The world is unstable

Chapter 24 The Ball Game

Chapter 24 The Ball Game
"Oh, let me think about it, I can't dance, or I will..." Thinking slightly, Wenzhou smiled and turned to Su Miaoke, but seeing Su Miaoke's expectant eyes, Wenzhou didn't Sorry to leave early.

"Why don't I just sit there and eat dessert." Hearing Wenzhou's agreement, Su Miaoke's eyes flashed a crescent moon, she said good and turned her head, shaking her head slightly to continue watching the show up.

It can be seen that she is still very satisfied with her performance on stage just now.

After the dance department, there are many other programs, each with its own characteristics. For example, the culinary department's program is particularly special. It actually made a lot of small desserts directly on the stage, and distributed them to the audience after they were finished, which aroused great enthusiasm.

Wenzhou would also like to try their desserts, to see how they compare with his craft.It's a pity that there were too many people, and it was not his turn to sit in the back.

The party ended in a short time. At nine o'clock in the evening, the students turned from the performance hall to the ballroom one after another. Of course, some students who didn't want to continue playing left.


"Wenzhou, even though you are stupid to bring a pumpkin and you can't dance, those girls in your department are really good at dancing.",
On the way to the dance hall, Zhou Tianwang and Youcai put their arms around their shoulders and looked at Wenzhou in relief, feeling like an old father finally saw his silly son fall into the flowers.

"Tch, don't forget, the ballroom dance I did in high school was pretty good, right?" Wenzhou looked at the three friends helplessly, and suddenly reminded.

"That's right, I forgot that our high school held a ballroom dance training before." Wenzhou reminded the three of them that they had thought of this, and they had all forgotten it before.

In high school, the school required everyone to study etiquette, one of which was ballroom dancing.At the beginning, Wenzhou was at the upper level among boys.

"? You said you can dance ballroom dancing?" A voice came from behind the four of them. After listening carefully, Wenzhou cracked open.Behind the four of them, Su Miaoke stared at Wenzhou's back suspiciously and questioningly.

This Wenzhou, lied to me that he can't dance?
With a tacit understanding, Wang Youcai and Wang Youcai suddenly accelerated to get rid of Wenzhou, just as simply as Wenzhou got rid of them one night.

The stunned Wenzhou turned around slowly, looked at Su Miaoke with a smile, and explained:
"Oh, why is it Miao Ke? What a coincidence you said. We were just talking nonsense just now. I've already forgotten it. It's no different."

"Don't get close to me, I don't care, you have to dance with me in a while!", as if Wenzhou was fixed, Su Miaoke said viciously, but this expression only made her cute.

Seeing a head lightly hit her on the head, Wenzhou also said bluntly: "Noisy, I, Wen, don't tell others what I do, and I can't do it."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quickly chased the two people who were going away in front of him.In fact, Wenzhou has almost forgotten it, and it would be embarrassing if he made a mistake dancing with a girl.

Su Miaoke was stunned for a moment before she realized, she clenched her fist and said, "You still dare to yell at me? Let me see how you will go back tonight?"


A group of people have arrived in the decorated ballroom, which is gorgeously decorated, noble and elegant.

In the end, Wenzhou still couldn't find Zhou Tian and the others, "These two run really fast." He reluctantly found a seat everywhere, took a few small cakes, and ate them with relish.

In another place, Su Miaoke is also looking for Wenzhou, but the two are currently facing each other. Wenzhou is in the southwest corner, and Su Miaoke is in the northeast corner. This ballroom is not small, and it is still difficult for Su Miaoke to find Wenzhou. .

"Where did this stinky Wenzhou go, don't let me find you." After searching for a while, it was still fruitless, so she could only find a random place to rest, but she found Yun Luoluo who was late.The two simply sat together first.

"Luoluo, have you seen Wenzhou?" Su Miaoke asked Yun Luoluo who was beside her.

Yun Luoluo tilted her head, thought about it seriously, then slowly shook her head and said: "No, I'm just here too, why do you want him?"

"No, just ask casually." Su Miaoke argued.

"Oh." Yun Luoluo's understanding face caused Su Miaoke to roll her eyes.

As if thinking of something, Yun Luoluo suddenly leaned on Su Miaoke's shoulder and whispered: "If you want to dance with him, why don't you go find him?"

Su Miaoke hurriedly said: "No way, don't talk nonsense!"

Yun Luoluo snorted, rolled her eyes, probably thought of something, and left Su Miaoke with an excuse, the corners of her mouth slowly raised
...Wenzhou Office
For some reason, Wenzhou suddenly felt a cool wind blowing, which made him shiver suddenly.

Suddenly seeing Fang Yun'er sitting not far away from him, she walked over.

"You are so boring by yourself, don't you want to find a partner to dance with?" A voice came to Fang Yun'er who lowered her head, and when she looked up, it was Wenzhou.

"I don't like dancing." Fang Yuner replied lightly.

Wenzhou smiled in surprise: "Oh, the dance department doesn't like dancing? That's just right, I don't like it either. Let's sit next to you."

Just as she was about to reply, Wenzhou interrupted: "Don't say that, I'll be leaving in a while, I can't just sit down." Seeing this, Fang Yuner didn't open her mouth again.

This Fang Yuner is still too deserted, no, as her friend, I must find a way to make her correct her attitude towards making friends.

"Everyone, we have prepared a small event, I hope you will cooperate a lot~" A beam of spotlights shone on the host, and she spit out with a smile.

Wenzhou, who was still thinking, was interrupted by this sentence, and the others also calmed down and looked at the host in cooperation.

After everything was quiet, the host said slowly:
"The event is called: Matching, and I will randomly select a couple of boys and girls from the prom list, and let them dance a dance. What do you think?"

"Oh? You can try it."

"Okay, here's my chance! Brother, let's see which flower this handsome guy will be influenced by."

"Hey, brother, you eat too much of the secret hamburger, don't they get smoked to death by you?"


Seeing such a reaction, the host was very happy on the surface, but in his heart he said: "Hey, it seems that besides that one pair, we need to match a few more pairs. It's messed up."

"Then let's start the first pair",
As he spoke, he took out the two cardboard boxes next to him.Then two hands reached inside and took out the first pair of paper balls.

Slowly opened, the host looked around, and then said with a smile: "The first pair, students Su Miaoke and Wenzhou from the dance department, welcome everyone with applause!"

(End of this chapter)

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