of the Songshan School.

Zuo Lengchan and other leaders of the Songshan School gathered together.

Everyone was circulating the Flying Pigeon letter sent by Lao Denuo, and finally returned to Zuo Lengchan's hand, Zuo Lengchan approached the burning candle and lit it.

Then he said: "According to what De Nuo said in the letter, our plan to sow discord has paid off. The Luoyang Jindao Wang family has already had a quarrel with the Huashan faction over Lin Pingzhi's marriage... The people who monitored the Jindao Wang family reported that it was Wang As soon as Yuanba returned to Luoyang City, he sent Yue Buqun to assist the Wang family's disciple Shi Daizi and others and drove them back to Huashan in humiliation... Hehe! Now the Golden Sword is also a single-plank bridge. Without backup, we can Capture the Wangs and his son at any time, and then use Old Man Wang and the other three as hostages to force Lin Pingzhi to hand over the anti-evil sword manual... Hey! Once I master the anti-evil sword technique, I will dominate the world and even overthrow the Ming Dynasty established by the Zhu family. It is not difficult to establish a martial arts dynasty...hehe!"

Ding Mian hurriedly said: "Congratulations to the leader's great ambition. I heard that Lin Pingzhi is a very good dutiful son. Let's threaten him with his grandfather, so we don't have to worry about him not handing over the evil sword technique... Hehe! The leader has achieved great success , Those of us who are juniors are also very honored! As the leader said, now is the best time to deal with the Golden Knife Wang family, and the leader has already thought of a countermeasure, right?"

Zuo Lengchan smiled and said: "I already have countermeasures to deal with the Golden Sword Wang family. Junior Brother Ding, you lead Junior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Fei and others to immediately leave for Luoyang to wait for orders. Take this tips bag with you, hide near the palace, and explore frequently. As for the movement of the Wangfu, after the person I hide in the Wangfu succeeds, I will act according to the plan in my pocket, so as to ensure the safe transport of Wang and his son to Songshan!"

Ding Mian and others accepted the kit, left the other courtyard in Songshan Mountain, and rushed to Luoyang.

After the meeting, Zuo Lengchan used a flying pigeon to send a message to Zuo Mingliang, the adopted sister of Wang Yuanba, asking her to cooperate with Ding Mian and others to arrest Wang and his son.

Zuo Mingmei, Zuo Lengchan's righteous sister who was in the palace, after receiving the letter from Zuo Lengchan in the garden, said with determination: "Don't worry, I will definitely complete the mission you gave me, no matter what you ask me to do I'll do anything."

Since falling out with grandfather and the others, except for Lao Denuo who often talked with him, the rest of the brothers and even many outer disciples stood by Linghu Chong's side. It was considered friendly to ignore him, and some even faced him face to face. To ridicule him and say behind his back that he is a toad who wants to eat swan meat...

One of Lin Ping remembered these?His heart is full of bad feelings, so these days, he has been depressed, Xiao Xiaomo and Ning Zhong persuaded him several times, but in this way, many inner disciples even said behind others that the head is partial, etc. talk.

Lin Pingzhi felt pain like a needle prick in his heart.

It was only two days before Jianzong returned. Everyone was extremely busy and exhausted during the day. Therefore, not long after nightfall, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. Only Lin Pingzhi kept tossing and turning, thinking about things, unable to fall asleep...

After staying up until the second watch, Lin Pingzhi couldn't hold back anymore, and walked out of the wing lightly, walked through a corridor, and arrived at Lao Denuo's residence. He knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response from inside. Entering the door, Laudno's voice as thin as a mosquito and ant has already sounded from behind:
"Junior Brother Lin, take a shortcut and rush to Siguoya Cave... As long as you go, everything will be clear."

(End of this chapter)

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