Chapter 412 Nonsense
These people left as soon as they left. After all, they don’t want to offend you now. If they don’t offend Li Han enough, then the ending will be very miserable. So it is impossible to offend Li Han in the first place. If so, what to do is How to do it, deep down in their hearts they can understand such a thing h
Some people can't understand such a situation, but they can understand it very well, knowing what they should do and what they should not do?Since most people have already dealt with the matter, it is very rare to deal with such a matter now, so if this is the case.

Then such a trouble should not exist again, so having such a trouble and not having such a trouble are actually completely different, so if this is the case, then most people should have such a benefit, Li The same is true for Han. He has been dealing with such a thing for a long time in order to do it well for himself. If such a thing is not handled well, then such a long period of time will be even more impossible.

"I have made these preparations, so you must have such preparations. If you don't have such preparations, then you will be at the mercy of others, so I hope you can know this A thing, there is such a thing and there is no such thing, it is actually different, so I hope you can understand, or different situations, it is already completely different, but you two are completely different If you don’t know the situation, then I’m going to sigh even more for you here, so you only need to know this one benefit.”

Li Han has already talked about this point. They basically have no suspense. If there is any suspense, then such a thing cannot be justified. Sometimes such suspense is indeed It is quite important, and even quite troublesome, otherwise, wouldn't such a matter be ridiculed, so you have also made these preparations.

It will definitely be a very tragic thing waiting for them, because for Li Han, these people have already been discovered by him, and they dare to do something to him, or have thoughts about himself, this is absolutely not allowed. If there is such a situation, he has already done so.

So in the face of such an approach, their own abilities are also very normal. If they even have such an ability, shouldn't such a trouble even exist?So since it shouldn't exist, then Li Han has nothing to say here. He himself is not used to such a trouble.

"Parents, you don't have to worry anymore. Sometimes it looks complicated, but to a certain extent, it shouldn't be so complicated, so don't worry, if things become very complicated If it is, it will be a huge blow to us, so I don't think such a thing will happen."

Nothing should happen. If these things happen, then theoretically there will be more complicated situations, so there should not be too many situations, but for them, such a thing is also It must be ensured that there will be no trouble, but the probability of trouble should be relatively low.You still have such an idea.

Then other people must also have such an idea, so although Li Han's ability revealed very weird information, if it wasn't for such a weird information, then he himself shouldn't exist, so he has nothing to say Yes, such a weird message, it is at least a little disappointing to say it. Anyway, most people are such a trouble, and his own ability is quite good.

"I have some strength of my own. In front of this strength, I should have nothing to do. So if this is the case, then under the circumstances of such a strength, you should all agree with what I said. .”

So I have told them so much about the benefits. If they don’t understand even one of the benefits, they will not understand the other benefits. So in the face of such a strength, such a person also has Such a method, otherwise most people should not have such a method, so for their own sake, I also told some of my own things.

His ability is limited, if it is not such a limited ability, then it should not exist, so his ability is limited, and his strength is also quite useful, the benefits are already more , so in front of such a benefit, most people should have such a benefit.

"I've already told you so much, so if you don't even know these things, what else can I say? So it's useless to say such a thing, so I said Since it is such a trouble, you should all be with me. If we don’t fight against the enemy, such a thing will become more exaggerated, so we must have the same hatred. Such a benefit, each of you It seems that I can’t understand it. I won’t talk nonsense, it’s actually different if I understand it or not.”

This is indeed the case, sometimes they can understand it, but sometimes they have an instinctive rejection of such a thing, if it is not such a rejection thing, but they would not do it, so they have Most people should have agreed on such a trouble for a situation that they reject, so they should all have it. If there are no other problems for such a problem, you will be over-interpreted, and no one will Hope to be over-interpreted.If it is over-interpreted, there is a high probability that more liars will be produced, so I don't need to over-interpret it, and neither do others.

"Okay, everything is clear now. If everything is not clear, then what else can I say? So since everything is clear, then you just follow me over this matter. No need to worry about it." Too much trouble, so do you know? If you know, then stop talking nonsense, and some things are useless."

(End of this chapter)

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