Chapter 331
In the last part of the story, apart from the conversation with Ren Pingsheng, King Yi Shui didn't pause at all.

However, the question Ren Pingsheng asked solved their doubts, so after King Yi Shui finished speaking, the scene was a little quiet.

Because everyone is still thinking about the content of the story, without him, there are too many things hidden in this story.

Even Daoist Jingxu, who has experienced many storms, sighed for a while. Regarding this ancient thing, he also felt a little indescribable.

Under the ring, the heroes who gradually came to their senses faced this story and began to discuss it.

Someone said: "Unexpectedly, Ren Yun did not reveal the location of Honglian Island in the end. It seems that in the eyes of the remaining people of the True Immortal Sect, he did at least one thing right."

Someone shook his head and said, "Although these people in the story are members of the Demon Cult, the choice of Yuzuo in the end is very admirable."

Someone tentatively said: "Actually, I don't think the True Immortal Sect should be considered a demon sect, what they wanted back then was to unify the entire Central Continent martial arts.

Although they killed many martial arts figures, at least they didn't do anything harmful to nature, and they couldn't be confused with those who were in the Heavenly Demon Valley. "

Some people agreed: "Actually, I seldom understand what happened so long ago, and I only have a general impression of the True Immortal Sect, and I only listen to what others say.

However, after hearing the story of Master Yi today, I feel that the True Immortal School is not as bad as the stories that have been handed down. "

"How about the True Immortal Sect, everyone has their own ideas, but in the story, Wei Ran encountered those things, and in the end he will work hard for the True Immortal Sect.

No wonder, the Wei family has always acted on promises. "

"Honglian Gu is a descendant of the True Immortal Sect, Leader Yi can also be considered a descendant of the True Immortal Sect, and Gang Leader Ren is also a descendant of the True Immortal Sect, which is really surprising.

Moreover, the family of the True Immortal School had a great career back then, so I don't know who else in the martial arts is a descendant of the True Immortal School. "

"How can there be so many descendants of the True Immortal Sect, even you and I, who would care?"

"The relationship between the Ren family and the Wei family is actually like this, as the only successor of Senior Wei, it's no wonder that Master Yi wants to kill Gang Master Ren even if they all die together today.

But why does Master Yi tell the secret that the Wei family has been hiding in public? "

"Perhaps, Master Yi felt that this would not kill Gang Leader Ren, and there would be no such good opportunities in the future, so if he said it at this time, it would cause some trouble for Gang Leader Ren?
After all, Gang Leader Yi said just now that the people from Red Lotus Valley will also come to him, and, looking at it like this, it must be that Senior Wei hasn't told Red Lotus Valley about this, and Master Yi hasn't contacted Red Lotus Valley either. "

"But why do I feel that Master Yi's telling this story today always has an atmosphere of farewell?"

"Farewell? Are you kidding me?"

"Also, don't you think it was strange when Master Yi laughed wildly?"

"It's a bit strange, but how do we know the thoughts of a big man like Master Yi?"

"That's right, but the story of Master Yi is over, shouldn't today also end?
After watching so many competitions today and listening to such a long story, I feel a little hungry. "

"I'm really hungry after you say that. I can't do it. I have to go to sacrifice my five internal organs temple."

"Today's martial arts conference is really exciting. The Pingshan martial arts conference five years ago was not so exciting."

"That's right, there are still three days left for this martial arts conference, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Today's battle between Master Yi and Chief Ren was really exciting. Of course, the part of Master Gu who came from Southwest Wulin also showed his face to Southwest Wulin. "

A martial arts person who also came from the southwest martial arts community added: "Yes, we now have Linshan Sect and Master Gu in the southwest, so we are not afraid of being looked down upon by our martial arts colleagues in other places.

I see, after the martial arts conference is over, I, the Xuan family, must personally invite Master Gu, but I don't know whether Master Gu will appreciate it. "

His companion said with a smile: "I said, Lao Xuan, the head of your family will be valued by others?
I estimate that after Master Gu returns to the mountain, the threshold of the Linshan faction will be broken by our colleagues from the Southwest Wulin. "

"Hahaha, that's right, that's right..."


On the stage, King Yi Shui and Ren Pingsheng continued to talk.

I saw King Yi Shui looked at Ren Pingsheng on the opposite side, and after thinking for a while, he said, "By the way, Chief Ren, I've finished telling Yi's story, what does Chief Ren think?"

Ren Pingsheng had already recovered his calm appearance at the beginning, he smiled and said, "How do you feel? I don't have any feelings at all.

But next time I go to Gyeonggi, I will definitely go to the tomb of Senior Wei to worship in person. "

Yi Shuiwang didn't reply immediately, but took a deep look at Ren Pingsheng.

Afterwards, King Yi Shui patted his clothes and said with a smile: "Okay, one month later, on the day of my teacher's death, Yi will be waiting for you to be the leader of the clan at the Boshui Pavilion in Xijiang, Gyeonggi."

Ren Pingsheng clasped his hands and said with a smile: "It's easy to say, Ren will definitely be there when the time comes."

Afterwards, King Yi Shui looked at Master Jingxu and Yu Chuqing and said, "Really, Master Yu, Yi has finished what he wanted to say.

If there is nothing else to do next, then Yi will leave first, and I hope you two will forgive me. "

Without waiting for Master Jingxu and Yu Chuqing to reply, King Yi Shui turned back and walked towards the bamboo shed where the Xijiang Sect was located. Then he stopped a step in front of the bamboo shed and ordered: "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Yi Shuiwang went directly to the stage.

Inside the bamboo shed, Du Xueyi and Jin Jiushi also didn't say anything.

After they looked at each other with complicated expressions, they led the disciples of the Xijiang Sect to cup their fists and salute to the people in the bamboo sheds on the left and right.

Afterwards, they led the people to follow in the footsteps of King Yi Shui and walked down the stage.

Under the arena, the heroes also automatically gave way, allowing the people from the Xijiang faction to walk out of the courtyard.

On the stage, Yu Chuqing and Master Jingxu looked at the direction of Xijiang faction's departure, with serious expressions on their faces.

And Ren Pingsheng also looked deeply at the direction where King Yi Shui left.

After King Yishui walked out of the courtyard, Ren Pingsheng turned back to look at Yu Chuqing and Master Jingxu and said: "Master, Lord Yu, since today's affairs have come to an end, I'll take my leave."

After finishing speaking, Ren Pingsheng also walked towards the bamboo shed where the Jinhe Gang was located, and left together with the members of the Jinhe Gang.

At this time, Master Jingxu also looked at the heroes in the audience and said loudly: "Everyone, today's meeting has come to an end for the time being, everyone should go back separately."

Yu Chuqing continued: "I hope everyone will pay attention to it. The court's attitude towards martial arts is quite subtle recently. You should try to avoid fighting in the city as much as possible."

After all, Yu Chuqing and Master Jingxu also returned to their sects' positions, ready to take people away.

The lively martial arts conference for a day is over, and the heroes present quickly left, and they all left in a short while.

(End of this chapter)

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