My students can change history

Chapter 268 Lu Zhende and Zhang Zhongjing

Chapter 268 Lu Zhende and Zhang Zhongjing

"If a master in the realm of a master wants to become a great master, he must experience the pressure of martial arts, but this kind of tempering is not always beneficial. If a master who uses swords accepts the pressure of the relics of the master of swordsmanship, then not only will he not There is a possibility of being promoted to a grand master, and he will also be injured by the sea of ​​consciousness.

That is to say, if you want to become a grand master and accept the pressure of martial arts, then you have to consider clearly whether your foundation is swordsmanship or halberd technique.

If it is swordsmanship, then you can go back to Qinglian Sword Gate with me to accept the training of martial arts coercion.

If it's halberd art, then you have to find a way to get Ba Ji Sect to let you enter their Hall of Honored Ancestors, and accept the tempering of martial arts coercion. "

After listening to Li Chengfeng's words, Xunze realized that he was in trouble.

Because what he has learned is too complicated, so far, he doesn't know what kind of martial arts coercion he needs to accept.

However, if he can make Chen Liya a grand master, then there is a high possibility that there will be a reward for the level of a grand master in the final thank-you ceremony given by Da Miao.

Although Chen Liya has not yet become a grandmaster, taking her to the Glory Patriarch Hall of Qinglian Sword Gate and feeling the pressure of martial arts will be beneficial to her future practice.

Thinking of this, Jiao Xunze decisively used the favor that Li Chengfeng owed him before, and asked if he could bring a disciple to the Glory Patriarch Hall of Qinglian Sword Gate to experience the pressure of martial arts within the next two weeks.

"no problem."

Li Chengfeng readily agreed.Now called Xun Ze as the successor of Zhongzhou Qinglian's lineage, from the root, he is also a member of Qinglian Sword Sect.

If Xunze really has the talent to become a grand master, then Qinglian Sword Sect will have two grand masters in name.As long as the propaganda is good, it is very likely to become the largest sect in the Chinese Alliance.

Today, science and technology are advanced, and alliances are all over the solar system.But people's class differences are getting stronger and stronger.

It is very difficult to pass from one class to another just by normal means.

But if you become a martial artist and become famous in major competitions, these are very easy to obtain.

Therefore, every year, countless teenagers want to step into martial arts.The difference from ancient times is that today's martial artist's growth process is no longer the 15-year-old who chooses to become a teacher.Instead, those who want to enter martial arts will first study in the martial arts training classes held by various sects.

Among these people, the talented ones will soon stand out and be recommended to the sect by the teacher of the training class to enter the sect to practice.

Those without talent will give up completely after contributing several years of tuition.

If the reputation of a sect is greater than other sects, the number of people who sign up for the training courses held by this sect will skyrocket.

This will not only bring countless benefits to the sect, but also increase the sect's talent pool.

Therefore, as long as Ming Xunze can become a great master, Li Chengfeng felt that it would be very cost-effective for him to stay on the moon for a while to teach Ming Xunze himself.

After getting Li Chengfeng's promise, Ming Xunze went home and began to arrange for the trip to Earth next week.

The trivial matters of the Lunar Defense Force are basically managed by the staff group below. Ming Xunze is not too busy at all, as long as he grants a member of the staff group temporary authority when he leaves.

The most important question is whether the military department will allow Xun Ze to ask for leave to return to Earth.After all, he hadn't been on the moon for long, so asking for leave to return to Earth now is a bit against the rules.

But what Ming Xunze didn't expect was that before his report was sent, the military department took the initiative to summon him to the world in the oasis to discuss about his leave.

The army was greatly surprised by the fact that Xun Ze, an officer under him, suddenly became a master.However, after the analysis by the think tank, corresponding countermeasures were taken immediately.

A grand master entering the army is a very good promotional material.The physical and mental will of warriors is very strong, and from the perspective of hardware conditions, they are the best soldiers.

But those who can become powerful warriors have a very firm belief in martial arts.As a result, even though the mecha corps in the military department had long wanted to recruit a group of innate warriors to form a powerful mecha corps, it had never been successful.

Alliance mechas are divided into space mechas and landing mechas.

Among them, space mechs are mainly light, and are mainly responsible for containment and sneaking in space wars.

The landing mecha is thick and strong, and it is the best choice for quickly landing after gaining air supremacy and defeating the opponent's army position.

These two kinds of mechs are facing a problem at the same time in the research and development.

That is, the stronger the mecha, the higher the requirements for human quality.The mechas in active service in the military have actually lagged behind in technology.But helpless, if ordinary people are allowed to control those top mechs, they will definitely die in the cab.

Only the innately strong can perfectly display the [-]% performance of the mecha.

However, most of the innately strong hope that they can go one step further and challenge the transmission of skills or masters, and they seldom choose to serve as soldiers in the military camp.

After all, after becoming a master, one will have the capital to start a sect, and after becoming a master, the state will support him.

Who will become a soldier to gain a bright future?

Now all the bigwigs in the military department suddenly found that someone under them had quietly become a master.

They immediately paid attention to it, and prepared to promote Xunze as a model to attract warriors into the army.

Moreover, if Xun Ze can become a master at such a young age, there will definitely be a possibility of becoming a great master in the future.

If Xun Ze can become a grand master, it means that the military department will have a grand master as a banner, which will definitely attract many warriors to join the army.

So this time, people from the military department came to find Xun Ze to sign an agreement with Xun Ze.Ming Xunze will not quit the army for life, and the army will meet all the conditions of Ming Xunze within the regulations.

There is such a good thing.Of course, Ming Xunze agreed happily, and at the same time invited him to the earth for an unlimited vacation.

Because it was already Friday that the military department's leave approval document came down, so Xunze simply waited for two days, planning to bring Chen Liya back to Earth when she came back.

In addition to Chen Liya and Cai Lun, there are two more students this time.

"Hi teacher, my name is Lu Zhende." A girl full of vigor bowed to Xun Ze and said hello.

"Hello, teacher. My name is Zhang Ji, and my name is Zhongjing." A 20-year-old young man with a mature temperament said hello to Xun Ze.

Lu Zhende, Zhang Zhongjing.

Thanks to Xiang Yu's departure, Xun Ze's memory was also in line with this new era, so he quickly remembered the new fate of these two people in history.

Let me talk about Zhang Zhongjing first.

Born from about 150 to 154 in Yuanshi, his name was Ji, and his style name was Zhongjing.

Zhang Zhongjing's ancestors were one of the group of people who successfully followed Xiang Yu on the westward journey and finally arrived at Xunzhou.

After the establishment of the Great Chu Dynasty, the Zhang family joined Zangshuge and served as the guardian of Zangshuge for generations.

Later, the Great Chu Dynasty perished, and Zangshuge gradually became a sect.

It's just that unlike other sects, Zangshuge does not participate in the hegemony of the major sects in Xunzhou, but concentrates on inheriting, developing Chinese culture, and recording the experiences of legendary warriors of each sect.

Later, Zangshuge also developed a magazine, a monthly issue, which specifically introduced what major events happened in Xunzhou this month, and what outstanding young warriors appeared.

Later, due to the fierce struggle between the major sects, the territory became farther and farther apart, resulting in the Zangshu Pavilion having to be split into several parts, and independently operating Zangshu Pavilions were established in various parts of Xunzhou to be responsible for local historical and cultural records.

However, in the first 150 years of Zhang Zhongjing's birth, the various sects of Xunzhou were not far apart, and the Zangshu Pavilion was not divided.

Because his family has been a bookkeeper for generations, Zhang Zhongjing has been familiar with various books since he was a child, and has personally participated in editing magazines published by Cangshuge for several years.

In the first 173 years of the Yuan Dynasty, the struggle between the various sects in Xunzhou intensified, and the casualties of warriors of each sect gradually increased.

Because Xunzhou's medical technology at this time is still at a relatively primitive stage.Therefore, there is no way to heal the internal force damage suffered by the warrior.

This led to the fact that once a warrior was seriously injured, he could only wait to die, because the doctors at that time had no way to treat the internal and external injuries caused by internal forces during the battle of warriors.

During the period from 173 to 185 in the first year of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing traveled to many places in the middle of Xunzhou at that time, and also witnessed many wars between sects.

He hated the sect's suzerain for launching a war for hegemony because of his own selfishness.It is also sad and indignant that the Chinese people have no way to heal the wounds of internal strength.

So after more than ten years of proof and research, Zhang Zhongjing finally wrote a book called "Internal Force Healing Theory".

The completion of the theory of internal force healing completely ended the history that China had no means of treatment for internal and external injuries caused by internal force.

The Theory of Healing Injuries with Internal Force has made a breakthrough in the method of treating internal force with internal force.Created several neutral and peaceful internal strength exercises.Someone who learns this kind of kung fu can heal others with the peaceful inner strength developed from the kung fu.

Internal Power Healing Theory is one of the most influential books in the history of Xunzhou. Some small sects that focus on medical exercises in later generations, such as Butterfly Valley and Shengyi City, all regard Zhang Zhongjing as their ancestor.

Among the four holy kings of Xunzhou, the second medical saint is Zhang Zhongjing himself.

Lu Zhende, born in 1412 in the first year of the Yuan Dynasty, nicknamed Erliang Caiwei girl, the saint of Wanfa.

In 1310, in the western part of Xunzhou, several major sects in the central and western regions established the Wanfa Sect, and based on the thoughts of the Legalists, created the Wanfa Sect.

In the early days of Wanfazong's establishment, relying on good order and scientific management methods, many Chinese people went to live in Wanfazong's territory.

As a result, Wanfazong also acquired many talented youngsters, and when Wanfazong was at its strongest, there were as many as five grandmasters in the sect.

But when Wanfazong was rising, there was another sect that rose faster.

That is the Xindongli Sect who leads the various sects of Dongli Island.

Relying on the foundation laid by the first female grandmaster in Chinese history, Grandmaster Chen Liya.The various sects on Dongli Island gradually became stronger and unified, forming the Dongli Sect (known in history as the New Dongli Sect).

The era of the rise of the Dongli Sect happened to be the time when the three overseas countries began to contact the Chinese civilization of Xunzhou on a large scale by virtue of the tide of navigation.

So the suzerain of Dongli Sect relied on its unique vision to establish good friendship with the three overseas countries and launched large-scale trade activities.

Relying on the transactions with the three overseas countries, Donglizong became rich in a short period of time, so he hired many powerful rangers by using the salary of the Marquis.

In 1337, in order to expand its own business, Donglizong captured some small sects in the northwest of Xunzhou and established trading ports.

Dongli Sect's move soon spread to the ears of Wanfa Sect.

Wanfazong believed that the entire western part of Xunzhou was his territory, and Donglizong did not notify Wanfazong of this move in advance, so he asked Donglizong to leave the western part of Xunzhou within a time limit.

How could the powerful Dongli Sect give up a business that could bring huge profits because of Wanfa Sect.

As a result, the two sects soon started a war.

This dozen is more than 100 years.

The era when Lu Zhende was born was the weakest era of Wanfazong.The warriors of the Dongli Sect wantonly entered the territory controlled by the Wanfa Sect, burning, killing and looting wantonly.

Joan of Arc's parents were a farmer in Orleans who owned more than 300 slaves and managed a huge land.

But because Erliang is already close to the front line of the war between Wanfazong and Donglizong.Therefore, after the soldiers on the front line of Wanfazong began to be defeated, the farm of Lu Zhende's parents was often plundered by warriors of Donglizong.

Some warriors with bad conduct may even kill people and set fire to them after looting.

After learning some simple martial arts moves around, Lu Zhende barely became a third-rate warrior at the age of 16, and then joined the army to resist the invasion of Donglizong.

Lu Zhende is a person with very ordinary talent.This can be seen from the fact that she was a third-rate martial artist when she was 16 years old.

However, although Lu Zhende's talent is mediocre, her growth and progress are extremely fast.

Although she has not read the legalist books in Wanfajiao, she works very hard to learn words every day, and always practices some rules of Wanfajiao.

In addition to martial arts, Lu Zhende also worked hard to learn strategies when he joined the army.Her talent in military strategy was quickly discovered by the officers, and as Lu Zhende led the warriors of Wanfazong to victory one after another, her name gradually spread to the ears of Donglizong. Among them, the people of Dongli Sect hated her to the bone, but the people of Wanfa Sect affectionately called her the Holy Maiden of Wanfa.

But just after Lu Zhende completely drove the people from Dongli Sect out of the territory of Erliang, in a battle, Lu Zhende was inexplicably captured by the people from Dongli Sect.

The people from Dongli Sect brought her to the port city, hoping to let Lu Zhende work for them from now on, but Lu Zhende directly refused.

Afterwards, the people of Dongli Sect made Lu Zhende a condition, hoping to end the war with the people of Wanfa Sect.

But this request was also rejected by the people of Wanfa Sect.Moreover, I don’t know what information the Wanfa Sect has obtained.They firmly believed that Lu Zhende had betrayed, so they publicly offered a reward for Lu Zhende.

In 1431 BC, the people of Dongli Sect used the cruelest punishment in Dongli history: burning Lu Zhende to death.

(End of this chapter)

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