A god of beauty

Chapter 211 The Avenger, Captain America

Chapter 211 The Avenger, Captain America
Bang bang bang!
In a gym in an apartment building in Washington, D.C., a super soldier in a T-shirt and shorts was clenching his teeth and punching a sandbag in front of him.

One punch.

Two punches.

Three or four punches.


Steve Rogers slammed his straight right fist, and with a bang, the sandbag hanging in front of him slammed towards the back, and then slammed heavily on the wall.

Compared with Coulson's so-called almost becoming a homeless man after going for eight months, Steve Rogers really achieved the so-called "I woke up with nothing."


It became the former residence.


He is dead in name, and he still counts on his savings. Besides, since joining the army, Steve has donated his monthly salary to the orphanage.



Panting heavily, Steve turned to look at the other sandbags lined up behind him, ready to pick up another one and continue his boxing action.

A sandbag of about [-] kilograms is a younger brother to Steve, and he hung the sandbag in front of him with one hand.


Steve let out a breath, waved away the scenes of himself falling into the icy sea in his mind, and continued to bombard the sandbag in front of him with punches and punches.

at this time.

Rare Nick Fury, who didn't wear the iconic cape, appeared at the door of the gym: "Insomnia?"

Steve looked over and punched the sandbag: "I've slept for more than 60 years, sir, I think I've had enough sleep."

Nick Fury smiled.

I have to say that Nick Fury is very important to Captain America's "sir".

Fury walked in, putting his hands behind his back: "Then you should go out, celebrate, and go see the colorful world that is only possible because of your sacrifice."

Steve's movements stopped: "When I fell into the water, we were fighting. When I woke up, I only heard people say that we won, but no one said what we lost."

"We've made some mistakes over the years."

Nick took out the folder behind him, looked down and said, "I made some mistakes in the past few years, and I made one mistake today."

Steve, who was removing the bandage on his hand, glanced at Fury: "Did you bring a mission, sir?"

Nick nodded: "Yes."

"Do you want me to come back out of the rivers and lakes?"

"I want you to save the world."

Nick said, and handed the document opened in front of Steve to Steve.

into the eye.

Steve took the file and looked at the photo of the Rubik's Cube above: "Hydra's secret weapon."

Nick said: "After you fell into the water, Howard Stark salvaged it from the sea when he was looking for you. In the 90s, we knew that this item was called the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Today, we learned that this item is called a space gem."

Steve looked up.

Nick said: "Howard Stark and you thought about it together. The Rubik's Cube may be the key to developing infinite and sustainable energy. In the 90s, we experimented once. Let's put it this way, the earth almost exploded."

Steve understood: "So why are you still using it?"

Nick shrugged: "S.H.I.E.L.D. will not make the same mistake twice. We didn't use the Rubik's Cube as an energy source again. This time we used it as a power source to turn on a modern technology, but the result was very bad."

Steve looked at Nick Fury: "Define [bad]."

Nick Fury turned the document in Steve's hand to the second page, and he saw a thumbnail with a stargate.

"This is……"

"The technology given to us by an alien god, the Stargate, activates it, and we can reach any planet through this gate. Of course, there are some other functions, such as teleportation, which we are still researching. "


Steve raised his head involuntarily, and looked at Nick Fury with an expression of [I've slept for more than 60 years, but I'm not stupid] and said, "Sir, teleportation, is this a joke?"

Nick Fury shook his head seriously.

This is no joke.

Regarding teleportation, this technology may not have even occurred to Lake, but it is indeed a product of the sudden brain opening of the scientists of Aegis when they were building and researching the stargate.

In fact...

In June last year, S.H.I.E.L.D. successfully transmitted a red apple placed at the base of the Hive Center in New York to the Sanfeishi underground base in Washington.

But this is for the dead, for the living...

Let's just say that under any circumstances, any S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, including Nick Fury, would veto that they were not ignoring human rights using death row inmates, including those from an island nation, for human experimentation.

Steve glanced at Nick Fury's expression, he was not joking if he was not joking, I believed it: "So just activating a door, there will be no big problem."

Nick Fury grinned: "This is a big problem. We seem to have issued a gauntlet to a certain race in the universe."

Steve looked at Nick Fury in a daze again, as if asking, you must be joking.

Nick Fury smiled: "Obviously, we passed through their territory without the permission of that race. Moreover, this space gem, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, is very important in the universe. We gave the other party a reasonable excuse. , an excuse to freak out. So, yes, war is coming."


Steve frowned: "Then why didn't 90s take this?"

"They're coming."

Nick said indifferently: "But, in the 90s, they failed and were defeated by one of our local gods."

Steve's eyebrows furrowed.

The direction of this conversation made Steve feel more and more confused.

Cosmic Cube.

space gem.

alien race.

native god.

Christ Jesus, for the sake of God, even if I have slept for more than 60 years, how can I say that the span cannot be so large all at once?
What is this called?
Before I go to bed, Earth is in the age of thermal weapons.

After I woke up, the earth entered the age of gods.


Steve looked at Nick Fury and said, "I believe there is a god in this world, and he has only one name, and that is called God."


Nick Fury turned over the page of the document in front of Steve again, revealing the page with Lake's face and said: "I don't know if God exists or not, but we have a god right now. of that kind.”

Steve looked down.

Lake's profile picture is very clear.

Name: Lake Reese.

Attribute: God.

Age: Ominous, claiming to be 25, but according to reliable sources, this person was born in the era of the Big Bang, in other universes.

Ability: God of Strange Flowers, God of Lies, (Professing Lord of the Stars, God of Miracles)
Experience: It was affected in the 90s, and it first appeared on April [-], [-], when it was picked up by Mikaela Vickers, Queens, and was later renamed Zeus...

(End of this chapter)

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