God of Cookery Live Room

Chapter 279 As long as you are happy (Part 3)

Chapter 279 As long as you are happy (third update)
Four days passed quickly by entertaining one guest a day.

After all the guests were entertained, Chen Er was free again.

I have time to trim the flowers and plants in the yard and make a bowl of tea to drink.

He had just finished pruning a plant of Qilixiang, sitting on a wicker chair in the corner, holding a cup of oolong tea that had already been brewed.

Before the tea could be put into his mouth, he heard a rustling sound from above his head.

A few leaves fell off and just floated into the teacup.

Chen Er thought to himself, could it be that Li Sisi got the information and came back?
He looked up quickly, and saw the branches above his head tremble, and a few more leaves fell down.

Then, a furry head poked out from the leaves.

A pair of big eyes like glass beads turned around and met Chen Er.


Chen Er was stunned for a moment, and in the next second, he saw an orange figure, and threw himself into his arms with a "swoosh".

It even shook the teacup in Chen Er's hand.

A few drops of tea spilled out and landed on Chen Er's white shirt.

He froze for a moment, his body posture froze all of a sudden.

The little thing in his arms lifted his small head and made a small "meow" sound.

Then he cautiously moved into Chen Er's arms and took a sniff.

It seemed that it was quite satisfied with the smell, so it gave a soft "meow" again.

Then his two little paws stepped lightly on Chen Er's belly through his shirt.

Chen Er remembered the jokes he had read on Weibo before. The cat's movement seemed to be called stepping on milk...

Chen Dun was sweating profusely...

"This is my belly, not milk..."

As soon as the words fell, the little guy found a suitable posture on Chen Er's stomach, and fell asleep with his tail on it.

Before closing his eyes, he didn't forget to let out a gentle "meow".

Then snore slowly.

Chen Er asked the sky speechlessly, "I'll go, what kind of divine physique am I!"

After a while, Chen Er was completely immersed in the fun of petting the cat.

The fur of this orange kitten is very soft and fluffy.

Stretch out your hand and gently stroke it from its head, along the fur, all the way to its tail.

The kitten didn't resist at all, and still kept its eyes closed, snoring softly.

Occasionally smacking his lips, he seemed to be sleeping happily.

Chen Er was happily stroking the cat, when there was a light knock on the courtyard door.

Chen Er had no choice but to hold the cat in his arms, and got up to open the door.

Unexpectedly, the person standing outside the door would be Lu Yumiao.

The moment the two saw each other, they were stunned at the same time.

Chen Er was accidental, but Lu Yumiao was curious about the cat in his arms.

Lu Yumiao looked at the orange kitten sleeping peacefully in Chen Er's arms and asked curiously, "When did you get the cat?"

Chen Er's hand gently slid over the cat's furry head, "Um, just now."

Lu Yumiao immediately became more interested.


Then a smile appeared on the lips.

Chen Er naturally handed the cat in his arms to her.

"Would you like a hug?"

Lu Yumiao took the little orange cat with a smile.

Because of the change of arms, the little orange cat suddenly woke up.

However, maybe it also knew that Lu Yumiao had no ill intentions, so it did not struggle in Lu Yumiao's arms.He just raised his head, leaned into Lu Yumiao's arms again, and smelled the scent.

It seems to be adapting to the new environment.

But it never fell asleep again.

Chen Er and Lu Yumiao sat down in the yard, the little orange cat returned to Chen Er's arms, and fell asleep peacefully.

Lu Yumiao discovered that there were many flowers planted in Chen Er's yard, and the two chatted for a while.

After the chat was over, Chen Er realized that he forgot to complain about a very important question.

"Last time in Hengyang, your men pulled out my hair."

Lu Yumiao's expression at this moment did not show any discomfort, nor did his eyes dodge in any way.


Chen Er felt that this confident look was barely comparable to what he had.

"Because I know your purpose for doing this, I won't argue with you."

"If you want to do something in the future, you still need to say hello."

Lu Yumiao had a slightly surprised expression at this moment.

"You knew already?"

Chen Er deliberately asked, "Know what?"

Lu Yumiao smiled without saying a word.

Just when Chen Er thought the other party had nothing to say, the other party suddenly spoke again.

"I thought you knew. We are blood cousins. It's impossible in this life."

Chen Er almost fell off his chair after hearing this.

He stared at Lu Yumiao for a long time before saying, "Now I believe it, we are blood cousins..."

The degree of thick skin is almost the same.

Lu Yumiao rolled his eyes with a smile.

For a long time after that, neither of them said a word.

Just sitting quietly in the yard.

The Qilixiang in the yard is blooming very well, and the fragrance of the flowers is so strong that almost the whole yard is full of fragrance.

Lu Yumiao poured himself a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Chen Er was sitting on the rattan chair, caressing the cat in his arms leisurely.

After a long time, a gust of wind came from nowhere, and a large piece of leaves fell from the tree.

Lu Yumiao then said, "Let's go home and have a look when."

Chen Er narrowed his eyes slightly.

When can I go home and have a look?

For Chen Er in the past, since his parents passed away one after another, he was considered a person without a family in this world.

However, now someone suddenly appeared and told him that he still had relatives of the same blood alive.

Chen Er had a strange feeling in his heart.

Just like the first time I saw Lu Yumiao.

There is a feeling of strangeness and familiarity.

It was as if something was swimming in the blood.

Chen Er nodded, "Anytime is fine."

He thought for a while, and then his eyes fell on Lu Yumiao.

"Qinghua, where are you?"

Lu Yumiao's eyes suddenly looked far and soft.

"In Jiangnan."

Chen Er decided to go back to Qinghua to have a look.

Before returning to Qinghua, there is one more important thing to do.

It is to take the ashes of the grandfather and the others back to Qinghua and bury them in the land.

Chen Er thinks this is what needs to be done now.

Grandpa and the others have always wanted to reunite with their family. If it weren't for the raging war, there shouldn't be so many things.

This is the only thing Chen Er can do for the two old people.

No one knew about Chen Er going to Qinghua.

He just asked Gou Xuefang to help take care of the little orange cat before he left.

Gou Xuefang hugged the little orange cat and asked, "Did you give it a name?"

Gou Xuefang seemed to like it very much, and kept teasing it.

"It's so beautiful, it must be given a nice name!"

Chen Er said seriously, "Then call it Stinky Tofu."

Gou Xuefang raised her head and glanced at Chen Er, "Are you serious?"

Chen Er touched Stinky Tofu's head, "What a cute name."

This is his favorite food.

Gou Xuefang restrained her desire to complain, "Just as long as you are happy."

 PS: The third watch is coming (*?▽?*)
(End of this chapter)

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