God level canteen

Chapter 200 Can't Beat You?

Chapter 200 Can't Beat You?

There is really nothing to say about Han Fuzi's skills. Since he wants to demonstrate it for others, it is natural to have an opponent who complements each other.

This is also the reason why coach Huang Yulin said this.

However, even though he thought so, how could he know what Han Fuzi was thinking?
Han Fuzi suffocated in his heart, and walked to the middle position, exuding an unpleasant breath.

However, Huang Yulin noticed what he said, and just held Han Fuzi's arm on his own, while explaining to the students around him.

"Pay attention to his elbow when hitting, it's the easiest place to control the arm.

If your opponent exerts strength, you can effectively limit his strength while counterattacking. "

As he spoke, he tapped Han Fuzi's arm casually.

Han Fuzi raised his arms involuntarily.

With a sullen expression on his face, he listened to the coach continue.

"If he hits with his fist, you can take advantage of the trend, so that you can counterattack while neutralizing his strength."

As he said that, Huang Yulin asked Han Fuzi to clench his fists, then turned sideways and pulled him directly in his direction.

If this was in normal times, Han Fuzi might have gone along with the trend, after all, he was practicing counter-moves.

However, Han Fuzi was arranged to come here before he finished speaking, and he was a little unhappy in his heart, so he couldn't help exerting a little force in his body.

With a tug, Han Fuzi was not dragged over.

Huang Yulin couldn't help but let out a soft 'huh'.

It could be seen that Han Fuzi did it on purpose, Huang Yulin's face couldn't help but darken.

Then he reached out to pull again, but this time he used a little more force.

However, Han Fuzi seemed to be fighting with him, Huang Yulin just made his body shake this time.

In Huang Yulin's memory, Han Fuzi didn't seem to have such great power.

However, before he had time to think about it, he saw a smug sneer flashing across Han Fuzi's face.

Huang Yulin's face sank, and then he stopped pulling, looking at him, Han Fuzi couldn't help saying.

"What do you mean? You are not happy that I won't let you participate in the competition, and you are here to show me face?"

Han Fuzi is still underage, and no matter what, he is not as calm as an adult.

That dissatisfaction was almost written on his face, how could Huang Yulin not see it?
Han Fuzi is also a real person, he couldn't help but said when he looked at Huang Yulin.

"In the first place, it's based on skill. Who can fight better than me? I'm already good, but you still say I'm not strong enough!"

Huang Yulin was amused by his words, then grinned and looked at Han Fuzi coldly and said.

"Hey... I'm doing it for your own good and you still don't listen, okay... aren't you convinced? Come on, they are all here, let's have a fight! I don't say you can beat me, as long as you can be with me Hold on for 3 minutes! I promise to let you go!"


Han Fuzi looked at Huang Yulin suspiciously.

Huang Yulin was taken aback for a moment, originally he intended to let the child retreat in spite of difficulties, who knew that he really had that kind of thought.

He couldn't help being a little angry in his heart, and said in a deep voice.

"Really! I mean what I say!"

Han Fuzi didn't know that his coach had thought so much, so he was overjoyed, and then said to Huang Yulin.

"What you say is what you say, come and come!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't pay attention to etiquette or anything like that, so he reached out his hand to Huang Yulin first and grabbed it.

It is said that he survived under Huang Yulin's hands for 3 minutes, but Han Fuzi is not so stupid, he really waited for Huang Yulin to call him.

The so-called pre-emptive strikes, anyway, always take the initiative to strike first.

Huang Yulin didn't expect that Han Fuzi would attack him first. Fortunately, the martial arts practitioners reacted quickly, so he hesitated when making the attack, for fear of hurting Han Fuzi.

Then consider whether it should be lighter.

However, when he really grabbed Han Fuzi's arm, Han Fuzi's hand didn't know where the strength came from, and he broke free in one fell swoop!

Huang Yulin couldn't fight back, but he jumped over with this foot.

At the same time, his eyes could not help but light up, and he thought to himself.

"Good boy!"

Then he patted Han Fuzi's face with his arm.

Huang Yulin teaches Sanda, he knows a lot of things.

Whether it’s various routines or other things, we’ve covered them all.

This trick is called Pao Hammer, which is a kind of traditional martial arts, also known as Sanhuang Pao Hammer.

If it hits the face directly, most people can't stand it.

Huang Yulin was afraid of hurting Han Fuzi, so he couldn't help but withhold the strength from his hand.

However, who knew that Han Fuzi would not retreat but advance, he leaned on his chest and hit him hard.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yulin couldn't help sneering.

Han Fuzi's skills are good, which can be seen from this.

But he was not strong enough. Although the strength he used just now was a little stronger, it was still not enough.

At least compared with Huang Yulin, a person who has immersed many people in martial arts, the difference is too far.

He took Han Fuzi's attack, and while sweeping his legs, he grabbed Han Fuzi's shoulders and threw him out.

That movement was numb, like shaking his own little gown.


After a dull sound, Han Fuzi was thrown to the ground.

Although it was said that the pads under his feet were pads, he still grinned when he fell.

He struggled and wanted to get up, but before he got up, Huang Yulin let out a cry of joy.

"Come again!"

This came towards him.

Huang Yulin didn't feel depressed anymore, but felt that Han Fuzi was interesting.

Before he knew it, the power had grown so much, he couldn't help thinking.

"Could it be that I put too little pressure on this kid before, so that he couldn't break out?"

This made him want to put more pressure on Han Fuzi.

The so-called jade can't be made into a tool, and martial arts can't be accomplished without beating, Huang Yulin made up his mind to beat this kid hard today.

However, when Han Fuzi saw him approaching fiercely, he panicked and couldn't help but say something.



Huang Yulin looked at him and smiled involuntarily.

Han Fuzi couldn't help but turn his eyes and said.

"I'll eat something first, I'm hungry!"

After speaking, Huang Yulin ran towards the corner without waiting for a word.

Where is his backpack, and there are spicy sticks in the backpack.

Han Fuzi has already seen that although his strength has increased, it is still not enough to match his coach.

But if you win, you can play?How could he give up like this?
He couldn't help but grit his teeth and threw Shen Yi's warning nine days away.

"I can't believe I ate all the spicy strips and still can't beat you?"

Feeling ruthless in my heart, I stuffed the remaining spicy sticks into my mouth fiercely.

The way he eats makes the crowd burst into laughter.

Those classmates couldn't help grinning.

 V group of the commissary: ​​4669512
(End of this chapter)

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