I can teleport

Chapter 307 Salt is a small matter, but food is a big one

Chapter 307 Salt is a small matter, but food is a big one

When asked if he was afraid of someone secretly poisoning the food, Yu Chao smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I'm not afraid!"

Well, no matter who sends the food or anything else, as long as it threatens him, once it comes within five meters of him, his mental power will automatically remind him.

With an early warning, coupled with strong enough physical fitness and golden fingers, there is nothing to worry about at all.

This may also be a kind of crisis sensing ability gifted after the mental power is too high.

"As long as there is such a security risk, I will know it in advance."

"Furthermore, with me, Umbrella, who would harm me?"

Khan, is that fairy art helping him again?

Well, whatever it is, it doesn't work for them anyway.

The Supreme Emperor and Emperor Yonghe were so envious and jealous. How could there be such a big difference between people?

They also want to eat hot and delicious food.

Unfortunately, most of the time it is not cooled down, and it is still leftover food that has been eaten by others.

Emmm, whoever called the emperor is afraid of being murdered, there is nothing to do if you are too careful.

From this point of view, in fact, being a prince or something is more comfortable than being an emperor.

Eat hard!
It happened to be Yu Chao's treat at noon, so don't worry about those who are missing, of course you have to feast on your mouth.

That's it, eating barbecue and drinking wine, father and son Yong and Emperor had a rare drink, didn't talk about any business, and enjoyed the rare leisure time drunk and dizzy.

After sending the two drunken emperors away, Yu Chao also went to take a lunch break.

Originally, I came out for an outing, but I just wanted to have a private chat with Emperor Yonghe, what kind of fun, etc., and I didn't care at all.

Speaking of which, today is a good harvest, and it has added a lot of fertile land to the portable space.

If it wasn't for fear of making it too big and scaring everyone, Yu Chao would have almost emptied the upper and lower reaches of the river.

It's just that every river has its name, no matter how much Yu Chao uses his imagination to get things, he can only get the section of the river where that river is located.

However, there are still results.

At least, there are a lot of microorganisms and nutrient-rich soil in the river, all of which were transferred to the land in the portable space after being excused by Yu Chao.

No, they can allocate manpower to open up new homes.

In addition, after so many river fresh water plants and the like enter the portable space, don't they also add the properties inside, no matter how you think about it, it is a profit.

Yu Chao wondered, when Emperor Yonghe came to discuss the issue of the two big rivers again, he would have the opportunity to take away the nutrient-rich soil from other places, such as ponds and lakes.

Hey, these things can feed a large number of people in the portable space.

After taking a comfortable nap and getting up, Yu Chao found that Yong and Emperor had come again.

God, these two men sober up very quickly and are very energetic.

Well, it seems that people are really in a hurry, no, I'm afraid they are just here to talk about business.

"Brother Chao, we are here again, don't be disgusted."

"Come on, sit down and have a cup of tea." Yonghe said in an anticlimactic manner.

Yu Chao walked up and said with a smile: "Uncle, brother, I dare say you were all pretending to be drunk before, you woke up so quickly."

"Okay, let's have a good drink later!"

After hearing the words, the Taishang Emperor and Emperor Yonghe felt like vomiting again.


They drank mixed wine before and made a full set of yellow, red and white. Moreover, although the baijiu is smooth, it has a high alcohol content. If you accidentally drink too much, you will easily get drunk.

If I hadn't still wanted to talk about business, I would have vomited it out when I got back, drank some hangover soup to sober up, and slept for another hour. I'm afraid I would still be in a deep sleep now.

Don't talk about drinking, now that I hear the word "drinking", I feel like throwing up.

"Uh, talk about it next time, talk about it next time."

Emperor Yonghe smiled and said: "Brother Chao, it has been almost two or three months since you came to Daqian. What do you think about the cooperation between our two countries?"

"It just so happens that there aren't those annoying ministers around now. Let's discuss it privately and let them go through the motions later. What do you think?"

Yu Chao naturally agrees with this point of view.

He thought to himself, if you hadn't come so late, would you think I was willing to waste so much time.

"Okay, anyway, I'm a little tired of staying here, and it's not interesting. Go back and enjoy life as soon as possible."

"Well, let's talk about salt making first. Anyway, isn't that what you are here for?"

Emperor Yonghe shook his head and said, "Don't, isn't this just a discussion, let them continue."

"Anyway, it's just Umbrella who provides technology and equipment, and I work hard to provide people and places. It doesn't matter how much the profit is. Let them talk about it, and it won't affect us to talk about other things."

Just kidding.

In the past, perhaps the matter of salt was very important.

But now it seems that that is not a problem.

At worst, buying salt directly from Umbrella is much cheaper than making their own salt, and ordinary people can afford it.

Of course, it would be even better if they could cooperate in the development of salt production, and the court would benefit more.

There is no emperor who would think that money is too little.

The key now is, um, there are too many places that need Umbrella, and Yu Chao can't just go back to China.

At least we have to see if we can solve the river issue.

Yu Chao smiled and asked: "Then what do you want to talk about, brother? I'm all ears."

Emperor Yonghe glanced at the Supreme Emperor, pondered for a moment and said: "Hey, I thought Daqian was already very good, but compared with Umbrella, I realized that it is very backward."

"In this way, if possible, our two countries can cooperate from multiple aspects and channels. As long as Umbrella is willing to cooperate, I can talk about it."

Damn, this sounds beautiful, but actually it brings the topic back again.

He was also smart and did not talk about the river directly, lest Yu Chao would knock him out.

Yu Chao rubbed his forehead and said, "Well, well, for a while, I don't know what we can cooperate with."

"Or, how about this, what the people need is nothing more than food, clothing, housing and transportation."

"We just started working together, and we happened to be talking about salt, so let's start with food."

Emperor Yonghe nodded after hesitating for a moment and said, "Yes, yes, please tell Brother Chao in detail."

Yu Chao: "Food means to eat."

"It is the people's pursuit to have enough to eat. Only when this basic need for survival is met can the country be stabilized."

"As for us, we are not afraid that if the people below rebel, there will be a crowd of ordinary people who cannot survive."

"After all, only those who can't eat enough and are extremely hungry will risk their lives."

"If you have constant production, you will have perseverance."

"I also know that there is usually only so much food here, but the output is low, and it depends on whether God rewards or not."

"What's more, most of the families have to be blackmailed by the officials, gentry and servants below, and even raise taxes privately. It's too difficult to live."

"For this reason, I, Umbrella, are willing to use technology and equipment in this area to help Dagan improve food sources."

"For example, in farming, Dagan is still farming with cattle, not to mention the slow speed, and some people don't have cattle yet, so the efficiency of farming is too low.

After working hard for a year, I can't even eat enough to eat. I often have to borrow money and food to survive. "

"As for me, Umbrella, I happen to have a machine that is faster and more efficient than cattle plowing."

"Not only farming, but even planting can be carried out with related machines, reducing the burden on manpower, allowing most of the labor to get rid of the burden of the land and find other jobs that increase wealth."

Emperor Yonghe heard that, although he was a little eager to know what kind of machine it was and what that machine was, his purpose was not in this place.

"Brother Chao, don't forget, in addition to plowing and planting, you also need to look at the sky and rely on water."

"Because of the weather, we can't do anything about it."

"It's just that, my brother also said before, let's work hard, because we are afraid of floods and droughts."

"You said that if there is a big flood, all the crops planted in the field will be washed away, and it will be useless no matter how well they are planted."

"The same is true for droughts, so we must first solve the river issue before we can talk about other issues."

"Brother Chao, look, can you help clean up the river first, and then, if Umbrella has a better way in this regard, you can also propose it."

"Of course, Da Gan won't let Umbrella's help go in vain. Tell us what conditions you need first, and then we can figure it out."

Yu Chao scratched his head, tilted his head and said, "The river course is no problem at all."

"I, Umbrella, have experience in repairing rivers and have emergency measures to avoid floods and droughts."

"It's just that, just for this aspect, more materials are needed, and it can't be done in one or two years."

"This is a big project. If you don't pay attention to it, it may cause other unexpected situations to happen."

"Of course, the matter of cleaning up the river that my brother mentioned may be possible, but it will be a bit expensive, um, so what."

"As for what Umbrella needs, well, I do need something."

"Well, how about this, I'll get someone to prepare it later, get some materials that can be read, and then we'll discuss it slowly, what do you think?"

 Thanks to book friend Yige 52ff, LENHUA, book friend 150530010004535 and book friend Nicotine from qq reading for their encouragement!
(End of this chapter)

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