Live Wild Eater

Chapter 123 Climb the Tree (Part 2, please book first!)

Chapter 123 Climb the Tree
Looking at the road ahead, Rhodes jumped up suddenly. Although this figure was very handsome, the water friends did not complain. They were curious about what was chasing Rhodes behind.

Rhodes ran nervously. After running for a while, the things behind him seemed to be about to catch up with him. Without a word, Rhodes quickly climbed up a tree, and he went up in a second. He bit the water bag on the tree. Watching what was chasing him.

The screen showed that it turned out to be a wolf. He didn't dare to slack off and climbed up again. At this moment, Rhodes relaxed. He exhaled and smiled, "Hehe, if this wild wolf wants to bite me, I have to practice again." After several years of practice, did he think it encountered a weak animal? Funny, it must be wrong now."

"Come on, come and bite me! I'll come up here." Rhodes provocatively made the water friends pee with laughter.

"Haha, Brother De, are you really not afraid of death? If you fight with it in such a dark place, you probably won't be able to win it, right? Don't serve it as dessert."

"That's right, I don't want to see blood on the ground. It's too cruel."

"You do it, you keep doing it/Pick your nose."

Regardless of the complaints from water friends, Rhodes is still challenging the wolf's patience, "I bet it won't be able to bite me until it gets up. Look, how cute it is when it gets angry! Come on, come on, wolf!" Come up and bite me."

The wolf below stared at Rhodes with bared teeth. Rhodes broke off a tree and threw it down, hitting it on the head. It was so angry that its hair almost stood on end, and it almost made the water friends laugh to death.

"Wolf wolf? Is this a name for others? You are a cow."

"Hold the grass, brother De, can you stop being so funny? It really is your dog!"

"Be careful it really climbs the tree."

"Wolf: You fucking come down, one-on-one. Brother De: You fucking come up, one-on-one."

"Hahaha, laugh to death, very vivid."

The gray wolf was still looking down at the wolf in the tree, "Everyone thought I was trying to provoke it again, but is that really the case?"

The water friends were stunned, weren't they?what is that?Is there a hidden secret here?
Rhodes said solemnly, "That's true."


"Pfft, I'm dying of laughter, Nima is pretending again, isn't she?"

"Laugh to death plus one."

"I thought you were going to tell some bad jokes again!"

The live broadcast room became active in an instant, and the barrage came out like a crucian carp crossing the river. I felt a little happy, and said, "Okay! Closer to home, I do have other functions from time to time. You know, I am usually a very serious person. I don’t know how to joke or tell jokes, and sometimes I have a rather cold face. I have to say that I’m not good enough at this point.”

Water friends have something to say:

"Stop being sentimental, okay? Who came to watch you tell bad jokes? We came to watch you live broadcast Survival in the Wilderness, brothers, do you think I'm right?"


"plus one."

Rhodes was moved in his heart, "Thank you, thank you for your understanding. In such a dangerous environment, please get a card to soothe my young heart."

Pfft, the water friends are full of black lines, your sister, we are not ready for the fuck!You're fucking turning the corner again, aren't you?
"Ahem...Okay, actually I have a reason for doing this. I deliberately made it angry in order to consume its physical strength and keep it in a tense state, so that when I go down to hunt it later, I will It will have a great advantage." Rhodes said as he looked at the ferocious wolf that exuded a ferocious aura.

The water friends became excited when they heard that they were going to hunt wolves.

"Damn, is the human-wolf war about to start? Looking forward to it!"

"6666, I know Brother De that you won't give up the fat in your mouth."

"Then don't you want those centipedes of yours? Don't throw them away. Leave them for me to make wine. I'll take a sip every day to treat rheumatism. I feel like my whole body is floating."

Rhodes continued, "Do you think this is the only role? Then I can only say that you don't understand me too well. Wolves live in packs. I dare say there are more than one wild wolf in this neighborhood, maybe there are more than a dozen. and……"

In the night light, Rhodes's eyes lit up as if Conan was solving a case, almost blinding the eyes of many water friends, "Besides, I'm sure that the wolves may be hunting the deer. The one I encountered was just Just to keep the deer from escaping. There might be a wolf or two watching over here."

Thinking about it, it seemed to be the case. Suddenly, the water friends were convinced by Rhodes' loli analysis, and many gifts were sent out one after another.

Rhodes smiled and said, "Thank you for your gifts, thank you."

Seeing Rhodes' smile, the water friends felt as if they were cheated by Rhodes, is that really the case?This scammer lied to our gift again, so I won't give it to him next time.

"At this moment, I really want to get wet!" Rhodes laughed.

Fuck, was he really cheated?
Rhodes kept his face tight and looked straight ahead, "It seems that my analysis is good. Look, another wild wolf is coming."

Behind the camera, the water friends saw another wild wolf running quickly.

Sweating, "Fortunately, they can't climb trees at all. I just need to wait until their patience is exhausted, and then I can go back."

"Aren't you going to kill the wolf?"

"Really? Where's the wolf? Don't you want to kill it?"

"Have you forgotten how delicious roast wolf meat is?"

Rhodes said helplessly, "I'm afraid this will disappoint my friends who want to watch me kill wolves. If two wolves pounce at the same time, I will not be able to deal with them. For safety first, I will not kill them for the time being."

The two wolves were squatting below, looking up at Rhodes from time to time. They were all fluffy, and if they didn't have a fierce look on their faces, they might as well be caught as pets.

It's a pity that wolves are still wolves, they are not human, and they live in the wilderness with a lot of hostility, no matter how they are educated, they still can't do it.

Rhodes continued to provoke them and dropped leaves in front of them. They howled suddenly. This move startled Rhodes, "Hey, call me sister!"But he instantly realized something was wrong. Could it be calling its companions to come over?Cold sweat broke out all over his body instantly, and Rhodes was already a little scared.

But after a while, Rhodes only felt that his thoughts were naive. The wolves were hunting the deer, how could there be extra people to watch it?Maybe the two wolves still think that he is not in danger, and another one will leave later!

As expected by Rhodes, the wolf who came from behind looked at it for a while and left.

"I was attacked by a brown bear before and I made a fatal mistake. Do you know what it is?" Rhodes looked at the screen and said, "That was when I had snake meat on my hand, and the brown bear had already smelled it, or it It already knew that I was in the tree, but it didn’t attack me, but waited for me to come down before biting me. It just thought that I was not threatening and couldn’t beat it. It underestimated the enemy. Now this wild wolf is doing the same, thinking that I can’t beat it.”

"It was also wrong this time. Wait a little longer, and I decided to go down and hunt it. Time cannot allow me to wait any longer."

The friends in the water didn't know why Rhodes said it so seriously, as if he was going to fight the enemy on the battlefield, and the opportunity must not be missed.

"Wolves hunting deer may not necessarily catch many wild deer, but I am different, I am alone, and the patience of wild wolves is very good, they can wait for three or four days, but I can't, I have nothing to eat Without water to drink, my physical strength will become weaker and weaker. Therefore, I must fight quickly, and I cannot let the wolves come to support it." Rhodes said with a fierce look, "But I still have to wait now."

The water friends don't understand, why wait?

Rhodes explained, "When the wolves attack the deer, then, at this time, the wild wolf below is alone."

The friends in the water suddenly realized that at that time, even if the wild wolf wanted to howl to ask for support, the wolves couldn't spare a hand to help. Rhodes was so thoughtful!
(End of this chapter)

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