My students can change history

Chapter 239 Final Review Results

Chapter 239 Final Review Results
Earth is in chaos right now.

Because just over ten hours ago, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared above the earth.No matter where a human being on the earth is on the earth, the light curtain is always facing the front of this person, so that people can see it when they look up.

The moment the light curtain appeared, Internet hotspots exploded. Before the government had time to respond, various rumors began to spread crazily.

Fortunately, familiar compatriots soon appeared in the light curtain.

At first, some people wondered if these people were just aliens like Chinese people, but soon a very familiar face appeared in the light curtain.

It's called Xunze.

Ming Xunze is not a famous person, nor does he have a huge number of fans like a superstar.

But his face is recognized by many people on the Internet.

First of all, he is the honorary president of the Tang Sword Association, and the only swordsman in the interstellar era who can achieve fairy-level swordsmanship by himself without relying on any technological assistance. He is the idol of all swordsmen.

Then he is the disciple of Li Fantong, the legendary coach of Zhongzhou football team, and he is also the key figure for Zhongzhou football team to win the China United Cup.

Especially on the pitch, as a consultant to the coaching staff, he abused a rising star in the football world in Zhongzhou with his football skills, so that everyone who watched football knew him.

Of course, these two identities make Xunze's reputation still limited to a niche circle.

However, after a performance with the Qinhuai Performing Troupe, the women's name Xunze has really entered the eyes of most people. In many videos spreading the Qinhuai Girls Troupe, there is a figure named Xunze. Xun Ze looked familiar.

Of course, this doesn’t count as play.

This hot spot actually exploded twice.

After Xun Ze, as a major general, was interviewed by reporters on the battlefield of Western civilization, everyone suddenly discovered that this lady-wearing tycoon is still a general.

In the interstellar era, men's and women's clothing has become as common as eating and drinking, but this is only limited to the entertainment industry.

A major general in the army actually had a history of women's clothing, so Xun Ze's history of women's clothing became popular again in the news.

Some people lamented that the gender concept of human beings is becoming more and more blurred, and some people lament that the army has begun to rot, and this kind of person can actually become a major general.

But no matter what, Jiao Xunze is still very familiar in front of the public.

Now that he appeared in front of the screen wearing the costume of the commander-in-chief of the Lunar Defense Force, many people immediately recognized him, which to a certain extent reduced the people's panic.

"This is the commander-in-chief of the Lunar Defense Force called Xun Ze, and this is Xiao Hei, the mayor of Chang'e City." Many bigwigs gathered in the lobby of the Huaxia Alliance Headquarters, watching what came out in front of the electronic screen, and broadcasting the light curtain outside in real time screen.

"I have an impression of these two guys."

The leader of the Huaxia Alliance nodded, then pointed to those people named Xun Ze and Xiao Hei and asked, "Who are these people?"

"It should be a member of the diplomatic corps we sent to the flagship of the Lunar Defense Force." A person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answered.

"According to the previous information from the Lunar Defense Force, the flagship of the Lunar Defense Force entered the interior of the alien spacecraft for some reason.

So the light curtain outside now should be broadcasting the images of our diplomatic corps members negotiating with them in real time. "

"should be."

The people from the alliance think tank also sent their judgment on the inexplicably appearing light curtain here at this time. Several bigwigs looked at the think tank's judgment, and then said,
"We are not sure what the other party wants to do now, but this is not an act of force. The other party has the ability to do this, so let them do it.

The most important thing now is to appease the people, quickly get the major media to move, and tell the people about the existence of aliens and the fact that we have sent a diplomatic mission, so that they don't think too much. "

Not long after the voice of the boss fell, in the light curtain, Yu from the Great Wilderness Civilization began to talk to Xiao Hei and members of the diplomatic corps.

And when the dialogue ended and the fourth branch of the Galaxy Conference Hall began to calculate the Chinese civilization score, the network on the earth had already exploded.

'It turns out that we humans are just a backward civilization in the Milky Way? '

'I thought we were strong, but I was wrong.It turns out that the fate of us human beings cannot be grasped in our own hands at all.If this galaxy jury gives us a grade below C, then our Chinese civilization is doomed to perish. '

'Who gave the aliens the right to exterminate us, even if our rating is lower than C, if the other party dares to block us, I will die with them. '

'Judging from the fact that the other party broke through to the vicinity of the moon without any injuries, even if we want to die with them, we have no chance.The technological gap is simply too great. '

"Who can tell me, what should we do now?!"

At this time, not only the people were at a loss, but also the leaders of the alliance.

They were used to being aloof, and suddenly found that their fate was in the hands of others, and their level of panic was no worse than that of ordinary civilians.

"They want to kill people!" A rather old man shouted in pain watching the broadcast on the big screen.

"If we really haven't reached the C level, then the Chinese civilization may not perish until it exhausts the resources of the solar system.

After the future is doomed to no hope, our social order will immediately collapse. "

"The crime rate will reach a terrible figure by then." A general's expression became very serious.

"Announce this kind of thing nakedly, without giving people a chance to buffer. Even if we block the news now, it's too late."

"Forget it, these aliens are right. Just like we can do whatever we want to Western civilization, they can also do whatever they want to us. If the technology is not as good as others, we can only look at their faces and hope for the development potential of our Chinese civilization. It can meet the standard."

"Everyone be quiet." The alliance leader looked at the chaotic hall and immediately shouted.

"The scoring hasn't started yet, why are you so pessimistic. We originally thought that this alien spacecraft would fly directly into the sky above the earth. Isn't it intercepted by our earth-moon spacecraft now?

So, don't worry, we just wait quietly for the final result. "

The words of the leader of the alliance finally calmed down the high-level officials for a while.Facing a high-level civilization organization like the Galaxy Conference Hall that came from nowhere, even if they were unwilling or wanted to find another way out, they would have no way of doing it, so they might as well wait quietly for the final result.

After more than ten hours passed, the light curtain man asked Xun Ze to leave to rest, which caused dissatisfaction among many people.

'This is an important moment that concerns the survival of Chinese civilization, how can this person go back to rest.He is tired, isn't the other people present tired?None of them rested, so why was he the only one to rest. '

'Yes, and he was the only soldier present.He was the first to leave.I think the position of commander-in-chief is probably obtained through secret transactions.This guy actually has nothing at all. '

'It's really embarrassing to the Chinese soldiers. We have to jointly protest to the government and tell this person to be expelled from the army! '

'Is your reaction allergic? The review will take three days. As a soldier, you should know how to allocate your physical energy.Ask Major General Xun Ze to rest, maybe it is to prepare for the last period. '

'You bastard, why are you still speaking for him.Tell me, how much did you charge? ! '

'Here is a scrubber, everyone, come and see, there are still people cleaning the floor for the ball rape these days. '

'Actually, I also think it's nothing. I don't know what these Internet language family things are thinking, so I opened my mouth and started spraying. '

'Another one came and took the money. '

'Human flesh, this kind of person must be caught. '

Following Ming Xunze's departure, there was a stir on the Internet, and it was divided into two factions. There was a heated debate on whether Xun Ze should leave.

Although such a result is a bit unexpected, it is a good thing for the league on time.

It's better for people to be noisy like this than to think about the tragic end of the future of Chinese civilization.

Their attention was attracted by other things, so they would not have noticed the "Chinese civilization bureaucracy is not perfect, it is easy for some people to get opportunities for corruption."Deduct ten points. 'The results of the review.

Yu said that the review would take three days in total, but in fact, in the afternoon of the second day, the flashing text on the big screen in the conference hall began to decrease, and the score of Huaxia Civilization gradually stabilized at around 46 points. number.

This is the number of D-level ratings, and there is still a gap of four points from the fifty points of C-level ratings.

Although it seems that the difference is not far away, many comments on Chinese civilization at the moment have many deductions and few bonus points, so it is difficult for Chinese civilization to reach the passing line of [-] points.

The Chinese race, which represents the Chinese civilization, is physically weak. Even with the use of genetic medicine, it cannot compete with large carnivores.The body score is D, and according to the extra points rules, no extra points will be given.

All the scoring items of Chinese Civilization are over, and the average rating of the [-] major items is D.

The final score of 13 sub-items is 47 points, which is a D-level development potential score.

In the end, the Chinese civilization was not qualified to step out of the solar system.From now on, the Galaxy Conference Hall will block the solar system until a new civilization is born in the solar system.

'Hua, Huaxia is finished! '

But when the ratings were displayed on the big screen, all Chinese people fell into despair at this moment.

Whether it is the irritable old man who wants to use nuclear bombs to kill the aliens together, or the ordinary people who hope that the Chinese civilization can develop in a stable and stable way, they are all somewhat disappointed by this result.

Because this means that the Chinese civilization will gradually collapse from today until it finally perishes.

The shortage of resources will inevitably bring about various consequences such as class antagonism, social turmoil, and the outbreak of war.

But at this moment, a shout suddenly came from the light curtain

"I think there is a problem with one of your comments!"

(End of this chapter)

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