Chapter 191
Those musicians in Luoyan Village played joy again, as if they were not affected by the previous one.

Amidst the sound of festive drums, the bride, supported by Xi Niang, returned to the hall again, but when passing by Gu Zhen and the others, she paused slightly, turned her head to look without saying a word, and went straight to Su Dongchuan's around.

The bride was covered with a red hijab, and Gu Zhen and others did not see the bride's expression.

Xiao Lianjun was a little strange, and said, "What does Kang Yu really think about us?"

Gu Zhen said: "Mostly I hope we don't meddle in our own business."

Bai Yujing said: "Don't worry about it for now, you wait here, I'll go outside first, and follow the plan later."

After Bai Yujing finished speaking, he was about to walk into the crowd and get out of the hall. Just as he got up, Xiao Lianjun took Bai Yujing's hand, frowned and said, "Be careful."

Bai Yujing patted the back of Xiao Lianjun's hand and said, "Don't worry."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yujing looked at Gu Zhen. How could Gu Zhen not know what Bai Yujing meant, so he nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

At this moment, Bai Yujing took a deep breath and nodded, blended into the crowd and walked out.

At this time, the bride and Su Dongchuan had already made preparations in front of the wedding hall, and eighteen guards in strong clothes lined up in two rows in the center of the hall, separating the bride and groom from the guests.

Under such circumstances, the wedding hall, which was lit up with red candles, seemed to be full of murderous aura.

This tense atmosphere is not intended to be a wedding. Under such an atmosphere, the guests in the hall are all talking in low voices, which seems a bit noisy.

And some anxious people were already looking around, hoping that the wedding would end quickly so that they could leave Luoyan Village as soon as possible.

Su Dongchuan was already standing next to the bride, with a smile on his face, waiting to salute.

Firecrackers blared outside the hall, and those who praised said loudly:
"A pair of newlyweds gave a big gift, and all the distinguished guests gave a eulogy speech. I wish the new couple a hundred years of reconciliation, a comfortable room and an IKEA, blessings and longevity, and endless descendants..."

The voices in the hall were very chaotic, and those who praised him shouted hoarsely, but few people listened to what he muttered.

The four of Gu Zhen were on the left side of the wedding ceremony. Although they were a little far away from the bride and groom, they could still clearly see their movements.

Xiao Lianjun looked at Kang Yuzhen and Su Dongchuan without blinking.

She was already extremely excited, just waiting for Bai Yujing to make a noise so that she could make a move.

The flickering candlelight covered her face with a floating blush, her lips were tightly closed, her fists were clenched tightly, her throat was panting, her face was twitching, and her teeth were gritting loudly.

Obviously, she was also agitated in her heart, but she tried her best to restrain and endure...

After the praise speech is finished, it is time to pay obeisance formally.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

The bride and groom faced the outside of the hall, and both bowed down.

Xiao Lianjun's hand was already on the hilt of the umbrella sword, and it could be seen that she was holding it very tightly. At the same time, her eyes were fixed on the back of Su Dongchuan's neck exposed by kneeling, and she whispered to Gu Zhen: "Brother Gu ..."

She has this confidence, as long as Gu Zhen nods her head, she can rush over immediately, and with a single strike, she will surely cut off Su Dongchuan's seven and a half catty head.

But Gu Zhen slowly shook his head and stopped Xiao Lianjun's desire to take action.

Although Gu Zhen also knew that the more it dragged on, the harder it would be.

But rationality told him that he must not act rashly, and Bai Yujing hadn't done it yet, and the time had not come yet, so the three of them could only wait.

Wen Qing held Xiao Lianjun's hand and said in a low voice: "Don't be in a hurry, wait for Mr. Bai."

Although Xiao Lianjun was very dissatisfied that Bai Yujing hadn't done anything at this time, she was not that impulsive person.

So she loosened her grip on the hilt of the sword, watched Kang Yuzhen and Su Dongchuan finish worshiping the world, and said angrily, "But..."

Gu Zhen shook his head and said: "It's nothing but just wait, if you act rashly, nothing will be solved."

Just as Gu Zhen finished speaking, Su Dongchuan and Kang Yuzhen turned back to face the happy case, but Bai Yujing came back.

Xiao Lianjun looked at Bai Yujing and sat down again, his face was full of doubts, Wen Qing held Xiao Lianjun first, and then asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Bai Yujing took a sip of wine first, and then said: "Stop talking, I saw someone, today's wedding is lively."

Gu Zhen snorted and said, "Who?"

Xiao Lianjun looked at Bai Yujing's expression, first gasped, and then tentatively said: "Could it be that guy who came?"

Bai Yujing shrugged and said, "Who else could it be?"

Xiao Lianjun changed her previous appearance, she wanted to laugh, but she was afraid of disturbing others, so she could only laugh in a low voice: "I said that Yuzhen is married, how could he not come, at this time he Come on, it's fun."

Wen Qing said: "Who are you talking about?"

Gu Zhen drank wine, looked at the etiquette going on on the field and said: "If I guess right, the person who came should be someone who likes Miss Kang, and it should be the one Xiaobai said, the Shaozhuang of Qingque Mountain Villa. Lord, Pan Chong Pang?"

Xiao Lianjun held back a laugh, tears were about to come out, and said: "It's him, it's him."

Wen Qing frowned and said, "Qingque Villa? If it's the young master who came, would Luoyan Villa dare to mess with Qingque Villa?"

Bai Yujing said: "I don't dare to provoke you, but it will be fine to teach that young master a lesson, and if he makes trouble at that time, our chance will come."

Xiao Lianjun looked around, but did not find Pan Chongpang's figure, and said in a low voice, "I don't think that guy is so annoying today."

Bai Yujing shrugged and said, "Me too."

The four were chatting in low voices there, Su Dongchuan also looked at the four from the corner of his eye, seeing that the four were talking about something peacefully, he just snorted and ignored them.

In Su Dongchuan's heart, as long as the four of them don't do anything excessive, they can stay if they like.

The wedding in the hall continued. At this time, the bride and groom had turned to face the wedding ceremony, and they shouted loudly: "Second worship to the ancestors!"

This second obeisance should have been to Gaotang's parents, but Kang Yuzhen's parents passed away one after another, and the entire Kang family was on Kang Yuzhen's shoulders, so there was no Gaotang to worship.

If Kang Yu was really a man and Su Dongchuan was a woman, and the wedding was held in the Kang family, then there would still be some older members of the Kang family who could worship.

It's just that the wedding was held at Luoyan Village, but Su Dongchuan himself is almost 60 years old, and his parents are still alive, so the two of them could only worship the Su family's ancestral tablet and talk about 'filial piety'.

The tablet of the god is offered in the middle of the wedding case. It is a black lacquered wooden tablet with golden characters:

"The throne of the ancestors of the Su family in the past dynasties".

Shout loudly in praise: "Kowtow."

The groom and the bride had just knelt down and hadn't kowtowed their heads when they suddenly heard a soft "beep" sound on the wedding table. smell.

This sound and this smell are so abrupt and incomprehensible in this noisy wedding hall.

(End of this chapter)

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