Master of the rivers and lakes

Chapter 206 Scapegoat

Chapter 206 Scapegoat
Fortunately, Su Dongchuan didn't force him anymore, he just muttered to himself: "I thought of an idea, but..."

Gao Zhijie was overjoyed and said, "What's the master plan?"

Su Dongchuan said: "After much deliberation, I can't persuade you softly, or forcefully. Then I have to find a scapegoat, pretend to be the murderer, and leave it to her."

Gao Zhijie said: "If we want to find a scapegoat, then the person used as a scapegoat must have enough weight. We have to make up a story and explain the process reasonably so that she will believe it."

Su Dongchuan nodded and said: "That's right, it must take a lot of thought and make up a story to convince her."

Gao Zhijie pondered for a while, and thought about some people in his mind, but finally he shook his head and said: "The owner's method is the best now, but it may be difficult to find such a worthy person. "

Su Dongchuan didn't seem to care. He blew on the tea in his cup and said with a smile, "Actually, I've already thought of a person. This person has enough weight, and the story in the whole process is easy to fabricate, and there will be no major mistakes. Might be able to trick her into believing it."

Gao Zhijie didn't expect Su Dongchuan to find a candidate so quickly. He thought that Su Dongchuan deserved to be able to bring Luoyan Village to where it is now, so he said happily, "Oh? I don't know who the owner is talking about?"

Su Dongchuan waved and said, "Come here with your ears..."

Gao Zhijie stretched his head happily, and said in a low voice, "Who is it?"


As Su Dongchuan's words fell, Gao Zhijie was startled. Just as he was about to make some movements, he suddenly felt a numbness on his Jianjing acupoint, his legs went limp, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

This sudden change made him tremble all over, and his heart was broken. He shouted urgently: "Master, my subordinates have been loyal to you since they entered Luoyan Village and have served you for many years."

Su Dongchuan looked at Gao Zhijie who was kneeling on the ground, his face also changed drastically, but he still interrupted Gao Zhijie's words.

"I know."

Then Su Dongchuan nodded with a look of sadness on his face: "Of course I know, you have been loyal to me all these years, and you have made countless contributions to me.

Take this marriage proposal in Jiangliu as an example. You were the first to greet the sedan chair, and you went to Jiangliu for me and saved the bride at Dingyuan Castle. Your love for Luoyanzhuang is really impressive. People will never forget it..."

Gao Zhijie's tall body was about to curl up on the ground at this time, and he begged: "Since the owner knows, why does he still use his subordinates as scapegoats?"

Su Dongchuan said: "It is precisely because of your contributions to Luoyan Village that Kang Yuzhen believes that I will never lie to her. Besides you, who else has such weight? It is easier to make up stories."

Gao Zhijie shouted loudly: "The owner...the owner, she...she won't believe it. The subordinate has no enmity with Kang Qian, and there is no reason to murder him, no!"

Su Dongchuan smiled and said: "Who said there is no reason? Yes, of course there is a reason."

Then Su Dongchuan paused, looked at Gao Zhijie's face and continued: "I can say it's because Kang Qian insulted you and kicked you out of Kang's residence when you first went to say goodbye. You became angry and vowed to take revenge. He was blocked by me, but later he sneaked into Jiangliu, taking advantage of Kang Qian's unpreparedness, and killed him."

Seeing the wonderful expression on Gao Zhijie's face, Su Dongchuan clapped his hands, and said with great regret: "Oh, actually, I originally wanted to cover up the past for you, but now I really have no way to protect you anymore, so I have to hand you over to you." I’m also very sad that I’m out.”

The more Gao Zhijie listened to the uncle, hissed: "Don't forget, the owner, the martial arts of his subordinates are not Kang Qian's opponent at all."

Su Dongchuan wiped away the non-existent tears, pondered for a while and said: "It's not difficult to explain, one has a heart and the other doesn't guard against it, this has nothing to do with the level of martial arts."

Gao Zhijie said: "However, my subordinates don't know how to make iron clothes. Before he died, Kang Qian told Kang Yuzhen the word 'iron clothes'. This is enough to make Kang Yu really suspicious..."

Su Dongchuan shook his head and said: "She won't be suspicious, after all, except you and Mr. Zhu, no one knows about Tie Yi Gong.

So I will tell her, because you think you are not Kang Qian's opponent, and you wore a short jacket made of iron under your coat in advance, and destroyed Kang Qian's right palm first, so that at least half of Kang Qian's skills could not be tested, Then you go ahead and kill him...

Anyway, Kang Yu really knows that you are my confidant, so I will definitely not falsely accuse you of being the murderer out of thin air. "

Knowing that he was doomed, Gao Zhijie was filled with resentment and fear in his heart, and said sharply, "I won't let you get what you want, Kang Yuzhen, what she wants is a life, a life! I will expose your lies to my face, for sure!"

Su Dongchuan shook his head and smiled, "It's a pity that you don't have that chance anymore. I just need to say that you tried to resist and were shot dead by me, and there will be no proof."

Gao Zhijie was startled and angry, and shouted loudly: "Su Dongchuan, you didn't hesitate to kill your subordinates for the sake of a woman. You cut off your own arm. One day you will be punished!"

Su Dongchuan laughed loudly and said: "Yes, yes, if I treat you like this, one day I will definitely suffer retribution.

However, before I received retribution, I had already integrated Luoyan Village and the Kang family, and I would become the No. .

Moreover, I am sitting on the top of Jiangliu's most beautiful woman, and I am full of majesty and enjoyment. What regrets do I have in my life? "

Amid laughter, his fingers formed a sword, and he stabbed Gao Zhijie's fatal spot on his chest.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the hall, and the lights in the hall flickered out.

Su Dongchuan's expression froze, his heart became vigilant, he quickly turned his fingers into claws, and quickly grabbed Gao Zhijie's kneeling ground.

At the same time, with a loud shout, he jumped up from the chair.

That catch failed. In the darkness, Su Dongchuan vaguely saw Gao Zhijie's body being pulled by something, and he slid towards the outside of the hall.

At this moment, Su Dongchuan's heart skipped a beat, feeling bad.

Because he recognized the thing that was pulling Gao Zhijie's body.

Pan Chong Pang!
This thought flashed through Su Dongchuan's mind, anger arose, and the man shot out like an arrow. He folded halfway in the air, grabbed the iron rod on the side, and the wind raised the rod, and Su Dongchuan's iron rod accompanied him. The strong wind pierced Gao Zhijie's chest and abdomen.

A shrill scream suddenly sounded. The voice was obviously Gao Zhijie's. His body suddenly flew off the ground and fell heavily on the right step in front of the hall.

Su Dongchuan paused at this moment, swung his stick, leaped over the stone steps, and landed outside the door of the hall.

Just when Su Dongchuan had just landed, there was a sudden gust of wind whistling in his ears, and when Su Dongchuan looked, a soft knife with a hundred blades swept towards Su Dongchuan's waist.

At the same moment when the hundred-edged soft knife swept across, three long swords and an umbrella sword also attacked Su Dongchuan's body like raindrops.

For a moment, Su Dongchuan was surrounded by sharp blades filled with killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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