Chapter 101
Song Buzheng said that three days is three days.

When the time came, no one went to inform Shen Yi to get the certificate. Instead, Song Buzheng, the bureau chief, drove to the store in person.

Of course, it used to be a convenience store.

However, after the expansion, the three characters written on the license are not convenience stores.

When Shen Yi filled it out earlier, he wrote that the name of the supermarket was 'Strengthen'.It also means that in addition to Wal-Mart and RT-Mart, there is another reinforcement in this world... The three companies present a tripartite confrontation.

Of course, this was just what Shen Yi thought.

In fact...

"Boss Shen, what the hell kind of name did you choose!"

When Song Buzheng saw the name on the license, the corner of Song Buzheng's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Such a name for a supermarket these days is really fresh and refined.

But how did he know that Shen Yi is lazy!

I also felt that it was suitable for supermarket products anyway, so I directly pressed the name up.

After receiving the license from Song Buzheng, Shen Yi said with a smile.

"The name is chosen randomly... Director Song just call me and tell me that I will pick it up myself. Why bother you to come over and deliver it yourself!"

Song Buzheng waved his hands.

"No trouble, I'm just stopping by, just to take a look."

Shen Yi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly asked.

"Director Song, how does it feel to drink tea?"

Song Buzheng said with a haha.

"What's the name of the bureau chief? It seems to be too much... The tea is good tea, thanks to Boss Shen's blessing."

Shen Yi smiled and nodded.

"Just as long as Director Song is satisfied, I will save some for you when I have more!"

Song Buzheng had a smile on his face.

"Then I will thank Boss Shen!"

Shen Yi smiled and sent Song Buzheng outside the door.

There was a car waiting outside the door, but it wasn't the one that Song Buzheng drove over!
Before getting into the car, Song Buzheng seemed to remember something, and suddenly patted his forehead and said.

"By the way, Boss Shen, I'll leave you a call! We can get closer if there is anything to do..."

Shen Yi wrote down the phone with a smile, and then watched Song Buzheng get into the car and drive away.

He couldn't help smiling.

"This tea is still worth it."

At the same time, Song Buzheng leaned on the back cushion of the car.

I couldn't help but move my neck comfortably.

This car is much more comfortable than the one he owns.

Song Buluan, who was driving, looked at the scene just now, and couldn't help but said to Song Buzheng.

"Brother, as for, why are you being polite to someone who runs a small supermarket?"

"They sell you a piece of tea for so much less money, it should be polite."

Song Buzheng grinned, but said to his younger brother.

Song Buluan curled his lips and said.

"Isn't it only tens of thousands of dollars? If you are short of money, just tell me, and I will punch you in the card. If you dare not say more, I will take out hundreds of thousands."

Song Buzheng waved his hands quickly after hearing this.

"Don't, even if you gave me so much money, I won't be able to tell it later! Don't forget what I am doing now, and you are in business."

Song Buluan couldn't help but shook his head and said something.

"What's so good about being an official?"

Song Buzheng smiled slightly, but said to himself.

"Besides, tea is really a good thing. There are many people who love tea on my head, and there are many people who can use it. It's much better than ordinary things!"

"Then just spend money to buy it."

Song Buluan said something, but turned around and couldn't help but add.

"I spent money to buy it for you, and I bought it for you!"

Song Buzheng smiled and said.

"Then they have to sell it to you!"

Song Buluan froze for a moment, then recalled what happened to Shen Yina, and couldn't help smashing the steering wheel.

"Don't make trouble for others when you turn around!"


Song Buzheng's help was not small, except for the license, the others were more or less informed.

This made Shen Yi go through all the procedures a little faster.

After everything was done, Shen Yi was completely relieved.

From now on, I won't be afraid that others will come and cause trouble for no reason, at least not for the time being.

Right now, all these things are finished, Shen Yi plans to speed up the so-called renovation of the store.

Anyway, if everything is complete, it is better to start business as soon as possible to make money.

Shen Yi is looking forward to what kind of classification can be opened after the third level.

"The best seasoning! You can't eat chicken rice without fortification."

The meals sold in restaurants outside are really dull.

Maybe those things could be considered delicious in Shen Yi's eyes before, but now, I'm afraid they can only account for two words, just eat...

But the last time Feng Shikun came over, Shen Yi asked him to save some chicken essence.

Although it made Feng Shikun's flesh hurt, but this time Shen Yi didn't plan to go out to eat.

Thinking of his high-end open kitchen upstairs, Shen Yi's heart became hot.

Seeing that it was almost noon, he made up his mind that he would start a fire by himself no matter what he said today.

In the small kitchen before, it was too troublesome to stand alone, so naturally it didn't have the nature of firing a fire.

But now this kind of kitchen, dare to say that it is not interesting at all?
After all, everyone wants to use something good...

Even though there was no fire in the past few days, Shen Yi wiped the stove clean.

Now that he had made his plans, Shen Yi went straight to the vegetable market.

With the idea of ​​having everything in one go, even if he was the only one eating, Shen Yi didn't miss out on buying all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

Although it is summer, there is a refrigerator anyway!
The refrigerator sent by the system cannot be used as a decoration, but should be filled anyway.

I bought some vegetables and made a lot of meat!

For Shen Yi, every meal can be said to be full of meat and joy.

When eating instant noodles in the past, it was unconditional, but now it is unreasonable to treat yourself badly if you have the conditions.

Before I knew it, I walked to the poultry market.

A majestic rooster with a bright red comb and clucking crows is truly eye-catching.

"Hey, braised chicken nuggets are also good!"

Shen Yi pondered for a while, then asked the price and bought the rooster.

Looking at the power of that rooster, it seems that today is really lucky.

However, when killing chickens, they encountered trouble.

Although the stall owner was agile, the rooster struggled out several times.

After a while of flying around, the stall owner felt a little embarrassed holding the rooster's wings.

"It seems that it should not die, why don't you change it?"

"Forget it, this is it!"

This rooster is likable, Shen Yi doesn't believe it, can't kill it here, get it back or slaughter it?

In his opinion, the more active the chicken, the better, which means it is healthy!
Looking at the other ones, I'm listless.

It is really hard to watch!
The stall owner was considerate and gave a bag to put the chicken in.

Only then did Shen Yi carry the bag and the groceries in his hand before walking towards the convenience store.

However, just out of the vegetable market, but an intersection.

Suddenly, there was a loud booming sound.

Then Shen Yi subconsciously turned his head to look, but saw a black thing, and threw it towards him viciously...

(End of this chapter)

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