A god of beauty

Chapter 234 Let's Eliminate the Queen

Chapter 234 Let's Eliminate the Queen

"Don't wait for us?"

Steve and the others turned their heads and looked back, but outside the warehouse, Natasha and Bruce Hulk Banner, who was bare to the waist, were walking towards the inside.

Dr. Banner waved his wet mobile phone: "I didn't see whether it was land or sea outside the escape pod. Fortunately, if Natasha came over 10 minutes later..."

Victor and the others smiled.

Natasha stared at the flickering singularity in the middle of the Stargate, and looked at Steve: "So, it's late?"

Steve nodded: "Can you reach the base? The communication signal here is blocked."

Natasha looked at Hawkeye: "The Valoran communication satellite is useless?"

Hawkeye Button was stunned: "I don't think so."

Natasha shook her head, raised her right hand, and looked at the bracelet on her hand. The bracelet was shining brightly. After a short while, the projection of the command hall of the space carrier appeared in an instant.


Nick Fury was silent for a while as he watched the stargate flicker and slowly expand towards the singularity.

"How long is it expected that the Stargate will be fully opened?"

"One hour."

Maria Hill, deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., listened to the projection analysis results of the technicians on the Jersey base, and hurriedly said to Nick Fury who was silent next to him: "Sir, we must evacuate the crowd over there."

Nick nodded his head back.

have to say.

Nick Fury and even Maria Hill are a little lucky. At least, the soldiers of Kirita landed in New Jersey instead of New York. In a word, the population of the entire New Jersey state is 700 million, while the population of New York City There are also 700 million, but New Jersey is a state, while New York is a single city.


It doesn't sound good.

Rebuilding New Jersey after the war was much easier than rebuilding New York after the war.

10 minutes later
When Steve and the others walked out of the warehouse, they saw the combination of the sky and the land with the engine roaring towards this side and the powerful horsepower passing by.

Bruce Hulk Banner couldn't help shrinking his eyes when he saw a person walking off the off-road vehicle, and then hid behind the US team Steve Rogers without leaving a trace.

Rogers of the American team was slightly taken aback: "Dr. Banner?"

Bruce Banner bowed his head in silence.


Walking off the off-road vehicle, wearing a capable military uniform, General Ross with a mustache took off his sunglasses, looked at Rogers and the US team and said in a deep voice: "I understand that we are going to fight with a group of alien soldiers. Turn on the war mode, is it like this?"


General Ross glanced at someone hiding behind the US team and said indifferently: "Dr. Banner, relax, today, I have no interest in you, as long as you don't contact my daughter."

Dr. Banner leaned out and smiled slowly: "Betty and I have broken up."

"very good!"

General Ross said in a deep voice: "Keep going, if you don't provoke my daughter, I can turn a blind eye to you."

The arrest of Hulk was not so much for General Ross to strengthen the military, but it was more like an expression of anger by a high-ranking man towards his daughter's boyfriend.

at this time.

There was a very ear-piercing sound like howling wind.

Several people looked up.

It was the sound of an air raid siren, and almost instantly, the sound of an air raid siren in one place turned into an alert coming from all directions almost instantly.

Ross retracted his gaze: "East Brunswick, Monroe, Holmdel, within half an hour, the New Jersey Army National Guard will assist in the evacuation of the area with a radius of five kilometers around the base."

Captain America nodded, "That's good."

"This is bad!"

General Ross looked at the US team, pointed directly at the soldiers who began to land and deploy behind him, and said: "My soldiers are completely unprepared, and even, because of Washington's request, I can't tell them that later, we need to communicate with them." Who is fighting, and we have no estimate of the number and strength of the enemy at all, and now, tell me, gentlemen, how much do you know about the coming enemy?"

Captain America and the others looked at Thor standing beside him in unison.

Sol was taken aback.

The US team looked at Sol and said, "Sol, you should know."

Natasha also said: "The only one of us who has dealt with other aliens should be you."

Sol rubbed his nose and looked at Captain America and the others: "I don't know much about Kirita, we in Asgard are peace-loving, and we in Asgard are very familiar with the facts beyond the Nine Realms." Participate less."


Sol just told the information about the Kirita people that he knew in his memory.

"Kirita, in fact, they have another name, called Zerg."


Sol glanced at Susan who was speaking, nodded and said: "Yes, when I was young, when I was in class, I heard from the teacher that the leader of the Kirita people is the Zerg Lord."

"According to the information circulating in the universe, the Zerg Lord is the origin of the Kirita tribe. He was born in a holy land of Kirita that floated from the outer domain and is now called the pool of life by the Kirita tribe."

"The Kirita tribe is not so much a technological civilization as a Zerg civilization. The Zerg Master will not participate in this war. Once he participates, Asgard will also intervene."

Although everyone didn't know what Zerg Master was, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing these words.

next second.

Thor glanced at everyone's faces and said directly: "Don't be too happy, although the zerg master will not participate, but the queen, dragon, worker insect, hydralisk and even the devourer, in the universe, Kirita is the most One of the evil races, they devour and alienate..."


"The queen never dies, and Kirita's soldiers are endless."

"The ability to lay eggs is the scariest thing about the Kirita people. After the birth of Kirita, they destroyed civilization planets one by one with the help of the queen."

Everyone looked at each other.

Natasha raised her hand and said, "Sol, I have a question. Since the Kiritas are so powerful, why did they submit to Thanos?"

Thor looked at Natasha: "Because the zerg master surrendered to Thanos, according to the information from the Space Predator Legion, Thanos set foot on Kirita alone and walked to the pool of life in Kirita, and then, the alien The worm master knelt down to Thanos."

Natasha: "..."

Captain America glanced at Natasha who was in shock, and looked at Saul: "So, how should we fight this war?"

Sol shook his head: "We can't fight, we can only delay. The actions of the Kirita people are all controlled by the queen. The queen will not die, and the Kirita people will come in a steady stream."

Captain America: "..."

Natasha: "..."

other people:"……"

(End of this chapter)

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