Hogwarts Gymnastics Professor

Chapter 56 Return to Azkaban

Chapter 56 Return to Azkaban
Unlike the past, this apparition was led by Sirius, because their destination was Black's old house at 12 Grimmauld Place, London.

After a while of dizziness, Lockhart and Sirius came to the door of the ancestral house of the Black family. Sirius held the silver handle of the black door with his hand, and then the door opened automatically.

"This house can automatically identify the bloodlines and identities of visitors. Only members of the Black family can open the door of this house. I plan to leave this house to Harry in the future." Sirius led Luo Hart went into the mansion.

Then Lockhart was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Dust all over the floor, peeling wallpaper, worn carpets, broken gas lamps and corners covered with cobwebs.

Lockhart felt that if Sirius left this house to Harry, Harry would spend the rest of his life cleaning in this house.

A slogan similar to Ollivander's wand shop can even be posted on the door of this house-the old house of the Black family: it has stopped cleaning since 980 AD.

The ground was full of dust, and Lockhart couldn't find a place to stay, so he simply flew up, and Sirius walked in with an embarrassing expression on his face.

Sirius walked up to a staircase, motioned for Lockhart to follow, and stepped up.


The wooden floor on the stairs was in disrepair, and Sirius rang when he stepped on it.

A woman's shrill scream suddenly sounded on the wall, but Lockhart couldn't find the source of the scream. Looking carefully, there was actually a portrait hanging on the wall, which had turned black with age and turned into a wall. color.

"Sirius, you dare to come back, and you brought strangers with you. Didn't you say that you would not come back unless all the members of the Black family were dead?"

Then the portrait cursed loudly at Lockhart again.The shrieking and yelling woke up the other portraits, causing them to start screaming too.

Sirius obviously paused. He left the Black family because of disagreements. Although he lost the qualification to inherit the property of a big pure-blooded family, he gained real happiness.

So at that time, he said a lot of things that were not taboo, and now he didn't know what to say in the face of the late mother's ridicule. Do you want to tell him that the Black family really died and he was the only one left?
Sirius couldn't speak, so he just took Lockhart and continued upstairs, only to be stopped by a house-elf who apparated.

The house-elf was barely naked save for a dirty rag covering his vitals around his waist.The skin loosened into folds hanging down, like a fat man after he lost weight.

Then the house-elf said in a low and hoarse voice: "Master Sirius, you are back, and Kreacher greets you." Then he looked at Lockhart, lowered his head and moved his mouth slightly.

Relying on the good hearing brought about by his physical skills, Lockhart clearly heard key words such as "traitor, brat, damn, mudblood friend".

"Kreacher, tell me where is the spare wand at home?" Sirius asked coldly.

"On the fifth floor, in Master Regulus' room." It was still a low and hoarse tone accompanied by a docile answer.Lockhart heard the same muttering again as he followed Sirius upstairs.

"Thief, obviously a brother, a prodigal, why is there such a big gap?" This time Kreacher's voice was hardly concealed, even Sirius heard it, but he ignored it.

Lockhart followed Sirius to the fifth floor. Sirius opened one of the rooms and signaled Lockhart to cast a spell.

"The wands are flying" accompanied by the spell, dozens of wands flew over at the same time, Lockhart hastily took out a box from his pocket, and put all these wands in it.

Sirius found his wand from inside, thought for a moment, then handed the box to Lockhart and said, "Keep it as a spare, don't need to keep it, anyway, there is no one else here."

Lockhart thought in his heart that he didn't have so many chopsticks in his family in his previous life, and couldn't help feeling the prosperity of the Black family in the past and the decline now.

Then Sirius continued to ask: "What are you taking me for, should we talk about it now?"

Lockhart asked: "Sirius, you were imprisoned in Azkaban without trial, right?"

"Yes, I have repeated this matter several times."

"I went through a trial, but I think that trial was too subjective, and it would be better if there was no trial." Lockhart said.

"Don't you mean..." Sirius said slowly, looking into Lockhart's eyes.

"That's right, I feel that this crude trial mechanism really lacks fairness and justice. We are by no means the only two people who have been wronged, so I plan to go to Azkaban to rescue those who were also wronged. "

Lockhart felt that this was inevitable. How many people from pure-blood families like Malfoy were not punished after committing crimes, and how many ordinary wizards suffered injustice and differences.

"Hmm! It's exactly the same as my plan." After hearing Lockhart's plan, Sirius showed an embarrassed yet polite smile and loudly responded to Lockhart.

Lockhart knew that this dog had lost his mind again. With his quick temper, he probably thought about attacking the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic.

"How exactly do we do that?" Sirius asked.

"Do you know Legilimency?"

"A little bit, not very proficient."

"Enough is enough. The people in Azkaban are mentally fragile, and their memories can be obtained with a little Legilimency. We judge whether they are innocent or not based on these memories.

"Now we take advantage of most of the dementors going out to search you, rescue innocent people from Azkaban, then collect evidence, and bring them to the Ministry of Magic for justice."

"Very well, that's exactly what I want to do." Sirius licked his lips and whispered to Lockhart.

Lockhart understood what Sirius meant, and he couldn't stand someone suffering from a wrong like him.

"Then let's go!"

After Lockhart said that, he took Sirius and began to apparate. After apparating a few times, Lockhart and Sirius reached the periphery of the area where Azkaban was still apparating.

Lockhart and Sirius turned into a cat and a dog floating on the sea and quickly flew to Azkaban, and soon came to the outermost area of ​​the castle.

Lockhart and Sirius exchanged glances, and then began to split up.

After checking that the prisoners in the first two cells were all right, Lockhart flew to the third cell, and an old man was lying in it. Lockhart used Legilimency to see it without much effort. The heart of the old man.

The man's heart was full of painful memories, and Lockhart was extremely angry after reading it.

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(End of this chapter)

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