I can teleport

Chapter 43 Santa City Besieged on Three Sides

Chapter 43 Santa City Besieged on Three Sides


A melodious and urgent horn sounded, breaking the peaceful morning life in Santa City.

Immediately afterwards, two more horns sounded, but the sound came from different directions.

One is on the east and one is on the south.

Coupled with the sound of the horn at the north gate, this strange situation caused Santa City to panic.

Just when everyone didn't know what was going on, several fast horses flew out from the three gates in the southeast and north, disturbing the city.


"Outside the east gate."

"The east gate was surrounded by a group of densely packed people, probably several thousand, possibly tens of thousands of people."


"Outside the south gate, several fleets are coming. They are fully armed and look like they are going to attack us."


"Outside the North Gate"

"All the people from Silent Hill are here!"


Not to mention anything else.

The possibility of war in Santa City has long been expected.

But why did Silent Hill appear?

It made everyone's hearts tense, and they even thought about whether to just surrender or forget it.


"Assemble the men and horses, all go up to the city wall."

"Oh, by the way, don't let go of Simon."

As soon as the order from the wizard tower came out, there was a lot of hustle and bustle outside.

Fortunately, the relevant preparations have been arranged in advance, so it is not a rush now.

"Tell me, what should I do now?"

Earl Lion knocked on the table to calm everyone down, and then asked eagerly.

"Heyland's people will come, we have expected it for a long time.

It's just, Silent Hill, why don't you send someone to ask what's going on? "

"Hi! Do you even need to ask?
Didn't you hear that yesterday?

The person who killed Silent Hill, how could they let it go? "

"Let me tell you, since Silent Hill is the one who brought it, of course he has to deal with it."

"That's right. Whoever caused it is responsible."

"Didn't he say to wait for the person from Silent Hill to come over in person?

Others have already arrived, should he also take action to solve it? "

"Sants, I think it's better for you to inform me about this.

Solve the matter of Silent Hill as soon as possible. Heyland's threat needs help from that person. "

"You say, what if he fails to solve the Silent Hill matter, or even fails or...?"


Seeing the timidity of the crowd, Earl Lion immediately said, "Santes, please go and ask Lord Bruce to solve the matter of Silent Hill immediately."

"If the other party solves the problem, you can mention the matter of Hyland's arrival, and if you have any requests, feel free to ask."

"But if he can't even solve Silent Hill, folks, we'll have to negotiate with Hyland."

As for what to negotiate, no one asked.

Everyone knew in their hearts that if Yu Chao failed, the only requirement in the negotiation was to preserve part of the interests of each family in Santa City, and there was nothing else to think about.

Sants naturally agreed, and by the way, collected all the little gadgets in everyone's hands, and then sent them over as a reward for solving the trouble last time.

Great Summer Street.

Yes, it doesn’t matter what it was called before, anyway, the street where Yu Chao is now has been named Daxia Street.

"Tell me, what did those horns sound just now mean?"

"North, you have worked at the city gate for several years, do you know?"

North said with a heavy face: "The sound of the horn means that the war is coming.

In other words, there are enemies outside Santa City, and there may be quite a few of them. "


"What can we do then?"

“It seems like it’s been a long time since we heard of a war happening somewhere?

Why did our Santa City suddenly go to war with someone? "

Yuri glanced upstairs and whispered: "North, it seems that Hyland is really here."

North tightened the hilt of the sword in his hand, and said sharply: "Don't make noise, according to the previous arrangement, each guards his own position.

Don't worry, everyone, what if war comes?

Don’t forget, who is behind us?
A noble and holy wizard!

No matter how many people there are, can they defeat the magical witchcraft of Lord Bruce? "

Huh, right.

This time is not like before, and you still need to go to the tower to work hard.

As long as the city is not breached, who can defeat it?
Even if the call comes, Mr. Bruce will make a move
Tsk tsk, good luck!

Everyone relaxed a little, and immediately dispersed.

Yuri: "North, do you want to inform Lord Bruce?"

North shook his head slightly and said, "Is it our turn to notify you of this kind of thing?"

Yuri said in his heart, yes, why did he forget, someone must have notified him long ago.

At this time, a person ran over from the intersection and started shouting from a distance.

"Captain North, Santes, who was here before, brought gifts again."

When Santes heard this, he was out of breath.

What does it mean to give gifts again?
What the hell is this time and you are still thinking about receiving gifts?

Santes looked at the carriage behind him and could only endure it.

North thought for a while, and said, "Put them in and wait at the gate. I'll get someone to talk to Mr. Bruce."

"Yes, Captain North."

The second floor.

Everyone pushed and pushed, but Nina finally decided to go upstairs.

There was a bridal chamber yesterday, so it's no wonder that one can get up early today.

There are no elders here, Mr. Bruce must be very tired, and it is understandable to rest more.

It's just that it's best to leave this matter of a bad person's mood to others.

As a woman, Nina is also a housekeeper to a certain extent. If she doesn't go, who will she go to?
"dong dong"

"Mr. Bruce, are you awake?"

Yu Chao was naturally awake.

In the early morning, the fire is strong.

In addition, all aspects of physical fitness have been greatly improved, so it goes without saying about resilience.

At this moment, I was thinking about whether it was a morning exercise, and I just started, but the result...

"What's the matter, Nina?"

Nina didn't know the good thing that disturbed Yu Chao.

"Mr. Bruce, Santes is here to give you gifts again."

"Besides, he seems to be in a hurry to find you."

Yu Chao glanced at Nosley who was hiding under the blanket with a shy face, sighed and said, "Okay, you send someone to collect the gift and put it in the warehouse.

Me, I'll go down after I wash up. "

"Yes, sir."

Yu Chao said with a smile: "Nosley, take a good rest, I'll ask someone to bring you breakfast later."

"Well, yes, sir." Knowsley poked her head out shyly and said.

Yu Chao licked his lips and got up after a lot of hands-on addiction.

It took about half an hour before Yu Chao appeared in Sants' eyes.

"Nina, send someone to deliver breakfast to Knowsley."

"Yes, sir."

Santes was already impatiently waiting, so he couldn't bear it now.

"Sir Bruce, this is the toy we searched for with all our efforts. There are also wonderful things in it. Do you see what happened before?"

As soon as Yu Chao heard that there was a strange thing, he immediately said: "Okay, you have to be merciful and be merciful. What happened in the past is over."

That's good, that's good.

Santes felt relieved, and stepped forward again and said, "Your Excellency Bruce, you sent someone to Norton Manor yesterday and left a message for him.

You are really not afraid."

Yu Chao smiled, and said indifferently: "There's nothing to be afraid of, just come here."

"But they did come."


(End of this chapter)

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