Live Wild Eater

Chapter 176 Finding Food

Chapter 176 Finding Food
How to eat rhino is the best way to eat?He won't be able to think of the best way to eat it for a while, but there should be no shortage of roast beef. As for why Rhodes makes roast beef, people who often eat skewers should understand the deliciousness, and it tastes very refreshing. fragrant.

It didn't take much effort to find a river, which is not difficult to understand. There is river water in the swamp, and there will be river water around it, which is certain.

I went back and pulled the rhinoceros to the river. I wanted to carry it on my shoulders. I was afraid that 15 water friends would think that he was a strong man and a pervert, so I didn’t do it. I couldn’t let the water friends think that he was different. people!

He is in a very good mood now. After all, no matter how much he has something to eat, he will not be in a bad mood. He said with a smile, "We know that there are many parts of a cow, but which ones can be eaten?"

Many water friends only know that steak can be eaten, but they don't know where it refers to. They just imitate it when they see it said on TV.

All of a sudden, they all fell silent, as long as it is delicious, we don't want to care about it so much.

He smiled and said, "The steak comes from the muscle part of the cow. It can also be cut into beef chunks or cowboy bones, and can also be mixed with other meat to make sausage or blood sausage. Other edible parts of the cow include oxtail, Beef liver, beef tongue, beef louver, beef pancreas, beef thymus, beef heart, beef brain, beef kidney, bullwhip. Beef intestines are also edible, but are often used to make sausage casings. Beef bones can be used as feed. Steers and calves Cows are similar in quality, but steers have less fat. Older cows and bulls are tougher and are often used for ground beef."

Hearing from him that Shuiyou gained a lot of knowledge and admired Rhodes' knowledge reserves, Brother De is really awesome!Knowing more than them, can beef bones be used as feed?To be honest, they really don't understand.

Immediately there was a wave of compliments.


"I'm so excited, hahaha, it's the first time I know how detailed the cows are."

"My relative is a cattle farmer, I know that too, but I won't tell."

"Hahaha, you brag about your mother and return your relatives, why don't you talk about your friends?"

The barrage is chaotic, and there is also Black Rhodes.

With the water, the next step is to find firewood, which is a little difficult. The swamp is full of wet wood. Where can I find it?
He put the rhinoceros on the rocks by the river and wandered around casually. Anyway, he was not in a hurry. He had plenty of time, so he searched for dry firewood, went upstream, and walked up.

The river water is very clear, not too deep and not dangerous. It is very suitable for swimming. Unfortunately, he is not free now, otherwise he will definitely jump down and scrub hard to wash away the mud that has been on his body for many days. One or two catties!I remember that there was a news report that some people rubbed five or six catties of dirt without taking a bath for many years. That was really scary!It's funny to hear that too.

Now he can't laugh at all. There must be a reason for that man, right?
After walking up for a while, he suddenly saw large irregular wooden piers piled up on the river bank, which were already a bit rotten. Rhode's eyes widened. God pays off, he finally found dry firewood.

I am proud that with fire, even if there is no water, I can roast beef or stew it. The wooden pier is two meters long and half a meter in diameter. While pulling it out violently, this operation made them all look stupid, damn it, Brother De is really strong!Do you want to be so perverted!

It didn't take much effort to pull out the wooden pier, and then cut it open from top to bottom with a black gold knife. At first, the crack was relatively shallow, but Rhodes kept slashing down hard, and soon the two-meter-long wooden pier was covered by him. Divide in half.

He backed up, pulled half of the wooden pier with both hands, and said leisurely, "It's easier to pull this way. This wooden pier is enough for me to burn for a long time, but the fly in the ointment is that it's a bit wet, huh... It takes a long time to light the fire."

After pulling the wooden pier to the river, he had to keep paddling the wooden pier to make it smaller. Although the workload was a bit heavy, he also regarded it as exercise, before enjoying delicious food.

Audience friends saw him as if a carpenter picked up a wooden pier and melted it fiercely. The firewood was gradually piled up on the ground, and it took half an hour to finish it. Hot sweat flowed from his forehead, and he exhaled. Such a workload To be honest, it was okay, but he was a bit dull when he cut the wooden pier, because he didn't say anything. I don't know what the new audience friends think of him?Do you think he is like a block of wood.

This kind of impression is not very good, so I found a topic to talk about, "I have firewood, but I want to find out if there are any fresh fruits nearby. Of course, if I encounter some animals again If it comes to me, then I will not hesitate to catch him to enjoy my hairstyle and the roast beef scene."

Sure enough, the audience friends were amused by him, and they kept sending "hahaha", admiring your sister, probably because they want to catch someone to make soup!But this is just a joke, he already has beef and can't eat that much, so why would he slaughter animals again?Can't do that!To be sustainable.

First cut off the rhinoceros' thighs, split the skin, and reveal the bright red flesh color. The 15 viewers are greedy. Damn it, Brother De is so unkind, so just bake it like this?How did those water friends in front come here?Hungry to death?

After that, wash it clean, cut a large piece and put it in a jar. The black gold knife is very sharp. This is easy to solve. The next step is to make a fire. I couldn’t bear to take out the brown bear’s hair and plucked out a lot of it. The hair acts as a igniter.

Old audiences were stunned.

"Hahaha, Brother De, you stripped all the hair off."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so cruel, Brother De."

"What a miserable brown bear. It will be eaten when it dies, and its hair is so pitiful. Hey, I regret meeting Brother De in the first place."

Rhodes also laughed and said, "It is true, this brown bear is so miserable, but you should know that my heart is also painful. Without the bear clothes, my life will be even more miserable in the future, hey!"

There was no sincerity in his sigh, full of perfunctory.

The audience friends were outraged.

"Go to hell. You must be happy now, right?"

"Is there someone like you?"

"Your expression should at least show that I am sad, but why do we see happiness? Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

He looked at the screen and replied calmly, "No."

Such a reaction made them laugh again, well, De Ge really can't be De Ge, even a water friend would dare to hate him.

Soon a fire was built, and he piled stones into a circle so that the jar could be put in. He felt very happy, "I can eat beef as long as I wait three to ten minutes, haha! I'm going to go now." Look for other food, such as ferns or wild fruits, God bless me and let me find it."

At this time, the audience friends don't like him very much, he is really greedy, what else do you want when you have a rhinoceros?How much do you eat?Speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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