god employee at lobotomy

Chapter 162 The Tragedy of Company R

Chapter 162 The Tragedy of Company R

The time came to the day when Company L collapsed.

At this moment, many companies that need clean energy from Company L are in a huge predicament.

And R Company is one of them.

While it can manufacture wireless replicas, it also requires a huge amount of energy, and due to the regulations of the leader, all replicas can only survive for seven days. After seven days, only one replica can be left as the real body to continue living.

It just so happened that on that day, the seven days of the Rabbit team were approaching, and it was Myuu who kept fighting in the "incubation field".

"Hey, Rudolph, you have to treat me to a good meal this time. The condition of No. 32 can't be better!" Maxim looked at the rabbits fighting in the farm, and he was already excited.

In order to ensure that there is only one "main body" within seven days, R Company can only use this efficient and low-cost method to recover these clones, and whenever this happens, the other two teams will always bet with great interest. Guess who will survive to the end.

But this so-called breeding farm is actually just a Shura farm. So far, only these "three people" can fully adapt to the overall training process of the Fourth Army.

Rudolph, a reindeer with only one horn, don't ask him anything about the other horn, or his mental attack will make you straight into dementia.

Maxim, who belongs to the Rhino team, has a huge body and a strong physique, allowing him to do many things that even advanced mechanical chariots cannot do.

And the last one is Myu, who is currently playing the Hunger Games in the farm. Her will to persevere comes from a certain color-level finisher.

It is not the strong who can survive, but the one who survives is the strong.

Myuu has always used this sentence as her motto, which also makes her stronger when she keeps killing and eating herself.

"Maxim, don't be too happy too early. Don't chase after the poor. The rabbit is the strongest when he is in a hurry. Look at the bloody No. 1682. I don't think he will lose!" Rudolph folded his hands and continued to watch the breeding field.

"Are you betting again? Don't look, we have a new mission." Nikolai suddenly appeared between the two.

"Oh? Is it about Company L again?" Maxim said indifferently.

"No, it's another mission this time, and the wing of Company L has been broken." Nikolai closed his eyes as if thinking about something.

"Company L collapsed? What's the reason? What about our agreement?" Rudolph realized something and asked quickly.

"The task this time is to go to Nest L to solve some twisted events there, and then a series of tasks related to Nest L, if they fail, the 5000 people of the Fourth Army, including me, will be slaughtered directly. "

Nikolai's words reminded Maxim of some previous events: "Oh, as domestic animals, we still cannot escape the fate of being slaughtered."

"It's useless in itself. If it weren't for Company L's demand, how could we have survived for so long? Their cheap, easy-to-use, low-price energy cannot be produced anywhere else." Rudolf seemed to be interested in this topic. Also slightly calm.

"Okay, let's go after the end of Miao. The remaining energy is enough for a while, but it can only extend our life a little longer. If we can't solve the problem of Company L, there is no need for us to exist." After finishing speaking, Kelai left. The collapse of L Company had also brought a lot of trouble to many other wings. Now Time Track Company is still waiting for her in her office.

Support it
The door to the breeding farm finally opened, and a cute rabbit stood out covered in blood.

"It seems that I won, but I don't know if I have a chance to eat this meal!" Maxim smiled and stepped forward to pat Myuu on the shoulder.

"What are you doing again, where is the old woman? I saw her just now!" Miao asked the two of them.

"Tsk, just leave after losing the news, silly rabbit, I won't have much energy for you in the future." Rudolph was obviously dissatisfied with losing the bet.

"Say it again? Believe it or not, I will break off your other horn too!" Miao said with red eyes. It was obvious that the continuous high-intensity battle just now did not affect her fighting spirit at all. On the contrary, she felt like she was red-eyed. the meaning of.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think a weak rabbit can get my horn."

For the two people who were quarreling, Maxim rarely "added fuel to the fire", but stopped them and told Miu about the situation.

"MD, Company L exploded when it said it would blow up, why should we be involved!" Miao was very dissatisfied after hearing this.

"Reputation is the prerequisite for transactions between wings!" Nikolai once again appeared in everyone's sight.

"If Company L collapses on its own, we will not be held responsible. If it is due to external factors, Company R will not be able to abide by the contract."

"Boss, aren't you still negotiating with Shigui Company? Why did you come out so soon?" Maxim asked.

"Shigui Company suddenly received a distortion incident. It is the star of the city. It has already gone back to solve the distortion."

"Are these distortions really caused by Company L?" Rudolf thought.

"In any case, we just need to do what we have to do. Since Myuu has come out, let's go to Nest L when we are ready." Nikolai was about to leave after speaking, when a figure suddenly appeared Pass.

"Huh? So impatient?" Nikolai was only slightly surprised at first, but then he turned around and realized the problem.

"There was a rabbit just now?" Nicolai's expression was particularly terrifying at this time.

"Something went wrong in the breeding ground? Why didn't it detect it?" Rudolph looked at Myuu angrily when he saw this, obviously he wanted to do something.

"Anyway, life is the same for everyone, so I have to feel sorry for you." Maxim also clenched his fists.

Before Myuu could speak, Nicolai gave her order directly.

"This breeding ground is a product of Wing, so there shouldn't be any problems, so it is likely that the problem lies with the rabbit that escaped."

"There is no sign of life, but it is still alive and there has never been a rabbit with such a strong desire to live before."

"Maxim, you go and bring the rabbit back first. Rudolf, leave 100 people here to guard the rabbit. The rest follow me to the L nest!" After Nikolai gave the order, everyone started to take action.

And Maxim took the device to detect and track the rabbit and found that the place where the rabbit was going was the same as their destination.

L nest!
In another corner, an experimenter was watching the data in his hand being continuously improved, and the data showed various indicators of Miao.

(End of this chapter)

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