Dragon's son-in-law

Chapter 56 Who is the miracle doctor?

Chapter 56 Who is the miracle doctor?

Before Yao Feiwen and the audience questioned again, the patient lying on the ground slowly woke up, supported his forehead and said, "I... what's wrong with me?"

"The body is too weak, go home and rest." Qin Hao didn't answer him, but just said casually.

The onlookers were shocked when they saw that Yao Feiwen's condition was getting worse and he was about to die, but when he came to Qin Hao's hands, he immediately woke up again.

"This... this is a miracle doctor! No injections or medicines, just a pair of acupuncture, but... it was cured directly?"

"I'll go... This is why the old owner of the Chinese Medicine Center will not come so soon..."

"Did you just see how he treated it? Why do I feel that he just injected a few random injections into the patient and healed?"

"This is too amazing..."

And the patient who was cured also quickly learned about his condition with the help of his friends. Although he has been holding on for a long time, he also understands his physical condition, and he quickly knelt in front of Qin Hao and said, "Thank you." Divine doctor, thank you divine doctor! If there is no divine doctor today, I think I would really die, but please ask the divine doctor, although my illness has been cured for a while, my body is still weak, I don’t know why..."

Yao Feiwen stood aside, seeing that he was dying under his own hands, but the patient who was cured immediately under Qin Hao's hands, and then heard the praise of Qin Hao from the surrounding crowd, his eyes were so jealous that he heard the patient say, Quickly trying to regain some of the limelight, he said:

"You are so weak now, of course you need some tonics! Ginseng, snow lotus, ganoderma, these are nourishing things in traditional Chinese medicine, you can mix some other things by yourself, and make soup every day..."

However, before Yao Feiwen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qin Hao directly: "Your body is too weak now, and it has reached the point where it cannot be replenished. It is like a thin water basin, and the water added If there are too many, the pot may not be able to hold it, and it will burst directly, so don't eat the ginseng, snow lotus, ganoderma he mentioned, and the like."

"With your current body, what you need most is porridge. Don't eat irritating food before your body recovers, such as hot pot and other spicy foods. You only need porridge and green vegetables every day. Simple eggs and milk supplements are enough.”

"When the pot is almost repaired, I will cook soup with wolfberry, occasionally some white fungus, and eat mung bean soup in summer to disinfect it."

When Qin Hao read these words, a group of guests who felt physically weak also listened attentively. Some even wrote down what Qin Hao read, and planned to eat like this when they went home.

After discovering that what Qin Hao was talking about was some simple, cheap and delicious food supplements, everyone smiled even more, and kept praising Qin Hao as a miracle doctor.

Only Yao Feiwen, who was interrupted by Qin Hao, was full of resentment. He said that the patient needed to make up for it, and Qin Hao said that the patient couldn't make up for it. Isn't this a slap in the face?
Thinking of this, and seeing that the silver needle inserted by Qin Hao on the patient was still his own, and thinking that Qin Hao was not even a doctor, Yao Feiwen immediately said jealously: "You are just a meritorious person. What are you bragging about? If it weren’t for me, the patient would have died long ago, and the silver needle stuck in the patient’s body is still mine!”

Quan Yong'an, who was standing beside Qin Hao, laughed angrily when he heard this, and couldn't help but sneer: "Stealer? Take the credit for almost killing someone? If it wasn't for Qin Hao, you would have tormented the patient." died!"

"The patient would have died long ago without you. Don't be ridiculous. Without you, Qin Hao would have made a move, and the patient would have lived long ago. It is because of you that the patient has experienced more hardships."

"It's true that the silver needle on the patient's body is yours, but it was inserted by Qin Hao. At the beginning, you almost killed the patient when you inserted it. When Qin Hao got it, the patient will recover after a while. This is not enough. Explain the problem?"

When the onlookers heard Quan Yongan's words, they also looked at Yao Feiwen with mockery and disdain, feeling dissatisfied that Yao Feiwen dared to jump out at this time.

The patient has been cured, so Yao Feiwen has nothing to be afraid of. Seeing that Quan Yongan said this about himself, he immediately spoke to him:

"It's enough for you people who don't understand medical skills at all. He only inserted a few silver needles into the patient and the patient was fine. The process only took a few seconds? How could it be he who cured the patient? It was clearly me who cured the patient. Okay, in the last few seconds he came up and took my credit!"

"If you don't believe me, look for yourself, what the hell is this silver needle he inserted. There are countless acupuncture diagrams in my Chinese medicine center, and I have never seen what he is doing now. He is obviously inserting it randomly!"

The crowd also hesitated when they heard this. From what they saw, Qin Hao indeed cured the guest in just a few seconds, and this was indeed too incredible. Everyone had to hesitate about talking about acupuncture diagrams.

However, at this moment, an old man with a white beard who looked about 90 or [-] years old, but still strong and vigorous, saw the silver needle on the patient, and couldn't help exclaiming: "An Soul Needle!"

Yao Feiwen heard this exclamation, quickly turned his head to look, bowed his head and said respectfully: "Grandpa."

And the onlookers who had seen the old man at the side couldn't help making noise.

"The old owner of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center actually came in person!"

"Now it's clear whether all kinds of things are true or not. The old museum owner has always been kind to others and never competed for fame and fortune. Whoever he said cured it must be the one who cured it."

Looking at the old man who walked in step by step, Yao Feiwen pointed to the patient and Qin Hao and said, "Grandpa, I used the acupuncture method you taught me to cure this patient, but this guy took the credit for the last few seconds." , he also blindly inserted a few silver needles into the patient's body in a decent manner, making..."

Before Yao Feiwen finished speaking, the old man patted him on the head suddenly and said, "This is the rumored Anpo needle! It's not a random needle!"

After the filming was over, the old man bowed respectfully to Qin Hao and said, "I don't know who you are, but you know the rumored magic needle..."

Seeing that the old owner of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center bent over Qin Hao, everyone immediately understood who cured the patient, and immediately looked at Qin Hao with respect.

"It's just a passerby." Qin Hao just shook his head and said.

"Grandpa...what is the Anpo Magic Needle..."

Before Yao Feiwen could finish speaking, the old curator looked at the patient's face and the blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said in shock: "Did you use ordinary acupuncture to heal the patient?"

Yao Feiwen nodded blankly.

(End of this chapter)

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