The world is unstable

Chapter 53 Showdown

Chapter 53 Showdown
Exhaling the last breath of smoke from his mouth, Wenzhou was about to say something, but 7 interrupted him in his heart: "Some things don't always go according to your heart.
Think about it, your world is gradually collapsing. If it affects your friends, but they don't have the same ability to protect themselves as you do, can you just watch them disappear in front of you? "

"I can protect them." Wenzhou frowned and replied, but his tone was not so confident.

"Protection? You can protect one, two, and three. You have more friends around you, right?"

Being speechless again after being refuted by seven, Wenzhou took a deep breath, and the expression of struggle was fully displayed on his face. After a while, as if he had made some decision, he said in his heart:

"Okay, I believe you once, and I hope this decision will not disappoint me in the future."

7 Seeing that Wenzhou agreed, he slowed down his mechanical tone and continued, "Don't worry, they are not as fragile as you imagined." After solemnly nodding his head a few times, Wenzhou turned around and went back to his room to sleep.

Wenzhou felt that the conversation just now was not enough, so he went directly to the dream space after falling asleep.

Just as he entered consciousness, Wenzhou heard a prompt:

【Ding!The founder triggers the real-life accident task, and will receive rewards after solving the accident]

"Can I still get rewards for solving that accident?" Wenzhou was surprised by this sudden reminder.

"Yes, as long as the behavior is beneficial to the world, you can get rewards."

Hearing 7 say this, Wenzhou's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked quickly:
"Good for the world?"

"Uh... that's right"

"Helping grandmas across the street promotes social cohesion?"


"Be a volunteer to rescue stray dogs?"

"doesn't count"

"Give a cat braces for a cat with crooked teeth that makes it difficult to eat?"

"? Wenzhou, do you have a problem?"

After messing around for a while, Wenzhou discovered that, sure enough, ordinary public welfare events are not counted as this kind of behavior, and one has to go through tasks and solve accidents.

"So how are you going to tell them?" Wenzhou asked, thinking that there was no answer to the key question.

"In the dream world, I will create some other AIs to enter their dreams, just like the first time we met, just briefly introduce the current situation."

Wenzhou nodded, as long as he didn't tell his condition. He didn't want his friends to know about the black spots on his body for the time being. As for the details, they would meet tomorrow.

After asking this question, Wenzhou felt a little bored.
He also asked 7 questions like "Is there an Ultraman in the world?", "How did the monster disappear?", "Can I release you after I save the world?".

But looking at 7's slightly trembling AI body, Wenzhou hurriedly exited the space. Didn't the good guy just ask a few questions, as for making you tremble with anger?

If 7 knew that Wenzhou was thinking this way, he would definitely be furious.

The next day, Wenzhou got up early and saw the message Su Miaoke sent him. He wanted to drink pumpkin porridge in the morning, so he rushed to the store early.

I also bought a small pumpkin on the way. As soon as I saw the pumpkin, Wenzhou thought of the last task, curled his lips, and was about to make pumpkin porridge.

After washing the pumpkin, cut it in half with a knife, and remove the pumpkin pulp and seeds in the middle.After that, the pumpkin was cut into small cubes with a smooth knife.

After cutting it, soak it in warm water.This pumpkin has a slight astringency.Soak it in warm water for a while in advance to get rid of this smell.

The cooked porridge is sweeter and richer in flavor.

After that, add water to the pot and turn on the fire, soak for a while, wait for a while, the pot next to it boils, and Wenzhou puts the diced pumpkin into the pot.

After cooking for a while, Wenzhou added some cornstarch to thicken it, and added some sugar before serving. After stirring evenly, a pot of steaming pumpkin porridge is ready.

I skillfully packed two bowls in an insulated box, drank the rest directly, and then rode to the hospital by bike.

...In Su Miaoke's ward in the hospital

"Why hasn't Wenzhou come yet, you just replied "Oh", I'm so mad." Su Miao thumped the pillow vigorously, and said angrily.

Yun Luoluo next to him rolled his eyes and replied: "Not long after you posted it just now, can he fly over or what?"

"? Don't tell me, according to last night, he might really be able to fly!"

"? What bullshit are you talking about?"

Just as the two of them were arguing over whether Wenzhou could fly, the sound of pushing the door suddenly sounded, and it was Wenzhou.

Before Wenzhou could speak, Su Miaoke looked directly at Wenzhou and asked, "You're here just in time, can you fly?"


Wenzhou walked over and patted Su Miaoke on the head angrily, Wenzhou said: "What are you thinking, if I could fly, I would have taken you away last night."

"Just hit me." Rubbing her head, Su Miaoke protested.Yun Luoluo also covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Okay, drink it quickly.", rolling his eyes and ignoring Su Miaoke's protest, Wenzhou shook the thermos box in his hand and said.

"!" The two people on the hospital bed took the porridge Wen Zhou handed over, took a sip, and said it was delicious.

"Did you do this?" Yun Luoluo said with a satisfied drink.Seeing Wenzhou nodding, little stars suddenly appeared in the eyes of Su Miaoke next to him, awesome!

"Oh, by the way, did you dream about anything last night?" Wenzhou hurriedly asked, remembering what he said at 7 last night.

This made the two men slow down their movements for a moment, and then they nodded solemnly. Su Miaoke said: "Is it related to your... experience, or is it similar?"

Wen Zhouen responded with a stern voice, and continued: "Drink quickly, let's go together after drinking, let's talk about it in detail."

At this moment, Wenzhou's mobile phone beeped messages. Zhou Tian and Wang Youcai sent them almost at the same time, "Wenzhou, I dreamed of something strange last night."

After replying to the two of them, "I understand, go to my house and tell them in detail." Wenzhou waited for Su Miaoke and the others to finish drinking, left the hospital, and took a taxi home.

Not long after arriving home, Zhou Tian and Wang Youcai followed up. Sitting in the living room, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was somewhat dignified due to the silence.

Wenzhou thought about it, looked at the four friends in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I know, you have a lot of questions, especially the fat one."

After all, Wang Youcai didn't see Wenzhou's special state last night. Hearing Wenzhou talk about himself, he nodded heavily.

Wenzhou continued: "As you dreamed last night, these are all true. Our world is indeed unstable, and this world needs our help."

(End of this chapter)

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