Chapter 46
Just as Li Han thought, since Zhao Tianlong couldn't let it go, for him, he would never bear such a loss.

On this day, Li Han's parents were on their way to and from get off work. Since their units were relatively close, they went to and from get off work together. After work, they simply bought some things and then went home.

But after walking to a relatively remote road that must be passed, they immediately saw a car appearing in front of them. After the van stopped, they immediately felt that something was wrong.

So I immediately wanted to walk back, but a van also stopped behind me. More than 10 people got out of the van, and these 10 people rushed directly towards the two of them.

This scene was never similar to the scene of being kidnapped, so they immediately felt a little flustered, and at this moment a fox appeared on the stage.

The fox is now a level 2 spirit beast. These people are nothing more than level 1 people. There are two people who are level 2, but they are all like chickens and dogs in front of the fox.

After all, a fox like it has very dexterous speed. It is basically impossible for these people to threaten it. Then I saw a fox jumping left and right, jumping left and right, and soon fell down on the scene. More than 10 people were killed, and only the two level 2 people were left.

After seeing such a situation, the two level 2 people also expressed a little bit of surprise.

"What the hell is this? Is it a fox? Why is this fox so strong?"

"No matter what it is, let's quickly work together to subdue it, and then capture these two people."

So the two of them rushed directly to the fox here, but the fox just stared at them like this, and then looked disdainful, which made the two level 2 people feel very unacceptable, when they were mocked by the fox up.

At this time, the fox suddenly moved, and then rushed towards the two of them, scratching them with two claws. After scratching, the fox scratched their faces left and right, and soon they were already It turned into a cat face.

The two people immediately lay on the ground and howled continuously, so the fox left with its head held high. Li Han's parents left the place directly upon seeing this, and the two of them did not dare to cause trouble.

"Citizen, did you see that? That fox is really powerful, did it save us?"

"Yes, Xuemei, that fox saved us."

For the two of them, this was simply unheard of. The two of them were actually rescued by a fox, and it didn't seem so simple that it was a fox.

"It's been really rough lately. How is my son? Do you want to give him a call?"

"It's still in class, don't call him for the time being, this will only make him frightened, call him again after school in more than 10 minutes, and then just ask him if there is anything else, and then tell him to be careful. "

Li Han was indeed still in class. They finished class at 6 o'clock. After class, Li Han received a call from his parents. When he received a call from his parents, he knew something had happened to his parents.

"Papa, are you okay?"

"We're fine. Just be careful when get out of class is over."

"Yes, son, be careful when you come back from get out of class."

The anxious voices of his parents came from the other end of the phone, and they didn't say what happened to them. Li Han also had a little guess here.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, Li Han walked back, and not long after, he saw a fox waiting for him around the corner.

The fox jumped towards him immediately after seeing him, and then leaned on his shoulder showing off and gestured to him a few times.

So Li Han understood that his parents might have been threatened and was rescued by this fox, so he nodded.

"Good job, after you break through, I will continue to help you level up."

The fox was also very happy when he heard it. For it, coming to Li Han's side was probably just to upgrade. It seemed to be able to detect that Li Han had a very special ability.

Soon Li Han walked back directly. After passing an intersection, following the gaze of the fox, he found that there were still many people not far away. They were struggling to get up and walked to the van.

Li Han also walked towards them at this time, but after seeing Li Han, they immediately fled this place as if they had seen a fishy cat, because they saw the fox on Li Han's shoulder.

"It sure is."

Li Han didn't go after them, and chasing them was meaningless, so he left this place and returned home.

Seeing the frightened look of his parents, Li Han was still very uncomfortable here, and then he said to his parents.

"Are you all right? Parents see that your mental state is a little unstable."

"My son is back, it's good to be back."

"It's okay, we're fine, don't worry, we're fine."

They immediately saw the fox on Li Han's shoulder, and then Li Han's parents rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

"What's the matter with this fox? Is it yours?"

Li Han's father hurriedly asked him.

"Yes, this fox is mine."

Li Han resisted not laughing here, and then gave the fox a signal, and the fox immediately jumped to their side, and then got into Li Han's mother's arms.

Li Han's mother was still a little scared at first, because this fox showed its power at that time, and there were more than a dozen people in it.

But in a blink of an eye, she felt that the fox seemed to be closer to them and had no ill intentions, so she touched it. After all, the fox was still very beautiful. It was a white fox.

"I picked up this fox. I picked it up on the road and brought it home. He seems to like you very much, Mom. Then I will give you this fox to raise."

After hearing this sentence, his mother was reluctant at first, but after thinking about it, she agreed.

"After all, this fox saved them, but he was their savior."

This fox can also protect their safety. When they have this fox when they go to and from work, they will not be afraid of bad people. And it is also feasible to let the fox protect their son after they return home from work. I just don't know if the fox has such a wisdom, but it seems to be very smart, and if there is a fox at home, it is impossible for bad people to enter your home.

(End of this chapter)

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