Master of the rivers and lakes

Chapter 447 Ren Yanyu

Chapter 447 Ren Yanyu

The Jinhe River flows down from the Xueling Mountains, and flows steadily towards Yunhu Lake from the junction of the four southwest counties. The long green water is shining golden in the late autumn sunshine.

Crossing the upper reaches of the Jin River, you come to Xuedong County. In the past, when it comes to Xuedong County, it is difficult for ordinary people or people in the rivers and lakes to say anything special.

But it's different now, at least when it comes to Xuedong County, everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that there is a sect there, the Linshan School.

The cold wind in early winter blows the earth mercilessly. Even the trees and flowers in the southwest are still green, but they still look listless in the cold wind.

Suddenly, in the distance of the road in the forest, a cloud of dust and smoke billowed, but a group of red shadows came along with the smoke and dust.

At first glance, the group of red shadows looked like a ball of fire, dragging a long flame, stirring up dust and smoke, and shooting towards it at an astonishing speed.

The red shadows approached from far away, and people gradually saw clearly that this group of red shadows turned out to be a girl in red, galloping astride a red horse.

The horse is very handsome, but the person on the horse is even more handsome and beautiful.

The girl on the horse was only seventeen or eighteen years old, dressed in bright red tight-fitting clothes, wearing buckskin boots, and holding a riding whip.

There is an ancient sword hanging beside the saddle, and the yellow tassel flutters in the wind, looking heroic and seductive.

Especially the handsome face carved with pink and jade, with wavy almond-shaped eyes and willow-like eyebrows. Under the sunlight, her cheeks look even more rosy.

I saw the horse riding under the girl's crotch raised all four hooves, and even after a long-distance gallop, she still maintained a steady and vigorous pace.

You can tell at a glance that this is a rare horse.

Although this forest path is not as lively as the official road, it is not lacking in popularity.

Therefore, presumably, there should also be a tea stall here for people to rest their feet.

No, there is a tea stall on the relatively flat slope ahead.

The young girl urged the horse to come to the tea shed, reined in the rein with her slender hand, got off the horse, and led the horse into the shed together.

The tea shed is not big, only two square old wooden tables and a few long benches.

The business in the tea stall was pretty good, and there were already three pedestrians sitting on an old wooden table.

And another square table also sat a young son.

Strangely, when the young man saw the girl in red, his face was filled with melancholy.

Obviously, he knew the girl.

Seeing the girl in red come in, the owner of the tea stall immediately took the reins from her hand and said with a smile on his face, "Girl, what do you want?"

The girl in red stared at the young man as soon as she came in, and when she heard what the boss said, she still smiled intently: "A pot of good tea and a drawer of steamed stuffed buns."

After the boss agreed, he led the horse aside, and then began to prepare food for the girl in red.

And the girl in red was sitting opposite the young man with a smile on her face.

Before the two of them could speak, the girl slapped her palm heavily on the table and loudly said at the same time: "Yan Changhan! I finally found you!"

It turned out that this young master turned out to be Yan Changhan, who had met Gu Zhen once in Yuxiao Mountain.

This move of the girl in red really startled the people in the tea stall.

Yan Changhan glared at the girl in red first, and then apologized to the passers-by at the other table and the owner of the tea stall: "My sister-in-law is messing around and disturbing everyone, I am really sorry."

In response to Yan Changhan's apology, the tea stall owner just smiled.

And the three pedestrians waved their hands to show that it was okay.

Then Yan Changhan looked at the girl in red and said, "What are you doing here?"

Before the girl in red could reply, the owner of the tea stall brought over the tea and steamed buns she had ordered.

After the boss left, Yan Changhan continued: "Also, who did you learn from, one old woman at a time?

If you let Uncle Ren know that you are like this, you will not be mad at you. "

The woman in red picked up a bun and ate it and said, "Why did I tell you?"

Yan Changhan said angrily: "Ren Yanyu, you are messing around!"

It turned out that the girl in red was named Ren Yanyu.

Ren Yanyu looked at Yan Changhan and said, "Who told you to throw me away on purpose?"

Yan Changhan said helplessly: "Didn't I tell you earlier, I came out for business, not to visit the mountains and rivers."

Ren Yanyu said: "Then what's the matter, can't you take me with you when you're doing business? I won't hold you back.

Do you know how hard it was for me to find you all the way?Is it difficult for me to be out alone?
I finally found out that someone who looks like you went to Yuxiao Mountain. When I went there three days ago, the people from Fuhu Temple said that you had been gone for a day.

Then I kept asking for news about you, and finally found you, and you still yell at me? "

Ren Yanyu began to cry as she spoke, but she didn't see a drop of tear.

Instead, she had a new bun in her hand.

Yan Changhan sighed, he did leave Yuxiao Mountain four days ago.

He was already dying that night, but luckily he was rescued.

But he was still unconscious for three full days before he woke up.

After that, he was practicing in Fuhu Temple while checking up on Yun Waitian's news.

But he couldn't find any news.

And because he had been away from home for a long time, he had no choice but to return.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would get rid of Ren Yanyu not long after he came out of Xingyun Villa.

I thought that Ren Yanyu, who had never traveled far, would retreat and return to Ren's house.

But I didn't expect that she didn't go home, but instead chased Yan Changhan... No, Jiang Hu followed.

Now he is very worried about how the old man of the Ren family will be furious after returning to Suiyun County of Daqi.

Moreover, now Yan Changhan can think of how his father dealt with the irritable old man of the Ren family every day.

After all, this is equivalent to Yan Changhan abducting his precious daughter, and abducting him for so long.

Although Ren Yanyu was pointed out as a relative by the two families before he was born, yes, he was pointed out to Yan Changhan who was still a brat at the time.

Of course, Ren Yanyu was very satisfied with this marriage after she was sensible.

But Yan Changhan had other ideas. After all, he was very resistant under the influence of his elder brother, Yan Changkong, who was well-known among women in Daqi.

He didn't want to be tied to Ren Yanyu's body so early, obviously there are so many beauties in Jiang Hu.

Wasn't that Haitang that Yuxiaoshan met back then...

Cough cough cough, of course, Yan Changhan is not that kind of flamboyant child, he is just rejected because he doesn't want everything to be arranged by his mother.

Moreover, for Ren Yanyu, he himself couldn't tell what kind of feeling he felt.

After Ren Yanyu said a lot, Yan Changhan was silent for a while before saying: "You have been wandering outside by yourself for so long, what should you do if something happens?"

Ren Yanyu slurred his speech because he was eating steamed buns: "How is it possible, I have learned martial arts with Brother Changkong.

Besides, aren't you here now? You are so powerful, how could anything happen to me? "

(End of this chapter)

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