God level canteen

Chapter 349 Strengthening All

Chapter 349 Strengthening All
Can it be long there?

There is no need to measure at all, and the clothes that originally fit don't look too awkward on Gao Shan's body at the moment.

Confined, it looks a little funny.

Looking at Gao Shan's whole body again, his body stretched obviously.

Gao Shan used chemical fertilizers, at least he was much taller than Shen Yi.

When Shen Yi used this chemical fertilizer, it didn't have such an effect.

Gao Shan was still very excited, he looked down at his body, still trembling.

Shen Yi hurriedly urged.

"Go and measure how much it has increased."


Gao Shan came to his senses for a while, and hurriedly ran to the side, where was the thing that Shen Yi used to measure his height before.

According to Shen Yi's visual inspection, the mountain was at least ten centimeters high.

However, the result did not disappoint at all, where is only ten centimeters.

After measurement, the mountain actually grew 12 centimeters taller.

Don't underestimate the 12 cm.

He may only be able to buy children's clothes in the past, but now at least he can wear normal people's clothes, although he is still a little short.

But at least you don't have to bear the strange eyes of others.


Gao Shan suddenly cried.

Crying is called heart-piercing, of course it is obvious that weeping with joy.

Shen Yi patted him on the shoulder, knowing that Gao Shan was happy, comforted him a little, and said with some emotion.

"You can still use this kilogram of height-enhancing medicine. After drinking it, you can grow a little taller. If there is too much, it will have no effect! But it's okay, you should be satisfied."

Gao Shan is not only satisfied, he is mentally prepared, even if there is only a little, he can accept it.

But the current effect has far exceeded his psychological expectations, how can he be dissatisfied?

He suddenly hugged Shen Yi's thigh, tears and snot all over his face rubbing against Shen Yi's leg.

"Oh, thank you, thank you...Boss Shen...I..."

It seemed that Gao Shan was extremely excited, but Shen Yi couldn't laugh or cry. He seriously suspected that Gao Shan holding his thigh was not excited, but had ulterior motives.

"Get up, get up!"

The mountain ignored him.

"Get up...Your mother, what do you mean, I sold you something, you are satisfied! You turned around and rubbed your nose on me."

Looking at Shen Yi's pants again, they were all wet.

Gao Shan let go of Shen Yi at once.

That was embarrassing, he was really excited, and he didn't rub his nose on Shen Yi on purpose.

Seeing Shen Yi's embarrassed look, Gao Shan said hastily.

"Boss Shen, why don't you take off your pants."

Shen Yi was stunned when he heard these words, took three steps back, and couldn't help covering some indescribable parts of himself.

"What do you want?"

Said vigilantly looking at this mountain.

He seriously doubts that this mountain has other hobbies.

This time it was Gao Shan's turn to be embarrassed, he didn't know what Shen Yi was thinking.

He took a step forward, and Shen Yi stepped back.

Gao Shan said quickly.

"Boss Shen, what are you thinking? Am I that kind of person? I mean, I dirty your clothes, why don't you take them off and I'll wash them for you. "

Shen Yi finally understood, and quickly waved his hand.

"no, I'm fine!"

He had misunderstood, which was really embarrassing.

That Gao Shan left, and he was still very excited before leaving the supermarket, and he was in a fog when he left.

Before leaving, he kept thanking Shen Yi.

This made Shen Yi feel a little emotional. Seriously, the height-increasing medicine he sold was not expensive.

After all, this thing is fertilizer, and he didn't spend much to buy such a big bag.

But the effect is gratifying.

What Gao Shan bought was not only the so-called height-enhancing medicine, but also a feeling that cannot be added.

"I don't try to make money with this thing, it's considered helping others."

Shen Yi exhaled and murmured to himself.

"Hey, it seems that the effect of this chemical fertilizer still depends on the person. Could it be that the shorter the body, the more effective it is?"

Shen Yi has only increased by three centimeters, and he can actually increase by that much when he reaches Gaoshan.

In fact, what Shen Yi thought was right.

This chemical fertilizer is indeed more effective for short people.

For high ones, it will be weakened a little.

"It's nothing to say that ordinary things will work immediately, but this heightening medicine will work immediately, and the gap is so big..."

Shen Yi frowned.

It is indeed a bit unacceptable. Although the things are good, they are a bit shocking.

After all, this change is visible to the naked eye.

"Forget it, as long as it can increase the height, no one cares about it like this mountain! There are too many things that can be immediately effective in the strengthening supermarket. Although the height-enhancing medicine changes a little bit, it is not unacceptable."

Shaking his head, Shen Yi was too lazy to think about it so much.

After sending Gao Shan away, Shen Yi felt at ease.

However, it didn't last long.

A phone call came.

"Mr. Shen, the things you want are ready. Shall I deliver them now?"

"All right?"

Shen Yi asked back into the phone.

The other end of the phone confirmed.

"It's all ready, all kinds are here."

This made Shen Yi a little happy, he said to the phone.

"Then send it over quickly."


After hanging up the phone, a super long truck stopped at the entrance of the strengthened supermarket.

This car is full of goods that Shen Yi wants.

A person hurriedly walked over to Shen Yi.

"Everything you want is here, there are computers, TVs, laptops... rich in most electronic products."

The train door opened, opened the door and looked, but most of the things were there.

densely packed together.

It looks like there are many, but it is not a type.

"it is good!"

Shen Yi nodded, and then excitedly said to that person.

"Unload the goods and take them all to the supermarket."

Not to mention, the things in the truck in front of me are all things that can be strengthened by the five-level classification.

After having the mobile phone as a lesson earlier, Shen Yi asked people to wrap up all these things directly according to the method of the mobile phone.

According to the requirements of the system, all these things of him are fully functional.

"None of the fifth-level enhancements are wasted, they are all here! I don't know what will become of these electronic products after five-level enhancement!"

Of course, caring about the efficacy of electronic products is one thing, but Shen Yi is looking forward to another thing.

"According to the requirements of the system, the goods in my store are sufficient. Does it mean that the upgrade requirements have been met? All the five-level products are here!"

He was still thinking about exploiting the system's loopholes, but he didn't know if the result would be satisfactory.

After all the commodities had been moved into the supermarket, Shen Yi frowned.

Then he said to the system.


The next moment, the light fell on the dazzling array of electronic products.

 Change your schedule, declare failure...well, do it again.I can't even believe that I can't get over it if I don't sleep for 24 hours!

(End of this chapter)

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