God level canteen

Chapter 303 Development Choice

Chapter 303 Development Choice
What Feng Shikun said so firmly made Boss Shen a little moved.

The bunch of benefits he said, if Feng Shikun really followed what he said, would include ample supply of goods, an area of ​​over a thousand square meters, complete supply channels, and even an excellent geographical location.

Is it really that good?

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, but based on these rhetoric, it might really be worth 3000 to [-] million.

Possibly even higher.

Boss Shen hesitated and asked.

"Is the supermarket you mentioned still open? How is the business?"

Since Feng Shikun is so swearing, he must have seen it in the past.

Sure enough, I heard him answer.

"Okay, very good! Let me tell you, this supermarket is a landmark at this location."

Hearing this, Boss Shen turned pale in surprise.

If the supermarket can be made to be like a landmark, if it is too small, it will not really show up.

Similarly, since it is a landmark, it also means that the business is absolutely very good.

Just like the current Darunfa, where it is opened, it will be a landmark, and the place will become lively after it is opened, and even the housing prices in the surrounding area will rise.

It doesn't have any influence, and it really can't be done.

"Okay, what's the name of the supermarket you're talking about? I'll look it up online."

It is impossible for a supermarket of this scale to be unknown. Before deciding whether to go and see it with his own eyes, Shen Yi planned to find out about it online.

Feng Shikun laughed and said to the phone with a grin.

"Are you excited? The supermarket is called Century Lianhua..."

Boss Shen's lips moved, and finally he spoke to the phone.

"Go on, Pikachu."

Feng Shikun was stunned on the other side of the phone.

"Why, what do you mean?"

Boss Shen grinned, and then said.

"Why don't you understand? Let me be blunt, grandson, get out!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up the phone, Boss Shen grinned in anger.

He thought Feng Shikun was reliable at first, but he didn't expect that looking back, he was still not reliable at all.

What is Century Lianhua?

They are a well-known supermarket company, transfer?What about bullshit?
Well, even if it's really on sale!
But that is a brand franchise store.

Let Boss Shen join someone else?Isn't that nonsense.

Even if Boss Shen is not committed to building his own strengthened brand, joining this model is not an option.

It’s okay to play by yourself, and go to someone else’s house to play?
Some things are really unclear.

After hanging up Feng Shikun's phone call, Boss Shen became worried again.

Going on like this is not an option. For the so-called development, he agreed to Feng Shikun to open a supermarket in Shanghai, which is right.

But now it seems that it is not so easy to open one or two supermarkets that can be opened, and then to open other stores without any trouble.

Furthermore, Boss Shen suddenly discovered a flaw.

It is easy to open a shop but difficult to keep it.

Even if he opened another supermarket in Shanghai, what about the supermarket in Shanghai?
After all, he is alone, lacks skills, and he can't manage so much when opening a store.

The strengthened supermarket is there every week, so it is relatively worry-free.

However, not every supermarket can find a fairly good person in charge.

After all, what we sell is still a little different.

Thinking of these, Shen Yi felt a little embarrassed.

He always feels that now that he is operating a supermarket alone, there seems to be something wrong with this model.

"I can manage ten stores, twenty stores, but what if there are more?"

"I now have a strengthened brand, do I want to create another company? Make the strengthened supermarket a chain model?"

After thinking about it seriously, Shen Yi felt that it might be necessary to do so.

"The system can provide the host with a choice of two developmental modes."

At this moment, the words of the system came over.

Boss Shen listened to the words with joy on his face.

Sometimes it seems that the system is a bit reliable, at least when it is critical, it can jump out and say a few words to you, although I don't know if the words spoken are useful or useless.

"Two modes? What mode, tell me and listen?"

In Shen Yi's philosophy, if he wanted to upgrade his own level, it seemed that he would work hard to expand the store after that. This was the path he chose, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Since there are two types, there must be other choices besides this one."

Regarding this, Shen Yi was a little curious.

Then Shen Yi heard the words of the system.

"The first one is the current mode! The system upgrade is determined by the size of the store and the number of stores!"

Listening to these words, Shen Yi nodded, this is what he is doing now, and he couldn't help but listen to the system's next words.

"The second is to get rid of all the non-self-produced products currently sold, and upgrade according to the varieties sold! The host can choose any one of them."

Although Shen Yi pricked up his ears when he heard it, he couldn't help being stunned when he heard the second way to upgrade.

"What does this mean? Does this mean that I can only sell my own products in the future? Upgrade according to the number of products I create?"

Boss Shen grinned involuntarily.

One is development, and the other is development!
The difference is that one is to develop one's own scale, while the other is to develop creativity.

The first option is fine, but choosing the second option means that Boss Shen will now have to remove all the non-enhanced brand products he currently sells from the shelves.

But what else does the supermarket sell?
Boss Shen felt that the second option was a bit too much.

However, it has to be said that the second option has a very big advantage.

That is, getting rid of dependence on other people's goods.

In the future, at least I won't worry about any commodity issues.

"Both options are neither good nor bad!"


The system gave Shen Yi a rare answer.

However, this kind of multiple-choice question made Shen Yi hesitate for a while.

He subconsciously asked the system.

"Which option do you think is better?"

"The system only provides the direction of development, and the specific choice still needs to be made by the host independently. However, no matter which direction you choose, the host will benefit after making the next choice!"


Boss Shen's eyes could not help but light up.

But after only one light, it couldn't help but dim down.

The advantage is that you can only get it after you have done the current multiple-choice questions.

But Shen Yi was asked to make a choice for a moment, and he couldn't decide.

Choose one, and there is no difference at present.

Can't say good or bad.

The second choice means that a lot of troubles are reduced, but at the same time, strengthening the supermarket will face the situation that there is nothing to sell.

Sucking his teeth, Shen Yi asked the system.

"Can you give me some time?"

(End of this chapter)

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