Master of the rivers and lakes

Chapter 188 Gifts?Funeral?

Chapter 188 Gifts?Funeral?

After Gao Zhijie looked around, everyone saw him whispering in Su Dongchuan's ear:
"Vendor, wait a moment to salute, Bai Yujing and the others are here again!"

Of course, the people present didn't know what Gao Zhijie said, they only knew that after Su Dongchuan listened to Gao Zhijie's words, his whole body shook slightly.

Su Dongchuan's performance couldn't escape everyone's attention, but the congratulators present could only guess and didn't know what happened.

After Su Dongchuan shook his body slightly, he said in a deep voice, "Oh? Where is he?"

"Just entered the villa gate."

"Why didn't you stop it?"

"Returning to the owner, they claimed to be here for a wedding banquet, and they also brought gifts."

A sinister smile flashed on the corner of Su Dongchuan's mouth. He really hated this Bai Yujing. The place where he bought the manor in Gushui was originally Su Dongchuan's, but when Bai Yujing came to him that year, he obediently gave it to Bai Yujing.

Because he doesn't want to cause trouble with the Bai family because of this kind of thing. After all, everyone in the world knows that the future master of the Bai family is Bai Yujing, and even Bai Yujing's own brother, Bai Yuqi, who is now in charge of the Bai family's affairs, said so Pass.

After Bai Yujing had a manor in Gushui, he had frictions with himself at Luoyan Manor many times.And he also negotiated with Bai Yujing many times on the basis of his peers.

It's nothing more than these small things. He wanted to snatch the marriage for himself, and in front of so many people, he said that Su Dongchuan was so unbearable, unworthy, a toad, and the like.

However, Su Dongchuan still suppressed his disgust towards Bai Yujing, and said indifferently: "Then what's the fuss about? As long as they don't make trouble, just treat them well."

"But, the owner... the gifts they brought are shameful..."


The smile on the corner of Su Dongchuan's mouth suddenly disappeared, and he slipped the red silk ribbon back to the matchmaker, snorting coldly:

"Let the newcomers rest first, and I will meet them."

As soon as Su Dongchuan finished giving his instructions, Gao Zhijie hurriedly bowed his hands to the congratulators and said: "Everyone, please make room for a while. Some uninvited guests have come to the castle. Please wait a while before saluting. Relatives and friends, please forgive me."

The guests also seemed to have expected that today's happy event would not go well, they all talked and retreated to the two sides. Several female relatives helped the matchmaker and helped the bride into the side room in a hurry.

Eighteen Jinyi stick guards who escorted all the way followed closely behind the bride, lined up with sticks to guard the door.

As soon as Su Dongchuan and Gao Zhijie left the hall, they saw Bai Yujing approaching.

Seeing Bai Yujing's appearance, Su Dongchuan's eyes jumped.

There were three people behind Bai Yujing, one of whom he knew was Xiao Lianjun who was almost as annoying as Bai Yujing.

He didn't recognize the last two people, but he knew that they were the Gu Zhen and Wen Qing mentioned by Gao Zhijie and Zhu Chao.

He still has an impression of Linshan School, after all, Leyuan is close to Xuedong, and he has heard rumors about the relationship between Linshan School and Tianjimen in Xuedong County.

What's more, that case made the Linshan faction famous in the whole world. It's hard for him to know, but he didn't expect it.The person he had planned to get acquainted with was actually the same as Bai Yujing, which made him feel as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

And there were more than a dozen beggars behind these four people, and the appearance of beggars made everyone present start whispering.

The four old beggars in front were holding dog-beating sticks high in their hands, and a bright red cloth strip was tied to the end of the stick, but the cloth strip looked dirty.

Each person held a porcelain bowl in their left hand, which was clearly a fresh porcelain bowl just out of the oven. They walked towards the Xitang shaking and three times, singing folk frolic tunes as they walked, but the words in it made people feel ashamed. Su Dongchuan's face turned livid.

Listen, those four old beggars sang like this under Xiao Lianjun's command.

"Uh! Say congratulations, and come to the wedding hall in one step. Double happiness is hung in front of the hall. Someone is getting a new wife."

"Uh! The word Double Happiness is so golden that Huazi's eyes are dazzled. It's clearly a toad who wants to marry Caifenghuang."

"Ugh! Strange, strange, really strange, the sixty-year-old man wears a wedding belt, half of which is buried in the soil, and he sells Merry..."

With a sound of 'click', those porcelain bowls fell to the ground and fell to pieces. I saw that the bowls were full of gold, silver, and paper money...

It was full of ghost coins used by the dead. At this time, with the shattering of the porcelain bowl and the help of the breeze, it was scattered all over the ground.

Behind the four old beggars were skinny beggars. They walked slowly, trembling slightly, obviously showing that they were too scared.

Of course they will be afraid, after all, one of them is holding a "spirit calling flag" and the other is holding a "murder stick".

To mention these things in Luoyan Village, I really think that my life is too long.

Behind them were four young beggars, and the four of them worked together to lift a coffin.

A white note was pasted on the coffin lid, which read:

"Su Dongchuan, the owner of Su Da Zhuang, smiled and accepted."

The next paragraph is:
"Bai Yujing and others congratulate you."

Su Dongchuan just stood there watching the performance of the people brought by Bai Yujing, his whole face turned livid, but he still kept his mouth tightly shut and didn't say a word.

I don't know whether I am trying my best to endure, or I am so angry that I can't speak.

Bai Yujing opened his mouth first, and said with a smile: "Master Su, I'm glad to hear that 'Old' is admitted to the imperial examination today, and I'm here to congratulate you."

Su Dongchuan didn't answer, closed his eyes slightly, and just snorted loudly from his nostrils:

Xiao Lianjun immediately said:
"Today is your happy day, Master Su. Why bother to look like a horse's face? People laugh at Gao Zhijie next to you because he looks like a buffalo. Now that you two are together, don't you look like a bull's head and a horse's face? "

Gu Zhen also laughed softly, but at first Gu Zhen did not agree with this, after all, there was no way out, but Bai Yujing and Xiao Lianjun insisted, and Gu Zhen let them go.

I just heard Gu Zhen said: "I have admired Su Zhuangzhu's name for a long time, and it is my honor to meet you today, but what I want to say is that if Su Zhuangzhu is bored, don't be bored and angry. The underworld doesn't accept it, at that time, Su Zhuangzhu has no choice but to be a lonely ghost."

After Gu Zhen finished speaking, Wen Qing also echoed: "Master Su, after all, we are guests. If you ignore us with a straight face, is it because you don't welcome us?"

Why did Gu Zhen and Wen Qing talk like this suddenly, as if Su Dongchuan also offended them.

In fact, the matter is very simple, let's not talk about how much Bai Yujing and Xiao Lianjun and Gu Zhen have talked about Su Dongchuan and Luoyanzhuang these days.

The most important thing is that when Gu Zhen and the others went to Dingyuan Fort, Zhong Yi met Su Dongchuan's nephew while wandering in Gushui, and Zhong Yi was molested. Zhen and Wen Qing don't want to give Su Dongchuan face.

Bai Yujing waved his folding fan and said, "Could it be that Master Su thinks our gift is too light? If you are worried that there are so many people in Luoyan Village that one coffin can't fit in it, we can send more. These are minor problems." .”

The congratulators in the hall were all stunned by this strange scene, some wanted to laugh but dared not laugh, some wanted to slip away but did not dare to slip away.

(End of this chapter)

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