Chapter 19 Returning the same way
Yan Zhengyi knew what Li Han was thinking and knew that he was going to protect his friend, but he shook his head in his heart. Martial arts should not be eager for quick success, and you will go crazy if you don't pay attention, so even in such a short period of time, he is very talented. It is also impossible for Tian to raise his own strength to a very large level, so that he can wrestle with himself.

"Thank you Uncle Yan for protecting me."

No matter what he thought, he had to pay respect to Yan Zhengyi. After all, it was quite troublesome for Yan Zhengyi to protect himself under the name of Master Lin.

Li Han didn't expect that a person he modified casually would have such a huge background. Could it be that his shortcomings were revealed again? People who modified data for him often have contact with him, whether they are friends. Or enemies, they are all related.

And Zhao Tiancheng is obviously the enemy, and setting up such a huge enemy is really strange.

In the past few days, he has not told Sun Zhizhou about this Master Lin. If he told Sun Zhizhou and the others, it would definitely scare them out of their wits. If it is an expert, then it is simply unbearable.

Sun Zhizhou was also very suspicious of Li Han. He didn't know how Li Han dealt with it. Why didn't the five people move now?Logically speaking, he should be investigated, but he didn't think too much about it. Maybe Li Han has his own way, and those few people are not ordinary people at first glance. Isn't Li Han also ordinary people?Putting these worries behind him, he didn't delve into it too much. He is just an ordinary person, and it doesn't make any sense to study these things.

A week later, Li Han's strength has reached 26 points, which means that his current strength only needs four more points to reach the peak of the second level. He felt that this speed was too slow, so he planned to find another way, but There is no good way.

But now that it's summer vacation, their class organized a long-distance trip. The destination is not very far away. It's just a suburb of Zhongnan City. There are continuous mountains in the suburbs of Zhongnan City. They plan to go to this mountain range for an outing.

Naturally, Li Han couldn't miss it. He was still quite depressed during this time, because he hadn't been able to improve his strength, so going on an outing could relieve his pressure, and maybe his strength had already improved.

Then, accompanied by their teacher, they arrived at the suburb of Zhongnan City. After arriving at this suburb, they immediately entered this continuous mountain range.

"This mountain range in Central South is actually very popular. This area is often visited by tourists and backpackers, and it is quite famous in the whole of China..."

The tour guide continued to explain to them some rumors about the entire mountain range. It is said that there is a strange mountain peak in this mountain range. People who go in can go down the mountain successfully after going around this mountain peak.

Hearing this story, everyone felt very strange. Then, Sun Zhizhou was eager to try, planning to find this magical mountain. It would be very meaningful for him to find this magical mountain.

At least he had the capital to brag with his classmates when he went back. Under such circumstances, he directly pulled Li Han, and then walked towards a farther place.

But then they were stopped, because they were led by their teacher this time, and their teacher organized this outing, so they were not allowed to wander around here.

"Okay, everyone hurry up and catch up. Our goal here is to climb over this group of mountains and reach the hotel on this mountain peak at night."

After hearing the teacher's words, Sun Zhizhou sighed.

"Hey, that's really boring."

Li Han didn't care. He just looked around and began to appreciate it. For him, the breath here became very active. He could even feel his own strength loosening obviously. Could it be that he was practicing in this kind of place? Is it better?
It's no wonder that those masters are hidden in the deep mountains and old forests. It is sparsely populated and is a good place for cultivation. However, he will not just practice in these deep mountains and old forests. For him, if he is really in these If it is practiced locally, my parents are the first to disagree.

Taking advantage of the brighter sky, they continued to climb up the rock. Since the slopes are relatively gentle, it is easy to go up.

But they found that they had been here until night before they reached the hotel. After a simple rest in the hotel for one night, they continued to set off on the second day.

"We are about to enter the real mountains ahead, and we may get lost, so we must have a compass and other equipment, but don't worry, there should be no problem with a guide."

The tour guide is a local, a middle-aged man in his 40s. This man is constantly leading them forward. His speed is quite fast, and almost no one can catch up with him. Of course, Li Han Except, here Li Han can easily keep up with him, but in order not to attract attention, he didn't do this, but hung far behind him.

They walked for about half a day, and it was 2 pm now, but the tour guide seemed a little embarrassed.

"what happened?"

The teacher came to the tour guide and asked the tour guide strangely, but the tour guide could only explain.

"It shouldn't be. Before we were here, there was a small road to pass through, but now we find that there is no road. Have we lost our way here?"

After the teacher heard this sentence, he immediately felt a little flustered. For him, if he lost his way, it would be a lot of trouble. Now these are all students who signed up voluntarily, although the responsibility has been pushed away completely. But he will still be punished.

Of course, he is not the only teacher, there are 3 teachers, a total of 4 teachers, these 4 teachers immediately began to discuss, they took out their own compass, and then looked around to identify, but found that the compass seemed to be affected by something here. This kind of interference has no effect.

"This must be a situation where strong electromagnetic interference caused such a disturbance. I don't know why there is such a strong electromagnetic interference here, but we seem to be really lost now, and we can only retreat and return to the original road."

(End of this chapter)

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