Chapter 32 The Three Explorations of Riddell Made Major Progress
Back in his lounge, Lockhart recalled and analyzed what happened just now.

Dumbledore should have thought of the solution to this matter when he questioned Lucius Malfoy's sentence "You should ask those students, why did your son stop at that time? What did he stop and say?"

Then Dumbledore began to let himself quarrel with Lucius Malfoy, because he knew both himself and Lucius, and he knew that a wizard from a pure-blood family like Lucius would definitely talk about his respect and courtesy question.

So when Lucius Malfoy said to Dumbledore that his words lacked politeness and respect, Dumbledore immediately pretended to support Lucius, claiming that any rude offender should apologize and be punished .

Lucius Malfoy also thought that he used the threat of the school board to make Dumbledore subdue and turn to support himself, the school board representative, so he clearly supported Dumbledore's point of view.

Dumbledore then used the Pensieve to show Lockhart's memories of the duel at the time, and the offense and disrespect in Draco Malfoy's remarks became the focus of this display.

In the end, Dumbledore pretended to be old and couldn't remember what he said just now, and deliberately asked Lucius which sentence he supported himself just now, forcing him to slap himself.

"Lucius, I'm old and almost confused. I often can't remember what I said. You very much agree with what I said just now. Can you say it again for me?"

Lockhart likes this sentence so much, it's you, Dumbledore, old hermaphrodite.

Dumbledore's wit made Lockhart feel a little scared. This 111-year-old wizard has insight into human nature, giving Lockhart a feeling of being very wise and close to a monster.

But at least for now, Dumbledore and himself should be a community of interests. The stronger Dumbledore is, the better it will be for Lockhart.

Dumbledore's wisdom gave Lockhart a lot of confidence, and while he was at school tonight, Lockhart decided to start the third communication with Riddle's diary.

Still separated into two shadow clones, one turned into the appearance of the little wizard from the previous two times and prepared to open Riddle's diary, and by the way, turned the surrounding environment into a scene of the Room of Requirement.

The other was lying in the fireplace clutching a handful of Floo powder, ready to switch places with the main body and run away.The main body lurks at the door of the principal's office, and once danger occurs, he immediately smashes the door for help.

In the last trial, Lockhart left Riddle with the image of a little wizard who discovered the importance of strength for the first time, so he went to study hard every day, and he will extend this image tonight.

Opening Riddle's small notebook, Lockhart controlled the shadow clone and started writing directly.

【Tom, do you know how to gain great power? ] Lockhart got straight to the point and gave Riddle a straight-to-the-point.

[It's very simple to gain power. Hogwarts is the best magic school in the world. As long as you keep your feet on the ground at Hogwarts, go all out, study hard, and make progress every day, you will definitely become a powerful wizard in the future. 】

It was still a Riddle-style temptation to avoid the important and ignore the minor. This little book was always unwilling to reveal his purpose at the beginning.

【Really?I do not believe!If it was that easy to become a powerful wizard, then the world would be full of powerful wizards. 】Lockhart guided the conversation again with questioning.

[Of course, it’s that simple. Look at the professors in your school, especially the deans. They are all powerful wizards, and they all become powerful wizards by studying hard at Hogwarts every day. 】

【However, if my classmates and I receive the same education, and many of them are neither stupider nor lazy than me, I have no reason to believe that I will be the strongest one. 】

There was no response from Riddle's diary, Lockhart controlled the shadow clone, and continued to write in the diary again.

【Tom, you must have other ways, you know, I won't be satisfied with being a wizard at Snape's level. 】

[You want to be the most powerful wizard in the world, right?So do you know who is the most powerful wizard in the world? 】Riddle didn't answer directly, and started to ask the usual rhetorical question again.

[Dumbledore?Maybe it could also be the mysterious person?I have also heard of the Dark Lord of the previous generation. His name seems to be Grindelwald? ] Lockhart wrote in an uncertain tone as much as possible.

【Your knowledge surpasses many people of your age, Hamilton, so do you know what the three of them have in common? ] Riddle is constantly inducing Lockhart.

[They are all men, they all have two eyes, please, dear little Ben, if I knew, I wouldn't ask you. 】Lockhart responded with an impatient tone.

[The three of them are proficient in black magic!] This time Riddle's reply was quick and short.

[Dumbledore too?When did he learn black magic, he is the most powerful white wizard in the world! ] Lockhart expressed doubts in the text of this reply, but revealed trust.

On the surface, he did not believe that Dumbledore knew black magic, but he asked when Dumbledore learned black magic. Such a reply was not so much a question, but a proof. Lockhart believed that Riddle would definitely be able to see it. .

[Perhaps you don’t know, your principal Dumbledore and the previous Dark Lord are good friends. They have studied black magic together since they were young, and they have a deep relationship, and even became lovers. ] This time Riddle's reply was very timely.

[Lover, no way, I remember Grindelwald as a wizard. 】Lockhart's controller shadow clone questioned appropriately.

[Of course, don't doubt, Dumbledore is such a person, so stay as far away from him as possible. 】

Well, it turned out that this was Riddle's purpose, to keep himself as far away from Dumbledore as possible to avoid being discovered.

[Okay, I will, but why can you become a powerful wizard if you are proficient in black magic? ] Lockhart began to play dumb.

[It's very simple, because although black magic is difficult to learn, they are all very destructive spells, which is why many people call them black magic. In fact, there is no distinction between black and white magic, only wizards The difference between black and white. 】

In fact, Lockhart knew that this sentence was wrong. He had already discovered that the essence of magic is the realization of the wizard's will and emotions. Without bad thoughts and negative emotions, many black magic cannot be released.

This can be seen from the gradual madness of Voldemort himself, and wizards like Dumbledore, he has been restraining himself, and try not to use magic that requires a lot of negative emotions to use.

But Lockhart still manipulated the shadow clone and continued to reply [I think what you said is very reasonable, especially the sentence that although it is difficult to learn, it is very reasonable. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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