Master of the rivers and lakes

Chapter 509 The Night Visit

Chapter 509 The Night Visit
Although He Xiaoxiao really wanted to contradict He Sheng, but she also knew that the end would be that she would be served by the family law, so she could only lower her head and say, "Go out."

He Sheng snorted and said, "Don't do business all day, go back to your yard."

He Xiaoxiao lowered her head and gritted her teeth. She really wanted to ask, what is the business?

Is it a serious matter to be bullied by that kind-hearted and cruel lady in the He family, or is it a serious matter to be bullied by those servants in the He family?
Originally, He Xiaoxiao was fourteen, and it was time to learn the He family's family martial arts, or start to get in touch with the He family's industry.

But He Sheng didn't have this plan at all, he just wanted He Xiaoxiao to be sixteen quickly, and then get married, so as not to be troubled by seeing her all day long.

Seeing that He Xiaoxiao didn't reply, He Sheng said angrily again: "Can't you hear me when I speak? Are you going to piss me off like your mother pissed off your grandmother!"

When He Xiaoxiao heard this, he sneered, raised his head and said loudly: "Who is mad at grandma and her old man? Father, you know much better than your daughter."


With a rage, He Sheng slapped He Xiaoxiao to the ground, then called a servant and said angrily, "Bring her back!"

He Xiaoxiao fell to the ground, covered her flushed cheeks, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a sneer, "Don't bother father, my daughter will go by herself."

Seeing He Xiaoxiao walking towards the backyard alone, holding on to the wall, He Sheng shouted angrily: "I was carved out of the same mold as that bitch, I'm so mad!"

After finishing speaking, He Sheng didn't continue to think about Gu Zhen's visit, so he went directly to the study.

Of course, those things in the He family's courtyard are not the focus of our attention.

What happened to the He family could not stop the progress of time, and in the blink of an eye, it was already dark.

After Wanmu Town was brightly lit for a while, it gradually merged with the night.

Because, it's getting late, it's almost midnight.

In Chunxiao Building.

Gu Zhen looked at his arrangement and felt very satisfied.

Of course he knew that after he moved in, someone would stare at him.

If only those from the Baishi gang kidnapped Zhang Qiye, Gu Zhen wouldn't care.

But obviously, not.

Gu Zhen believed that as long as the lights in his room were off, someone would definitely pay attention to those who left the inn.

Therefore, not only will Gu Zhen not turn off the lights in his room, but he will also cast his own shadow on the window for the eyes on the other side to see.

As for how to do it, it is very simple, the principle of shadow puppetry.

After lighting a few large candles in the backlight, the opaque black cloth cast its shadow on the window under the light of the candles.

At this time, the black cloth has already been cut into the shape of a human being, and it looks like sitting at a table.

After being satisfied, Gu Zhen put on the hat of his cloak and went out.

On the opposite side of Chunxiao Building, the person in charge of monitoring Gu Zhen's room said strangely: "This light is a little bright."

Gu Zhen didn't go downstairs, but took the opportunity to open the door of the room in another direction.

This room was also booked by Gu Zhen.

After entering the room, Gu Zhen opened the window. It was almost midnight, and everything was quiet.

Gu Zhen jumped directly from the window and landed firmly on the roof of another house.

After confirming that no one was following, Gu Zhen jumped off again and landed in the alley.

After landing, Gu Zhen tightened the cloak on his body, and then went to He's house.

At this time, in the study of the He family.

Because during dinner, He Sheng heard that He Xiaoxiao started a hunger strike again, and felt even more irritable.

After people fulfilled He Xiaoxiao's wish, He Sheng was still angry in the study.

He didn't know what evil he had done to give birth to such a daughter.

Of course, he only thought about the troubles between He Xiaoxiao and his mother, but he didn't think at all that it was all because of his dislike all the time that caused such consequences.

Holding a book, He Sheng couldn't stand it at all, not only because he was annoyed by family affairs, but also because of the affairs of the Li family outside the city.

As the obvious forces in Wanmu Town and the surrounding area, the Li family and the He family are closely connected with each other, but they also have constant friction.

Whether it is the Li family or the He family, they all want to overwhelm their opponents and make themselves the number one martial arts family in Wanmu Town and its surroundings.

He Sheng is about the same age as the current head of the Li family, Li Yuan, but Li Yuan already has two sons and two daughters, both of whom are about the same age as He Xiaoxiao.

And what about He Sheng?There is only He Xiaoxiao, an older child, but fortunately, he has two twin sons who are already three years old.

It bothered He Sheng that he was not as good as Li Yuan in having a child, and it was even more troubling to He Sheng that the eldest child was He Xiaoxiao.

However, today is not that simple. The main reason is that He Sheng got the news in the afternoon that the Li family's eldest son, Li Zhongzhong, who is only fifteen years old, has practiced the Li family's family heirloom "Chang Xin Jue" to the third level. .

What does this mean? It means that Li Zhongxue is a genius. You must know that even Li Yuan himself was in his 20s when he practiced Changxinjue to the third level.

And what about myself?The two sons don't know how talented they are, if they can't compare with Li Middle School, the He family will probably be a head shorter than the Li family in the future.

How could this not bother He Sheng?

Of course, when it comes to martial arts, He Sheng habitually ignored He Xiaoxiao. In fact, he didn't intend to let He Xiaoxiao learn martial arts at all.

After so many years, I just casually threw away this introductory mentality to He Xiaoxiao and it's over. With such a simple mentality, until now, He Xiaoxiao is still at the introductory stage.

This made He Sheng feel that He Xiaoxiao was useless at all, and he should get married as soon as possible.

Just when He Sheng was feeling depressed, the window of the study room opened without any wind.

Of course, the windows will not open without wind. If such a situation can happen, someone must have opened it.

Of course, He Sheng is not an ordinary rich man, his martial arts can be regarded as powerful in this southwestern martial arts forest.

Therefore, he would not say something like 'strange, why the window is open' to himself.

I saw He Sheng put down his book, and said calmly: "Master Gu came to my He family late at night, what advice do you have?"

After He Sheng finished speaking, the window was closed again, followed by Gu Zhen standing in the study.

At this time, Gu Zhen was dressed in black, and even wore a black cloak.

Gu Zhen threw off the cloak hat, revealing that long pure white hair, and said with a smile: "Of course I came to give you a gift, Master He."

After Gu Zhen finished speaking, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew up in the entire study. Suddenly, it seemed as if this place was not a study but an ice cellar.

He Sheng raised his eyebrows, and quickly used his kung fu to resist the frightening cold. He knew that this was Gu Zhen showing his strength.

He Sheng didn't speak for a while, his eyes were already attracted by the cup of hot tea on the desk.

It was steaming hot tea, but in the cold air, it gradually started to freeze.

It can be seen how powerful Gu Zhen's internal strength is now.

(End of this chapter)

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