217 Drunk

Zhou Hanting broke away from the crowd and ran away.

Many people chased after him, but they couldn't catch up.

I could only curse Zhou Hanting for being stingy.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

Many times people are like this. You always feel that others are stingy, but what about yourself?

I'm afraid most of them will be like this.

As everyone knows, even if each of them sipped a little of the sky blue in Zhou Hanting's hand, how much would it take?
Real gold and silver are not necessarily as expensive as wine, but all that is spent in vain is money.

There was a sudden silence in the supermarket, and then I don't know who gritted his teeth and opened his mouth first.

"Damn, I can't taste the blue sky. Doesn't Boss Shen have other wines here? Boss Shen sells good things anyway. I'll buy some other wines to try."

Hearing this, Shen Yi actually laughed!
It couldn't be better, and he even said something along the way.

"Yes, other wines are not necessarily bad! You really want to drink it, so you can buy it and try it."

Those who love wine have been aroused by gluttons, following Shen Yi's instigation, and the fact that everyone has been attracted by the aroma of wine for a long time, how can they bear it?
Three or five bottles of liquor were sold immediately.

Although it can't be said that the price of Sky Blue is 10,000+, but the total price put together still makes Shen Yi smile!

Those who bought wine were not in a hurry to leave, but tasted it directly in the supermarket.

Disposable cups are not stingy, let go of the free supply!
For a moment, the entire supermarket was filled with a strong aroma of wine.

"Good wine!"

Zhang Zhen yelled, panting heavily, raising his head and hooking his neck!

The air conditioner in the room was turned on to be cool enough, but he was still dripping with sweat and his face was flushed.

He drank Erguotou, which was the cheapest among baijiu.

But it is also notoriously cheap at the same time!
Three or five people tasted a bottle of wine, and one person only took a bite or two, and then his eyes began to look crooked and blurred.

Then he fell to the ground with a bang!
These few people were actually drunk by [-] Erguotou.

To be honest, these individuals were all experienced veterans in the early days, and their drinking capacity was high.

But after arriving at Erguotou in Shen Yi's place, no amount of alcohol could hold it back.

Instead, he started mopping the supermarket floor with his clothes.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Erguotou is famous for its strong alcohol, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful after strengthening it.

Let's not talk about those who drank, let's just talk about Shen Yi who didn't drink, just smelling the smell of wine, he is also a vegetarian.

Of course, this does not rule out that the sky blue he drank just now is working.

Old man Yang didn't leave all the time, and Zhang Zhen fell drunk on the ground, so he found a chance.

Carefully snatching a cup, he poured himself a little from the wine bottle.

Of course, the wine has already been paid for, but it belongs to Zhang Zhen!

Shen Yi could tell that Yang Tie was fond of wine, so that didn't stop him.

But Yang Tie was measured, he only fell a little.

The so-called taste is enough, it seems that he also wants to taste the taste of Erguotou.

It is definitely not as good as the sky blue, after all, the essence of strengthening depends on the material.

A wine that costs five yuan itself is not as good as a wine that costs hundreds of yuan.

Yang Tie put the wine in his mouth, savored it carefully, and then sighed involuntarily.

It is true that Erguotou is not as good as Tianzhilan, but judging from this wine, at least it is better than the one brewed by itself.

Even compared with aged wine, it is even worse.

"Mianrou Huaiyuan, mellow and not spicy! Burn it slowly in the stomach. Old people should drink less of this wine. It must be very good."

Yang Tie smiled wryly.

"The wines I have spent so much time brewing are not as good as Erguotou?"

There was some decadence in his eyes.

From the time Yang Tie got married to now, he has been dealing with alcohol.

From the very beginning of drinking to the later brewing!
He even opened a factory, so don't underestimate his craftsmanship.

Yang Tie has a circle of his own, and the wine he brews and the old wine at home are watched by countless people, wanting to get some.

Originally, these were things that Yang Tie was proud of, but now compared with the Erguotou in his hand...

"Fortunately, I used to treat those as treasures, alas!"

Listening to his words, Shen Yi became curious.

It seems that this old man has some skills besides good wine.

Yang Tie's soliloquy made Shen Yi smile knowingly.

The self-fortified wine has even conquered the brewers. Isn't this the greatest appreciation?
Looking at the old man, Shen Yi couldn't help grinning and said.

"Old man! If you like this one, buy a bottle. Erguotou is not too expensive!"

It's not expensive...a bottle of Erguotou for five yuan costs two thousand!

"Right on my mind!"

Old man Yang was talking, but when he took out the money, his palms were still trembling.

This is 2000 yuan. Old man Yang is not as generous as before!
The 2000 yuan is enough for him to earn for one month and spend three months.

The money itself was given to the old son, but the old son didn't want it!
Yang Tie didn't expect that when he passed by a supermarket, the money would be too much to cover.

Yang Tie struggled with pain in his eyes.

One eye on money, one eye on wine!
Holding the money in his hand, he didn't pass it to Shen Yi for a while.

Shen Yi felt that the old man was interesting, seeing that he was not moving, he smiled sassyly, grabbed the wine bottle with one hand and said.

"Old man, if you don't buy it, I can put it back."

That Yang Tie was taken aback, then gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't, don't! I'll buy it, but it won't work if I buy it."

How could he be willing to drink this wine?Shen Yi's words were like the last straw that overwhelmed the balance in his heart.

Old man Yang still gave the money in pain.

It is said that he was hesitant just now, but after the money was paid, old man Yang felt happy instead.

The money was in his pocket, but the wine was tightly held in his hand.

It can be seen that wine is more important than money to old man Yang at this moment!
After buying wine, old man Yang didn't dare to stay in the supermarket any longer.

Those wines are all different, you can't look at them!
Looking at it further, old man Yang was afraid that he couldn't help but take out the coffin to buy wine.

If he really did this, what is the difference between this and his virtue decades ago?
Old man Yang left, Shen Yi couldn't help smiling.

Just for such a short time, his turnover must be at least 20.

Of course, Zhou Hanting took a big lead.

20% of the 15.00 turnover...

3 yuan.

Shen Yi sincerely felt that the wine business was really easy to do.

He couldn't help but grin, but then he began to worry.

"Good guy, what about these drunks?"

He didn't forget that there were still a few people in front of him who were poured, lying on the ground and snoring.

 The name is so sad: 100
  Blast in love with white clouds: 100
  Riding a piggy upside down 1:1000
  Diu Diu Hui: 100
  enjoy high i:100
  Night Sleet: 100
  Gemini LZ: 100
  Dark Wind or Wind Wind: 500
  Thanks for the above list of rewards, February is here~~ Start working hard.

(End of this chapter)

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