Chivalry Cultivation System

Chapter 816 Kunshan Beautiful Jade

Chapter 816 Kunshan Beautiful Jade
The person who spoke was Yu Qingshan from the Qingcheng faction, he had a very good relationship with the Zuo family.

At this time, he admired Zuo Xiaofei even more, and naturally hoped that he would join the Qingcheng sect.

Zuo Xiaofei didn't express anything yet, but Taoist Remnant Branch of Emei Sect smiled and said: "Your Qingcheng Sect's "Sanyin Guiyuan Jin" is not much stronger than the Wuliangjian Sect's "Boundless Sea Art", I think Zuo Shaoxia might as well join my Emei sect and learn peerless martial arts, and he will be able to avenge his hatred in the future."

"What, you old ghost, are you the only Emei sect that is powerful? I think your "Yin-Yang Harmony Strength" is far worse than the "Three Yin Guiyuan Strength". If nephew Zuo Xian joins your Emei sect, I'm afraid he will not only If you can’t take revenge, you will be harmed by your enemies.”

Presumably the two elders are very familiar with each other, and they have no scruples in arguing.

"Wow, wow, you old boy, what did you say that yin and yang and combined energy are not as good as Sanyin Guiyuan energy, hum, then let's compare and see whose kung fu is stronger."

"Hmph, Bizhibi, our Qingcheng faction is still afraid of your Emei faction."

That's good, both of them have a normal fiery temper, and when they talk back, they are like two red-eyed roosters, they must fight to win or lose before they can give up.

Everyone in the hall saw that the momentum was not good, and if they didn't stop it, the two elders could really start fighting.

Cheng Xiao'e didn't make any gestures, and came to the middle of the two elders with a flash of his figure, and said softly: "Why are you two elders getting angry? Since everyone has jointly established this martial arts alliance, we should put aside differences of opinion and unite as one. The most important thing for us The purpose is to fight against the powerful Mohists, if we cannot unite internally
So what is the use of this martial arts alliance?
If it's like a mess of loose sand, everyone is doing their own thing, how can we still compete against the Mohists in the future?So I also ask the two elders not to destroy the purpose of the Wulin League for the self-interest of the sect. "

The skills and agility displayed by Cheng Xiao'e when he fled between the two elders already amazed everyone.

I can't help but think of Cheng Xiao's master, a different person in the martial arts world, a snow mountain god nun, who has a very high seniority, two generations higher than the current heads of various sects, and his secret Buddhist skill "Guanyin shakes the sky" is even more shocking in ancient times Shuojin, it's just that the gods and nuns have long since ignored the secular world, otherwise why would a group of evil sects run rampant.

It seems that this little goose has been passed down by the gods and nuns, but he has never been around the rivers and lakes, otherwise he would have been famous all over the world. Fortunately, he is now a member of the Wulin League, and even holds an important position. His future future is boundless.So everyone was amazed and listened like goose

These words, which are neither humble nor overbearing, and coquettish and harsh, can't help but put away contempt for her and turn to respect her. After all, as a descendant of the gods and nuns, she is a generation higher than everyone present. Now she is more in the household law position of the alliance, and has the privilege of punishing those who violate the prohibition in the alliance. Although she is on the same level as the elders, her real power is faintly above the elders.

In fact, how did they know that the peerless martial arts of the gods and nuns were only taught to Buddhist disciples, otherwise Cheng Xiao'e would not risk becoming a silver woman to practice "Fu Yu Bao Dian".

Of course, he will not meet the strange man Xiao Xiaomo.

Although the two elders of the parties have already realized that they are wrong, and should not be caused by a moment of anger to the current situation, but after all, their status in the world is quite high, and they are the elders of the alliance. If they are asked to bow their heads and admit their mistakes, they still can't let it go for a while. face.

"Hahaha, you two old boys, you have been bickering together for decades, and you still want to make a fool of yourself in front of young people. I am ashamed of you. Okay, stop fighting, people are married. There's still business to do, so don't mess around here

It was Master Qingyun who spoke. At this time, he came out to smooth things over, and even gave the two elders a step down.

So far, what else do the two elders not understand?
The two looked at each other.

Yu Qingshan clasped his fists first and said: "Yu and Can Zhi are just joking, they are not serious, please ask Cheng Hufa to help Wang Han."

With his identity and temperament, it is rare to be able to achieve such a level.

Cheng Xiao'e smiled, bowed to salute the two elders, and said: "The younger generation is responsible, if there is any offense, I ask the two seniors to forgive me."

Immediately, the two elders panicked and shook their heads together. Taoist Remnant Branch said: "Miss Cheng, please don't do this, let alone call us by your predecessors, so that you can't do that."

The seniority of the teacher, god and nun is extremely respected, if we talk about it, we are a generation behind you, if the lady considers herself a junior, then what will we do with ourselves.The young lady's responsibility lies in the fact that everything she said is reasonable, how can we two old men object to it.The lady is a female phoenix, she is smart and martial arts is outstanding, I really admire her, what the lady said is very true, since we have established this martial arts alliance, we should be united as one, and we should get rid of sectarianism, otherwise it is not enough to compete with Mo Sect against.

I think that in the future, my South Wulin will be presided over by Miss Tang and Miss Hu Facheng, who will be able to destroy the Mohists in the future and benefit the world's martial arts. "

Xiao Xiaomo cursed secretly: "Fart! I'm afraid that the Mo Sect will be wiped out by you, and that will be the beginning of the world's disaster!"

When Taoist Remnant Branch said this, he immediately affirmed Cheng Xiao'e's status, and he also sincerely worshiped him, and immediately wiped out the previous gloom in the room. , has an upright personality, corrects mistakes if he knows them, and is sincere when he corrects them.

After these changes, the relationship between everyone has been shortened a lot, and they sat down again.

When Cheng Xiao'e asked the Zuo Xiaofei brothers and sisters about which faction they worshiped under, the two elders gave way to each other again.

At this moment, Master Qingyun laughed and said, "You two don't have to give in to each other anymore. Although you two factions are very good, if Zuo Shaoxia learns to be good at slaying enemies, I don't know how long it will take." It's time, before the time comes, I'm afraid that Guibu will be taken away by the King of Hades, and I have the best candidate, and if Zuo Shaoxia can worship this old sect, he will probably be able to do so in less than two years. Capable of revenge.

"The two elders were surprised when they heard this, and wondered who could have such a skill, but when Master Qingyun said the four words "Kunshan beautiful jade" in a solemn voice with full of reverence, they suddenly realized, and they both nodded their heads, and their faces were full of embarrassment. It's all reverence.

But the younger generation in the hall, including Cheng Xiao'e, didn't understand what kind of person Qingyun's real "Kunshan beautiful jade" was.

When Cheng Xiao'e asked, Master Qingyun was also full of surprise, and said: "Didn't senior Shenni tell Miss Cheng about some of the most outstanding people of the older generation in the Jianghu?"

Cheng Xiao'e said with a wry smile: "Master never said this to me, he just urged me to practice."

"Oh, it's probably because Senior Shennun didn't want to distract Miss. The "Kunshan Meiyu" I was talking about was a top figure in the same period as Senior Shennun, and...and...forget it, I dare not say, for fear of being Damage the reputation of the two predecessors.

You can guess this senior by listening to his name
It's in our Kunlun Mountains, but it would be wrong to say that the senior belongs to our "Kunlun School". .

(End of this chapter)

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