Chapter 82
This book will be officially released tomorrow, that is, in the early morning of May [-]st. Although it came suddenly, since it is here, please treat it well.

The listing says that I want to write a testimonial, but I don't know how to write it.

After all, it is the first time a new book is written, the first time it is signed, and it is also the first time it is put on the shelves.

Suddenly I discovered a lot of firsts.

The time of writing the book for more than a month has been a very magical time. I am very excited and excited to be able to write the story I thought of and write it to you.

At the beginning, I heard that it was difficult to sign a contract with Qidian, so I didn't hold out hope. I just wanted to write something in my spare time, something I like.

When signing the contract, I couldn't believe it that day, because I felt that I was recognized, and that sense of recognition gave me an extraordinary pleasure.

At the beginning, not many people read this book, and there were few clicks, so I went to various book circles to advertise, so some people came to read my book, and the collection has reached more than 100. Although this result is not good, but For a newbie like me, this is a very impressive achievement.

I ran naked for two weeks, and the editor in charge, that is, Brother Ink and Wash, gave me a strong recommendation for martial arts. I was full of confidence and felt that my book was about to succeed.

It’s just that the score is not good. Now there are more than [-] clicks, but there are very few favorites. I know that the score is poor, but I also know that there are people who are reading my book. , There are more comments and more recommendation votes, I know there are still people who like my book.

I am very grateful to you, thank you for reading my book and giving me motivation.

Although it was put on the shelves very suddenly, I was relieved. Maybe the subscription is not high, but as long as someone reads my book, then I will write it down. I also hope to find my own shortcomings through this book.

My friend told me that if you don’t have a finished book, no matter how many copies you cut, you will always be on the street, so I will try my best to finish this book and write the story in my heart.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, and everything about this book is still in a trance when I first conceived it.

Let’s just write this. There will be four changes in the first three days before tomorrow’s release, and then we will resume one change at noon and one night each day, and two changes a day. After all, we still have to work. I hope everyone understands that there will definitely be outbreaks. Don’t worry.

Thank you all for your support, to you
(End of this chapter)

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