Live Wild Eater

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

Rhodes finally saw a dry tree. He carefully climbed up and kicked off a section of tree, then climbed down another tree and twisted a dry tree. After doing this, he went to find hay. Dry the leaves and walk back for an hour.

Then he went to the stream to light a fire. Honestly speaking, the raw dace can be eaten raw, as long as the skin and head are not eaten, and there are not so many bacteria in the fish body.

It was already dark.

He is like an old man who is thrifty and thrifty. He bakes three quarters, boils one quarter, and eats one quarter tomorrow before looking for food again.

The fern leaves in the jar had been boiled twice, and they were being cooked with dace at the moment. There was grilled dace beside the fire, and Rhodes took out the jar after cooking for 5 minutes.

"'s so hot!" Rhodes laughed. "Dace's body is relatively soft, unlike catfish, which has thick skin and thick flesh, and it takes a long time to cook. I want to eat my friends."

The water friends didn't like this link, and there was a sense of resentment in the live broadcast room:

"It's so hot, can you eat it?"


"Wow, I really want to eat it! That soup must be very sweet!"

"Brother De, I'm going to have another good meal tonight."

Rhodes ignored them and said with a smile, "After eating, I will take everyone to catch some kind of animals. They only come out at night."

When I heard this, some water friends were excited, let me go, exciting, what kind of animals can be tabled at night, is Brother De going to steal a deer?Some water friends are afraid, maybe De Ge is going to take risks in real time under the guise of catching animals?It's so dark, what if there is something that can't scare people to death?
All of a sudden, they expressed their opinions one after another.

"It's definitely not what everyone thinks. It's a very serious way to catch certain animals and eat them."

Now the water friends are even more curious, asking one by one:
"What is it?"

"Brother De, hurry up and eat! It's almost twelve o'clock, and I have to go to bed! I'm so sleepy!"

"Ah...Don't say I'm sleepy, I'm already yawning."

"Nimma, me too, yawning is really contagious!"


After eating fresh and tender dace and fern leaves, Rhodes was half full, and after drinking all the soup, his stomach was warm, and he felt very comfortable. He felt good when he was full!I don't want to do anything, I just want to lie down and watch TV.

"So full! You should all have eaten, right?" Rhodes said while sitting and looking at the screen.

"Not only did I eat, but I also took a bath."

"Go out and play for a while and then come back. It's too boring outside, so I came back to watch your live broadcast. Otherwise, I would not come back."


"So what time is it now?" Rhodes asked. He asked this for a reason. Rhodes didn't know which animals came out at night, but centipedes must be one of them.

In the past, he didn't catch centipedes to eat because he had enough food, but now that there is less food, let alone a centipede as small as a little finger, he would catch it for tooth sacrifice.

The centipede is active from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] a.m., and he catches a fart before [-]:[-] a.m.

"Seven o'clock, what's the matter?"

"Yes, it's seven o'clock, it's still very early! Speaking of which, Brother De's place feels like it's ten o'clock. It's pitch black and there's not a single bright thing in sight."

"It's only seven o'clock! Come and sing!" Rhodes said, it was indeed still early.

The entire live broadcast room was quiet for a while, and then it boiled up. They wanted Rhodes to sing for a long time, but Rhodes just didn't sing, just to catch his appetite, it's too annoying, okay!Today, I can finally hear him sing again.

One by one was extremely excited.

"Grandpa, you can finally hear Brother De sing again."

"So touched, so excited."

"Hurry up, hurry up, sing! My mother is coming soon, and she is going to collect my mobile phone. I haven't finished my homework yet!"

"Excited ah ah ah..."

"Brother De is so charming tonight! Hahahaha..."

"What do you think we should sing?" Rhodes asked.

A barrage slowly appeared: "Fly on someone else's bed, can Brother De sing?"

The whole live broadcast room became quiet again, Rhodes was taken aback, what's going on?Is this song bad or too bad?
"Ahem...don't sing it, it's a forbidden song."

"Pujie, do you want Brother De's live broadcast room to be blocked?"

"Fuck you sister, you are singing even forbidden songs, you want to die!"

"Black fan, this is black fan, please ignore him."

Rhodes frowned and said, "But I see that all of you are expecting me to sing?"

"Nonsense? How can there be? Who expects you to sing who is a dog?"

The moon began to come out to shine on the dark and wide forest. Rhodes looked like a homeless homeless man, sloppy and unkempt.

"How about Zhou Chuanxiong's "Twilight"?"

"Is "Two Butterflies OK"?"

""Listen to the Sea" is very good, can you sing it?"

"I want to hear "A Thousand Reasons to Sad."

"Have you heard of Zhong Jiaxin's "Death Disease"?"

Rhode looked at the barrage, and before they could argue about what song to sing, he said, "Then let's play "Listen to the Sea" by Xueyou Zhang!"

The accompaniment started to sound again, and the chorus began:

Write to tell me what color the sea is today

When the first sentence came out, the water friends immediately boiled over, I'll go, the timbre and singing skills are good!Awesome, Brother De.The water friends are more fond of Rhodes, why is the versatile Dege unpopular?

Friends of the water continue to listen.

How does Hai feel when he is with you every night?
Gray is not wanting to say that blue is melancholy

Where does your wandering heart stop

写信 告诉 我 今夜 你 梦 什么

梦里 外 的 我 是否 都 无从 无从 选择
我 揪 着 一 颗 心 都 闭 了 了
为何 你 明明 动 了 情 不 不 靠近

听海哭 的 声音
Lamenting who was hurt again
but still not sober

一定 不 是 我 至少 很 冷静
可是 泪水 就 连 泪水 也 不 相信

听海哭 的 声音
This sea is too sentimental

weep until dawn

Write me a letter as the last promise

Said you were leaving me

what kind of mood

After the song was sung, the water friends were moved to tears, it was so damn good, and the wall cracked and asked De Ge to play another song.

"One more song, one more song! Catch a centipede, you can sing."

"Hahahaha... I peed laughing."

"It sounds good, if Brother De can maintain this level, I will buy tickets for your concert."

"Buy a ticket plus one."


"Then how about "A Thousand Reasons to Be Sad?" Rhodes said.

Friends of the water unanimously agreed.

The song begins:

I no longer have the person I loved
At the beginning of the first sentence, Rhodes did not disappoint the water friends. They were fascinated and listened to Rhodes singing quietly.

many stories have reason to be sad
this time my love

can't wait forever

Can those who miss it look back
A heart that has loved has no request
many stories have reason to be sad
this time my love

can't wait forever

The road I have traveled can no longer stop
a thousand reasons to be sad

a thousand reasons to be sad

finally my love

Slowly stale in the story
a thousand reasons to be sad

a thousand reasons to be sad

In the end I was forgotten in other people's stories
A heart that has loved has no request
many stories have reason to be sad
this time my love

can't wait forever

The road I have traveled can no longer stop
a thousand reasons to be sad

a thousand reasons to be sad

finally my love

Slowly stale in the story
a thousand reasons to be sad

a thousand reasons to be sad

In the end I was forgotten in other people's stories
a thousand reasons to be sad

a thousand reasons to be sad

finally my love

Slowly stale in the story
a thousand reasons to be sad

a thousand reasons to be sad

In the end I was forgotten in other people's stories
The singing is over.

The water friends were moved to tears.


"It's really nice!"

"Once, when I broke up with my water friend, I kept playing it on a loop to heal my wounds! Hearing this song again is really touching."

"Is today the God of Songs Zone? Mengxin just came here, so I really want to play another song!"

Before the time was so fast, Rhodes said with a smile, "Tonight is the God of Songs zone. You can talk freely about what you want to hear, and there is nothing you want to hear later."

"Ah ah... Let's play "Love Business" by the God of Song."

""Love Trading" is the song god, do you want to laugh at me to death?/Laugh and cry/Laugh and cry."

"Can the one upstairs stop being so funny?"

"That's right, can't you be more serious when an adult is still joking? Huh? Are you shy? Are you shy?"

"Hahaha... the one upstairs is also funny, one day I will really die laughing in this live broadcast room."

"Is it okay for the small town of the God of Songs?" Rhodes said with a smile, this is also sung by the God of Songs, and it is in Cantonese.

"I'll go, can Brother De also sing Cantonese? Niubi Niupi."

"Ok, Ok."

"It's amazing, my brother De, who can sing Cantonese, can he sing in English?"

Rhodes nodded.

The water friends are surprised, can they sing in English?Brother De, you are a fucking genius!
"It's about to start," Rhodes said.

After the accompaniment, the chorus begins:
Kiss it down and fight it out
Maybe we will be reunited in heaven again

Looking back, you are not allowed to be so right in the past
Why do your eyes seem to be crying

Youth seems to start because I love you

But it makes me see through the word love
Ever since you got amnesia, that's what turned my life around

Just because when the amnesia attack deepens
Don't remember me but there is another update honey luck
like a vixen and didn't allow me to step closer
For the rest of my life without memories, forget my former lover

But remember the fate of empathizing and not loving

A man without memories is even stealing and cheating

hug me too much
Kiss it down and fight it out
Maybe we will be reunited in heaven again

Looking back, you are not allowed to be right as before
Why do your eyes seem to be crying

Reminiscing about each other is not afraid that love will end

But I probably did too many bad things in my previous life
Can kneel in church and say yes from scratch
The Entertainment Industry's Shadow Continues to Boom
I'm counting the lifespan of sweet talk

Stupid man-made satellites didn't detect we're gone
You come down and I go out to say goodbye and feel guilty
I still remember to have a heavenly reunion
Kiss me and risk my life, how you used to be so right
Why do your eyes seem to be crying

Remember to cry every year on this day

The water friends go crazy, it's like a carnival night, everyone is dancing.

After a long time, Rhodes finished singing, and at eight o'clock in the evening, he got up and said, "The singing is over, it's time to catch centipedes."

The water friends still want to hear, how can Rhodes agree to catch the centipede, and isn't the centipede very dangerous and poisonous?

"Why do you want to catch centipedes in the dark?" Rhodes said regardless of the howls of the water friends, "Because centipedes inhabit their nests during the day and come out to move around at night. The peak activity of centipedes is from 8 to 12 in the evening, usually until 4 in the morning." It is difficult to see the centipede after dawn. The centipede has poor eyesight during the day and cannot see things that are a little farther away, so it is difficult to find food and defend against predators. It only relies on a pair of slender The tentacles stretched forward to explore the way, and also rely on the tentacles to search for prey at night for foraging.

With the habit of licking, the centipede often licks the antennae and feet with the dense fluff on the protrusions of the first lesser mandible and the basal part, the brush-like setae on the back of the second lesser mandible, and the saliva spewed out of the mouth. Lick your own pussy clean.The temperature centipede is a temperature-changing animal, and all its activities are often related to temperature. "

 This chapter is a bit watery, because it will be on the shelves on the first issue, but it can only be put on the shelves after writing 30, so it is a bit watery, I hope you understand!
(End of this chapter)

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