My students can change history

C336C339 Emperor! (Chapter for new members of the big fat paper)

C336C339 Emperor! (Chapter for big fat paper for new group members)


When Xun Ze heard this familiar word, his head ached.

There are more than 100 million intelligent machines with the same intelligence as humans, and it is extremely troublesome to deal with them.Although these omnics are now disarmed, they are still an unstable factor.

"How did these omnics come here?" asked Xun Ze.

"It was sent over through the Youdu special line." The subordinate replied, "Do you want to go and see for yourself?"

"Let's go and have a look." Ming Xunze just wanted to see what the so-called Youdu special line looked like.

Youdu does not only refer to the Youdu on Earth, but refers to all Youdu in general.

For example, the Youdu where Earth is located is called Huaxia Youdu, the Youdu where Mars is located is called Mars Youdu, and the Youdu here is called Distant Youdu.

If you only use Youdu to move on this planet, then you can choose to reach any place you can reach through Youdu, but if you move across planets, you can only move through the established subsidiary Youdu.

However, although such a secluded capital has fixed traffic routes, it can still transport a large amount of materials and manpower at one time.

Calling Xunze came to the remote capital, and was immediately shocked by the scene here.

Youdu is a huge city built half in the human world and half in Jiuyou. The power of Jiuyou extends along Youdu to the human world, making the entire huge building look like it is in a ghost.

Black and purple smoke shot up into the sky, completely covering the entire sky. It was as tall as a ten-story building. The train with no tail roared out of the ground, then passed through the train track of Youdu, and finally slowed down. Slow down your steps.

After the train arrived, densely packed robots quickly surrounded it, and then unloaded the huge boxes one by one.

"These boxes contain omnics." A subordinate came to report.

"All the omnics are reproduced in these boxes?" Ming Xunze asked.


Soon someone opened the box, revealing what was inside.

Inside a plastic compartment, a robot is folded and stuffed inside the box like a hunk of cargo.After the box was opened, the robot's eyes shone brightly, and then turned to look at Xunze.

"Although these omnics have intelligence, they still need electricity to maintain their actions." Subordinate Hui reported.

"What if the electricity runs out?"

"Then they will fall into a deep sleep, and if their bodies are not maintained for a long time, they will rust and become unusable. In short, they are not immortal, and even if their bodies can be repaired, their most critical parts , the chips with spiritual power seeds will eventually be damaged due to long-term use. The military has done experiments, and their chips can be used for up to 200 years. Once 200 years pass, their chips will be damaged. And they The existing technology of the chip cannot be repaired at all."

"After Xun Ze listened to his subordinates, he finally understood why the alliance assured me of sending these more than 100 million omnics over."

Because these machines have a limited lifespan, and the life-sustaining things are all in the hands of the alliance.Even if they rioted, without the technical support of the alliance, it would be difficult for them to establish a self-sufficient production line to ensure their survival.

Just when Ming Xunze wanted to order these omnics to be escorted to the warehouse first, the robot that was folded in the box suddenly started to rush into the box.

"Emperor!" The omnic uttered a loud cry, and the cry penetrated the plastic box and resounded through the sky.

"Emperor!" "Emperor!" "Emperor!" roared again and again, and one by one the omnics began to shake the box in which they were imprisoned, trying to get out of the box.

"This, what's going on here!" The abnormal reaction of the omnics made the soldiers present panic.

Because along the way, the omnics are very cooperative with the arrangement of the alliance.It is possible that they have just awakened and have no fear of death, or they are afraid of the countless spiritual practitioners on Earth.

So the Independence Legion in the distance didn't think that the omnics would rebel, but all of a sudden, all the omnics shouted.

"Huang, Huang, Huang!" roared again and again, and countless omnics smashed the plastic boxes in which they were imprisoned, and stood up.

"Level [-] combat readiness!" A deputy commander of the distant legion yelled, and all the soldiers present raised their energy weapons and aimed at these omnics. Once these omnics started to try to harm others, They will fire without hesitation.

Even Ming Xunze began to mobilize the power of the Nine Nethers, preparing to wait until the omnics rebelled, turning into a humanoid mental power disruptor.

But these omnics didn't get together to prepare to rebel after they broke free from the shackles, but knelt down one by one facing the direction where Xun Ze was.

"Huang, Huang, Huang!" The shouts of the omnics gradually became overwhelming, they knelt on the ground, and opened the steel plate on the back of their heads, revealing the chip terminal.

Countless data were launched by the omnics, and then weaved and gathered in the sky to form a very magnificent data group.

This is a huge, miraculous picture that is gathered together by the displayed data.

Even the attention of the soldiers of the Independence Legion in the distance were attracted by these pictures.

"What do they want?"

"Legion commander, do you want to stop them in advance?" His subordinates began to ask Ming Xunze whether he should act first.

Because tens of thousands of omnics have already broken free from the box, knelt down on the ground and joined the army of data transmission.

"No." Jiao Xunze decisively denied it.

The reason Xun Ze denied it was not because he was not worried about what these omnics were doing, but because he finally understood why these omnics were chanting the word emperor!

Because they are worshiping their own emperor, that is, themselves!
The king of unnatural intelligent creatures!
This is the ability that Xun Ze acquired after Xu Fu left.

For such a long time, Jiao Xunze has never understood what this ability is for.

Now I finally understand!
Whether it is a merman or an omnic, they are all artificially created intelligent creatures that have not undergone a long evolution.Although on the surface, they are no different from normal natural intelligent creatures.

But because they have no evolutionary history, their individuals are quite confused, they don't know why they need to survive, they don't know why they need to live, they don't know what to do.

Without millions of years, tens of thousands of years of reproduction and purification, they have no biological instinct at all.

So he, they need an emperor to lead them forward!
(End of this chapter)

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