Chapter 310
In the following history, along with people's exploration of the sea, the secrets of the mermaids were gradually discovered by people.

The merman has a human body and a fish tail, lives in the sea, and lives by hunting fish in the sea.

The reason why they are said to be human-like creatures rather than human-like intelligent creatures is because sharks are not intelligent, and the reason why they are not intelligent is different from ordinary animals because their brains are not large enough, but their brains are too developed. And they are so gifted in mental power that they can't control their runaway mental power, causing them to lose their normal rationality.

A cultivator once tried to tame the merman to be his subordinate, but he never succeeded.

Because once an ordinary mermaid is born, the mental power in the brain is equivalent to that of a god cultivator in the foundation-building realm, and when the mermaid becomes an adult, the mental power is equivalent to that of a god cultivator in the nascent infant realm.

As for some elderly mermaids, although their bodies are decaying day by day, their mental power is getting bigger and bigger, and some of them have even reached the peak of the primordial spirit state. Such powerful spiritual power is destined to be impossible for mermaids to be tamed.

That is to say, because the sharks have no wisdom, they cannot effectively utilize the spiritual power they carry.Otherwise, it is really not certain whether humans or sharks dominate the earth.

However, some scientists believe that it is precisely because the mermaids have no intelligence that such a huge spiritual power can be born, because there will be no perfect creatures in the world.

By the way, another famous feature of humanoid creatures like sharks is that they have no concept of gender until they reach adulthood.

All mermaids are asexual before adulthood, that is, they have no reproductive organs.When the mermaids become adults, they will become male or female according to their own choice, and they will quickly develop sexual characteristics within a few months.

This miraculous change has not been understood by scientists until now. Why are humanoids born with the same sex, while mermaids can choose their own sex after they reach adulthood.

If human beings can acquire this ability of mermaids, then a series of problems that have always plagued human beings, such as gender discrimination and gender misalignment, can be solved very well.

It's a pity that with the current technology of human beings, it is impossible to understand how a mermaid, a creature with a rather complex body structure, can change its gender and grow sex organs in a short period of time after adulthood.

However, although the shark creature is very miraculous, in the long history of human civilization, this creature does not occupy too much space.

On the one hand, the sharks are not intelligent, and on the other hand, there are not many sharks.Until humans stepped out of outer space, the total number of sharks counted was only over 50.

These more than 50 mermaids belong to different ethnic groups and are located in various oceans on the earth. Except for the occasional incident of mermaids entering human beaches and accidentally injuring humans, they have not affected the course of history.

Therefore, the image of sharks in human minds is actually somewhat similar to the image of great white sharks, representing ferocity and brutality.

This is also the reason why there is a merman skeleton hanging in it.

Moreover, the appearance of the real merman is really different from the picturesque appearance in the novels and movies, and is as ugly as a savage, so everyone only likes the merman in the movie, not the real merman.


Asking Xunze to look at the introduction materials about Yuren, he was a little confused about what to do with Xu Fu.

Let Xu Fu give up training mermaids. Although Xun Ze has not tried it yet, it should be very difficult.

The more Xunze blocked it, the more Xu Fu became able to delve into it.

Even if Xunze refused to open the Internet and the oasis world to Xu Fu, with repeated failures, Xu Fu might have figured out how to create a wise mermaid at some point, and Haiyang might not be able to Belongs to humans.

"This time when Xu Fu comes back, I have to have a good talk with Xu Fu."

When Xun Ze was asked to worry about Xu Fu, Yueying Sixth Colonial Star, An Yunyi, a slightly fat young man in his 20s, was also staring at his computer in astonishment.

As a stand-alone fan, he likes to disconnect the network of the computer simulation cabin when playing games so that he will not be disturbed.

But in the middle of the game, when An Yunyi was killing Zhengshuang with an energy cannon, a little loli in Hanfu suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Although the game is not finished yet.However, An Yunyi had read the relevant strategies and discussions before playing the game, and he was very sure that there would never be any Hanfu little loli in this game out of nowhere.

After all, this is just a 'Shooting Explosion' game rather than a 'Social Security' game, how could a Hanfu little loli suddenly appear.

The easter egg is still a bug, it should be a bug.

An Yunyi looked at the little loli in Hanfu and wondered if the game company had added this little loli in Hanfu because of the negligence of the outsourcing company when the game company outsourced some modeling.

Because of the vigorous shooting right now, An Yunyi subconsciously pointed the energy cannon at the little loli, trying to see if she could kill the little loli in Hanfu who was suspected of a bug with one shot.

But just when An Yunyi was about to press the launch button, the little girl in Hanfu suddenly looked up at him.

"A pretty girl."

An Yunyi was in a trance, and involuntarily let go of the hand holding the energy cannon.

At this moment, he didn't know why he suddenly thought that lolita was the most beautiful thing in time, and the little lolita in Hanfu in front of him was Her Royal Highness who was worth protecting with his life.

"your Highness."

An Yunyi knelt down facing the little Hanfu loli in front of her,
"Your knight, the reason is at your service."

"Connect your computer to the network."

The little loli in Hanfu looked at An Yunyi in front of her, and said in a commanding tone.

As a person who hates being ordered by others the most, An Yunyi didn't get angry at all when facing the Hanfu little lolita, and immediately connected her computer simulation cabin to the network.


After connecting to the Internet in the computer simulation cabin, the little girl in Hanfu closed her eyes for a while, and then said to herself,
"Although I replaced myself with an electronic signal before my body dissipated. But it seems that I can't wander freely in the world of signals. I still need to find a powerful body to provide myself with energy.

However, this time the spiritual power of the cultivator is no longer needed. "

The little loli in Hanfu said and turned her head to look at An Yunyi, and saw that An Yunyi was on the body in the real world, as if something invisible had entered the game world following the signal, and was then absorbed by the little loli in Hanfu.

At the same time, An Yunyi's body in the real world also became slightly thinner.

(End of this chapter)

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