A god of beauty

Chapter 23 You have a new patron

Chapter 23 You have a new patron

Wall Street's Ned Dawson is gone.

He has no reason not to leave, the shares in Victor Industry in his hand have changed hands, why are you still here, waiting for someone to invite him to dinner?
As for the remaining three minority shareholders?
Mikaela recovered at the price of three floors, but compared to the current price that has fallen below 20 yuan, it is obvious that she is still like a savior.


The meeting room, which was decorated like a beast's lair, suddenly became deserted.

Mikaela looked at the priceless transaction document in his hand, which was essentially a piece of waste paper, and smiled softly, then raised his head and smiled at Victor who said nothing: "Mr. Fang Du, it is obvious that you have changed A gold master."

Victor was silent.

This word...

It felt as if he had been taken care of before, and then was taken care of by another person, and all this happened under his nose.

a long time.

Victor said in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you?"

Mikaela smiled softly: "It seems that Mr. Fang Du has really lost his mind, Medis, you can call me Medis."

Victor was expressionless: "So, why did Zeus help me?"

Mikaela stood up: "Let's put it this way, Mr. Fang Du, I don't like you, but Zeus doesn't think much of you. He thinks you are a partner worth investing in. So, congratulations, Mr. Fang Du, you have won Zeus's favor." Pay attention, Zeus asked me to bring you a sentence, Victor Industry is still yours, and this will not change in any way."

Say it.

Mikaela took two blackwater bodyguards with sunglasses and two lawyers and walked towards the door of the meeting room.

Vidok, who was standing still, turned around and asked at the moment Mikaela was about to leave the meeting room, "Then when can I see Zeus?"

"Mr. Fang Du, Zeus is a god. When he wants to see you, he will naturally show up."


Mikaela said this without looking back, and then led the four of them into the elevator. Victor stood blankly in the conference room, thinking silently.

After half an hour.

Mikaela walked into the Star Building, got out of the elevator on the top floor, and saw Lake, who was wearing a black suit with his hands on his back, with his back facing her, and there was a real thug in a suit over there.

Lake turned around and looked at Mikaela who walked in and smiled, "It's done?"

Mikaela puts her bag on the bar: "I understand that you need to hide from your wives, but why should I run errands for you?"

Lake said with a smile: "You will become my god, isn't it right for god to run errands for the Lord God?"

Michaela blinked: "So, you actually need a maid?"

Lake laughed and said, "In your eyes, do gods and maids equate? Mikaela, you know how many mortals kneel before me in the Valoran universe, begging to give them a Is there a chance of eternal life? How many mortals are there, wishing to try their best to serve me?"

Mikaela shrugged and said: "Well, whatever the gods say is right, you have the final say, as long as you are happy."

Lake shook his head.

Only the stars know why he made the promise to make Mikaela a god at that time. If time could be turned back, Lake promised that he would think twice before making the promise.

But the promise has already been made, so what else can be done, it is not a god to break his promise and gain weight, especially his style of a stalwart male god.

There is still time, just slowly adjust it, and one day, Mikaela will understand what kind of attitude a god should treat her main god...

Think about it.

Lake turned around from the floor-to-ceiling windows, walked to the bar and took out the bourbon, and looked at Mikaela while pouring himself: "Do you need some?"

Mikaela sighed: "I know that the gods don't care much about age, and I'm hot, but I still need to remind you, I am, according to American law, 21 years old is the age to drink."

Lake laughed and said, "Are you boasting?"

Mikaela glanced at the smiling Lake: "If I look like a pumpkin, will you promise me to become a god?"

Lake thought for a while, then shook his head honestly and said, "Probably not."

Mikaela spread her hands and did not speak.

She knew that whether it is a mortal or a god, it is all about appearance. Fortunately, my mother left me a good-looking skin.

Mikaela murmured in her heart.

Lake did pour two glasses of fine wine on his own, handed one to Mikaela and said, "I am a god, and you will be a god in the future, remember what I told you, gods do things according to their preferences .”

Mikaela looked at the bourbon in front of her, opened her mouth, and finally rolled her eyes, took the bourbon and took a sip.

It will be the same as yesterday. Instead of wasting words, it’s better to save some energy. Sure enough, this guy said that before he became a god, it was all up to me, but he still wanted to get me drunk and then greedy my body ...

I'm a girl from Queens, and it's not that easy to get drunk.

Mikaela drank the wine in the glass and put it on the bar: "Have another glass."

Lake chuckled, ignored it, and said everything, he is the main god, how can the main god pour wine for the gods, the first time is polite, the second time, that is the problem.

Lake held the wine glass and said lightly: "Agatha, have you located it yet?"

Agatha said: "The positioning is successful."

Lake took a sip of his wine, sat on the sofa and said, "Project it out."

"Hold on!"

After Agatha finished speaking, there was a whoosh, and a projection landed directly on the wide wall in a simple style.

Chu Chu Chu!
A bright red helicopter engine spins over the snowy mountains.

Mikaela walked over and looked at the snow-capped mountains in the picture and said, "Whistler Ski Resort?"

Lake glanced at Mikaela curiously.

Mikaela said: "My dad took me there once before he went to prison."

Lake asked, "Ski?"

Mikaela smiled slightly and said, "That's right."

What does Mikaela's father do? It's related to cars. The Whistler ski resort near Vancouver is also called the rich man's ski resort. Moreover, those rich people always like to park their cars at the foot of the mountain. Then take a helicopter up the mountain...

Mikaela thought about the good times back then, looked at the projection screen and frowned suddenly: "Where is your camera?"

Lake smiled softly.

Do gods need cameras to monitor remotely?

What Agatha intervened was the database of this planet. What does it mean, even if Lake wants to see the real-time picture of the center of the earth now, he can see it.

Of course.

Because of the scruples of being targeted by Catherine, Agatha can't use full firepower right now, but she can still do it if she looks at the snow or something.


 Have a great weekend, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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