Live Wild Eater

Chapter 10 The first time eating wolf meat

Chapter 10 Eating wolf meat for the first time
"It's injured, and it's very serious." Rhodes touched its head, and it suddenly looked up at Rhodes as if hoping that Rhodes would know something.Rhodes grabbed it, but it didn't even bark, as if it knew its fate.

Rhodes didn't know what the look in its eyes meant, but he knew that the meal for noon was settled, and it was this wolf.

He had never eaten wolf meat, nor did he dare to eat it.

"Well, today is really lucky. I have never been so lucky. You know, it is illegal to eat wolf meat in our country. Today is a bit different. I am here in a primitive society. No matter what I eat It will break the law. Well, my friends, I'm going to make wolf meat." Rhodes picked it up and walked out, "You say, is it a coincidence that I discovered chili and ginger, and then, A wolf appeared, and it felt like a gift from God. I hope to give me a wild boar tomorrow."

"Where is the anchor? Primitive society? Are you kidding me?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... I have never eaten wolf meat."

"To be honest, wolf meat doesn't taste good."

"The anchor is so inflated! He wants a wild boar."

"You are not mistaken, I am in the primeval forest, I was kidnapped by the system, and now I want to leave here alive." Rhodes said.

"Is the anchor crazy? Kidnapped by the system? Just came out of a mental hospital, right?"

"I'm sorry everyone, we just released him, and Nanshan Mental Hospital is responsible for the bad influence it caused."

Looking at those bullet screens, Rhodes knew that they still didn't believe him, but it didn't matter, they would know one day, and even if they didn't tell them, they would still see heresy.

When I came here by the river, I took out the black gold knife, "In order not to make it die uncomfortably, now I'm going to bleed it."

He cut the wolf's neck with a knife, and after a while, the blood flowed out, and the wolf died.

"Okay, it's dead. I'm going to skin it. If I can, I'm going to make a wolf fur. This is real leather. It's a bit smelly, but when I go out in extremely cold weather, this wolf fur Might save my life."

Rhodes cut a hole from the wolf's neck with a knife, and quickly peeled off the wolf's skin, revealing the red wolf meat.

"How would you like to eat it? Half baked and half fried. Isn't that a good idea? There's an active volcano up there, where we can bake it. Where the rocks are hotter, we can put rock pots on top of the rocks Fried meat, I hope the taste of wolf meat will not disappoint me."

Rhodes cut open the wolf's belly with a knife and took out everything inside. Except for a little fat meat, he threw everything into the river. The wolf meat was enough.

Wash the wolf meat and put it away, then wash the pepper and ginger, take out his rock pot, Rhodes cut the wolf meat into pieces, and then cut the pepper and ginger.

"Now that we have done everything, let's look forward to it together!" Holding the rock pot, Rhodes came to the bottom of the active volcano. "Look, friends! The active volcano has spewed out magma, and the magma is like a mudslide. It keeps flowing, and it keeps flowing. I am very grateful for it. Without it, I would still have to drill wood to make fire. Everyone knows how troublesome this is."

Putting down the rock pot, Rhodes went to the forest and chopped five or six wooden sticks. After washing them, he returned to the active volcano, grabbed a large piece of wolf meat, and stabbed it in with force, and the wooden stick penetrated the wolf meat.

Rhodes stretched out with a wooden stick and placed it on the rock not far from the magma. As soon as it was put down, the wolf meat immediately sizzled, and Rhodes used the roasted wolf meat to make it dry. Yes, just bite and eat when you want to eat.

These fried ones are today's lunch. Put the rock pot on top of the stones, and the temperature of those stones is also very high, enough to be fried until cooked.

"I swallowed."

"The anchor is frying steak?"

"It does look like steak."

"I want to eat wolf meat too."

"Hey, can you leave a mouthful for the coquettish anchor?"

Rhodes flipped the fat meat with a black gold knife, the fat meat made a sizzling sound in the rock pot, and the oil jumped out.The role of the black gold knife is really used by him to the fullest!
After a while, Rhodes put the wolf meat in. Fortunately, he had seen the animal world before, and now someone said, "This is no ordinary wolf! This is a primitive wolf. Wolves are mammals. They feed on grass animals and rodents. They like to live in groups and are alert. If it is not about to die, I will never be able to catch it. I can only say that my luck is really good. They live in forests and deserts , mountains, tundra, coniferous forests, grasslands, etc., are widely distributed."

Rhodes continued, "But at the end of the 20th century, they have gradually decreased, and many species have become extinct. Therefore, we must protect them and prevent them from becoming extinct."

"Shameless human being."

"Do you have the nerve to say so?"


The barrage was full of condemnation and curses.

"I'm talking about your side, not mine. I can eat whatever I want."

The black gold knife kept stirring, and a burst of game meat began to come out of the rock pot. "I wonder if your mouth is watering? I can't wait to eat it. Try the difference between this wolf meat and beef."

He put ginger in it, and now he has no extra ingredients to remove the fishy smell, and only hopes that the ginger can dilute the fishy smell of wolf meat.

"I think it's almost done. Put the chili and continue frying for a while, oh my god! The taste is starting to change. I'm sure the wolf meat must be very delicious."

After 5 minutes, Rhodes used a wooden stick to take out the rock pot and put it aside. If he took it with his hands, his hands would probably be useless.

"Well, it's so hot, it's really too hot, even if I use a wooden stick to stand it out, I can still feel its temperature. I'll go pick some leaves to use as a bowl." Rhodes came back 8 minutes later, sprinkled Stir the salt evenly, insert a black gold knife and put pieces of wolf meat on the leaves.

"This must be delicious." Rhodes inserted a piece of meat and took it to his mouth to blow. He looked at the bullet screen and made a gesture of attracting hatred. He closed his eyes and smelled it, took a deep breath and then exhaled, "Really It's so delicious. Friends, I want to eat."

"The anchor is inviting hatred."

"Ah ah, give me a bite, I really want to eat it!"

"I'm going, do you want to be so exaggerated?"

"Hey, I'm really drooling, I shouldn't be watching this kind of live broadcast."

After taking a bite, the game inside burst out immediately, and Rhodes stopped his hands, "I don't really want to talk now."

"Has anyone teamed up to find the anchor?"

"Hit him? Count me in."

"I also need to go."

"Tell me, where are you, anchor?"

"It's really delicious. Even if you don't know how to stir-fry, just add ginger to remove the fishy smell, and it doesn't matter if you put chili or not." After eating a piece, Rhodes commented.

The water friends also saw Rhodes' expression, which didn't look like he was lying.

(End of this chapter)

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