Chapter 29

Leading werewolves into Muggle society is the best solution Lockhart can think of at the moment.

First of all, these werewolves must not be disbanded. These werewolves are unstable factors. If they are allowed to disperse, there will probably be werewolves all over Europe.

Secondly, the werewolf group is caused by the general discrimination in the wizarding world and the gregarious nature of wolves. Without Lockhart, they will have other wolf kings. Instead of letting them be led by the unknown wolf king in the future, it is better Let Lockhart take them.

Anyway, the Ministry of Magic always ignores werewolves. As long as werewolves do not directly expose their magic in front of Muggles, I am afraid that official organizations like the Ministry of Magic will turn a blind eye to this.

After figuring this out, Lockhart gradually accepted the fact that he became the king of werewolves.

He put the frozen body of Fenrir Greyback into a suitcase with a traceless stretching spell and went to the Ministry of Magic.



The Ministry of Magic doesn't work on Saturdays!Well, it's very British.

Only one person from the Department of Magical Creatures was on duty, and none of the staff from the Werewolf Capture Planning Team or the Werewolf Registration Team were there. Lockhart was forced to go to the Minister's Office to explain the situation.

The man on duty in the Minister's Office today is Deputy Minister Dolores Jane Umbridge.

This woman has curly hair, her face is wider than the office door, her skin is flabby, her cheekbones are high, her apple muscles are drooping, she wears exaggerated blush, she has a wide mouth with pink lipstick in the middle, trying to Hypnotizing others is a small cherry mouth.

The hair was short and curly, heavily pomaded, and tied with a little black velvet bow.Wearing a fuzzy pink cardigan dress.

Lockhart was in a hurry, so he directly took out Fenrir Greyback's body from the box, preparing to explain the situation.

"Listen, this is the body of Fenrir Greyback, Lord of the Werewolves. He is your most wanted man..." Umbridge cut off midway through Lockhart's words.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

The pretentious shrill voice made Lockhart's scalp tingle, but he continued to speak: "Greyback is a fugitive, and there should be a portrait of him in the Auror office."

"Really? But I think this is just an ordinary person. I have reason to suspect that you killed someone intentionally." It was still the thin voice that could only be uttered by pinching the throat.

"I said, there is a warrant for him in the Auror office, you can go..."

"Unfortunately, all the Aurors are not at work today." Lockhart was interrupted again. This pink toad is too disgusting. How can there be a time when all the Aurors are not in the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic.

"Then when will they come back?" Lockhart asked again, he didn't want to tear his face.

"I don't know about that, you go back and wait slowly." The old pink toad's tone was really disgusting.

"No, you can't leave. I suspect that you killed people on purpose. You have to wait here until the Aurors come back." Seeing that Lockhart didn't speak, the old toad started to get worse.

Lockhart was really disgusted. He wanted to spit on the old toad, but he was worried that his saliva would be soiled.

He grabbed Fenrir Greyback's body and stuffed it into the box. Lockhart fended off the claws of the old toad blocking the way, and pushed the door to go away.

"Auror, where is Auror... hurry up..."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." Umbridge screamed.

There were already several wizards gathered around the door of the office, and a few had already put their hands into their robes, ready to take out their wands at any time.

Lockhart opened the door as soon as he was about to go out. Since Umbridge only called for someone to come and didn't give specific orders, the wizards around didn't do anything either, but moved out of the way.

Just as Lockhart was about to walk out, he heard that disgusting greasy voice again.

"Go all the way, Professor Lockhart of Hogwarts..."

Hearing this sentence, Lockhart understood.

This old stinky toad knows that he is a professor at Hogwarts, so he is deliberately making things difficult for him.

In "Zhuangzi Qiushui", it is said that Huizi served as Prime Minister of Liang Guo, fearing that Zhuangzi would replace him, he searched for Zhuangzi in the country for three days and three nights. Zhuangzi went to see him and told him a story.

In the south, there is a kind of divine bird, Luanfeng. It is not only a phoenix tree, but it does not eat unless it is practiced, and it does not drink unless it is a sweet spring. A crow accidentally picked up a rotten rat. Sheng Sheng was afraid that Luanfeng would come to snatch his rotten rat.

Now, Umbridge, an old toad, has gained the power of the Ministry of Magic, but he is afraid that Dumbledore, a phoenix, will come to seize power, so he, a professor at Hogwarts, is treated like this when he comes.

How can a toad sitting in a well know the nobility of a phoenix? He likes to fight for power and profit, so he thinks everyone is like them, but he doesn't know that wizards like Dumbledore really regard power as dung!
And Lockhart can be considered to be implicated by Dumbledore. Umbridge dared not provoke Dumbledore to disgust himself. He was really a disgusting old stinky toad.

Dumbledore might not care about these for the sake of the overall situation, but Lockhart didn't want to, he now wished that the Ministry of Magic would lose its prestige.

When legitimate official channels fail, we must learn to use public opinion.

Brake failure reported [-] times to the relevant departments to protect rights according to law, it is better to just pull down and go to the auto show to make a big fuss. Children who cry will have milk. The resources in this world are often allocated according to the size of the voice.

As for speaking, Lockhart can guarantee that no one knows how to speak better than him.

At the headquarters of the Daily Prophet, Lockhart paid a visit to Rita Skeeter, and put forward his two goals straight to the point. The first reported that he had captured Fenrir, the king of werewolves; the second reported that he had been treated unfairly. , and hinted at the bottom of the Ministry of Magic's ability to testify.

Rita Skeeter was very happy to agree to the first point, but hesitated about the second point.

"We're a semi-official media outlet after all," Rita Skeeter said.

"Umbridge will be unofficial soon, and you can focus on her," Lockhart replied.

"I don't quite understand, you mean..." Rita Skeeter asked hesitantly.

"I believe you understand who defeated You-Know-Who and gave Fudge power, and now we're going to take those rights back, and Umbridge was the first unlucky one, and you should know who's behind me? Well done, as we see Come on, the media and public opinion have great potential!"

Lockhart didn't answer Rita Skeeter directly, but started talking about the tiger's banner. If it didn't work, he could only threaten her with the fact that she was an illegal Animagus shapeshifter, which was the last At present, Lockhart does not want to lose this ally.

"I did it, and within a week, you'll get all the coverage you want!"

As expected of the person who dares to arrange the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters at the same time in the future, how bold!Lockhart had achieved his goal and left satisfied.

 It's not easy for newcomers and new books, please recommend, please collect.

  PS: Umbridge is my most hated character, not one of them.


(End of this chapter)

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