Super Bank Card System

Chapter 8 Noble 2

Chapter 8 Noble 2
Taking a sip of tea, Xueting had a trace of inexplicable tears in the corners of her eyes, as if she had just cried.

My room is a bit sloppy, but Xue Ting no longer pays attention to where I live.

The tears in the corners of her eyes must have been shed for Mo personally, but I knew it must be because of Brother Dong.

I didn't speak for a long time, and I teased that my room was a bit messy, saying that I didn't entertain her well.

Xueting only said: "I have something I want to talk to you about. I wonder if you are willing to listen to me?"

Seeing that Xue Ting became stiff for a while, I didn't know what to say to her.

But in a trance, I said: "Madam boss, just tell me! Don't take me into consideration."

When Li Xueting saw me say such words, she kept saying to me: "Ashin, I don't think I can cooperate with you anymore!"

This sentence fell from the sky like a bolt from the blue, and I was a little overwhelmed.Just said: "Why?"

"No reason!" Li Xueting said immediately.

I know that if I don't cooperate with Li Xueting, I will lose my foundation in Ningcheng, and I won't be able to get along here.

"Did Brother Dong find you again!" I think it must be that Brother Dong put some pressure on her.


Since Brother Dong has not put pressure on Li Xueting, no one can damage our cooperation!
I told Li Xueting my thoughts, but she didn't answer me, she just kept saying to me: "I will find a way to return your money to you."

After speaking, Li Xueting left.

My Erzhang monk couldn't figure it out, so I followed him out.

It was night, and I was afraid that Li Xueting would meet bad people, so I grabbed her hand and said to her, "I'll take you back!"

Li Xueting left without saying anything to me.

I knew it wouldn't be good for her to go on like this, so I didn't follow her.

I’d better continue tinkering with my bank card system!

In order to earn more money, I used the money in time and space to upgrade myself to Noble 2.This makes it possible to upgrade the bank card charging system.

The power of the current bank card can be charged by sunlight, and of course the battery life is also much longer.

Since I am Noble 2, I have a lot of privileges. For example, I can learn by using the perspective function.

However, this perspective function is still so simple to learn, who let himself have a powerful system.

In order to see the scenery I could see, I went to the street alone, looking for the scenery I could see, and after a while I found a little girl wearing a white coat and black pants.

When I looked at her with clairvoyant eyes, I saw that she didn't seem to be wearing underwear, and her breasts were not that big, and I saw that she seemed to have put some cushions on.

After watching it for a long time, I felt it was no longer fun.Because I thought of Li Xueting at this time, why didn't she cooperate with me?

Hasn't our cooperation always been pleasant?
I used this perspective function to look at it for a long time, but decided to go home to avoid fatigue.

I fell asleep when I got home, and tomorrow I will ask Li Xueting why she doesn't cooperate with me.

Of course, you also need to upgrade your bank card system.

The starry sky at night is extraordinarily bright, indicating that tomorrow will be a good weather, but what incredible things are hidden behind the dark screen?

Unknowingly, I fell asleep like this. The night was already very deep, and my sleepiness became deeper.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning woke me up from my sleep, and I turned over in a jerk, knowing that I was going to see Li Xueting.

When I came to the company and saw Li Xueting, there seemed to be someone in her office.I looked inside with a perspective, and it seemed that an elder was sitting inside, wondering if this person was some kind of relative of Li Xueting.

I walked in without thinking too much, and said to Li Xueting, "Sister Xueting, I'm here to see you."

Seeing how casual I was, the elder asked Li Xueting, "Xueting, who is this?"

Seeing me talking to the elder in front of me like this, Li Xueting said to him, "Dad, this is the co-investor I told you about."

When I heard that Li Xueting called him dad, I knew that this person might be the chairman of the company.

However, the chairman looked disgusted at me when he saw that I didn't say anything respectable.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Xueting's father called Li Xueting to another room.

I don't know what they said, but after a while, Li Xueting came out and said to me: "It's better not to meet, after all, there is nothing between us. As for your money, I will return it to you!"

It's hard for me to imagine that Li Xueting would say such a thing.Our previous relationship fell apart in an instant.

I can't return Li Xueting's care for me, just because of what her father said.

I had no choice but to walk on the way home in frustration.

At this time, the bank card system prompts: "The sad mode has been turned on!"

Suddenly the system played a piece of light music for me, and my sad mood improved a lot. On the way, I met Cheng Xinran.

Seeing my sad appearance, she said to me: "Ashin, why are you walking here alone? What a coincidence! Let me see you."

I didn't have the heart to talk to her, so I kept walking, and when I didn't notice, Cheng Xinran pinched my ass.

I yelled "Ouch" and said, "Why are you pinching me?"

"I'll let you see if you're still dreaming!"

I knew that I felt much better when I saw Cheng Xinran, but what I didn't expect was that Cheng Xinran told me that she was single again.

This made me inadvertently guess something?
"Zhiyuan broke up with you?"

Cheng Xinran's face was full of joy, she kept smiling when she knew she was single again and could still see me.

But for a woman who once abandoned me, I no longer care for her.

The past pain has made me stronger to a large extent.

He cursed at Cheng Xinran: "I don't need you to take care of my affairs, you should take care of yourself! You bitch!"

When Cheng Xinran saw me scolding her like that, she just stood there.

To a large extent, my anger made my system upgrade again.

"Congratulations, your bank card level has been upgraded to the third level of civilian card!"

I didn't expect that my momentary anger would increase such a high experience value.

The system prompts: "Because your emotions have changed to a great extent, your experience value has increased. So you have raised your level in an instant! Thank you for using this system!"

I don't know how to deal with my private affairs after being upgraded.

Li Xueting no longer cares about me, and I still encounter harassment from my ex-girlfriend, which is really uncomfortable!

The system has improved inexplicably, and I feel much better, but I don't want to lose contact with Li Xueting just like that.

 Begging for a recommendation ticket!Maybe the writing is not so good, but the story is equally wonderful.


(End of this chapter)

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