god employee at lobotomy

Chapter 197 When Did This Library Be So Strong?

Chapter 197 When Did This Library Be So Strong?
It's Angela. She is the owner of this library, and she is also the one who empowers all the librarians in the library. She is the only one who can withstand Geburah's killing intent.

"Are you back?" Angela ignored the stunned people and just greeted Yu Yifan.

"Well, I told you last time."

"I know, but the rules of the library will still be followed." Angela said lightly, without showing any emotion in her eyes.

"Ah..." Yu Yifan didn't expect Angela to agree, let alone such a condition, which he couldn't refute.

The existence of the library itself, especially the internal situation, is rarely known, because the method left before, as long as the library's event level does not increase too quickly, it will not be discovered at all.

Except for Yu Yifan, the only person who can leave the library alive is the previous one.

Geburah uses some Singularity technology to try to get out of the library, but it is also very limited.

However, Yu Yifan's original intention of bringing everyone to the library was actually to deceive others. Yu Yifan had to guard against a company that could own all the video data of a person within the city limits.

At least for now, Yu Yifan only knows that the library has the means to avoid the detection of Company I.

In the case that the system release task is real, Company I must have something to hide from itself. Now Yu Yifan can't think of what it is, but it must not be as simple as just letting himself get rid of a small trick.

"Hey, Angela, these people have an unpleasant smell. Before they know much, let them get out of here!" Geburah said unhappily after being interrupted.

"Since they've already come in, it's better to stay here. Aren't you guys always complaining about not having enough people?" Angela had a mechanical smile on her face.

"Okay, I don't need it here, take them away." Geburah waved his hand: "And you."

Geburah looked at Yu Yifan: "Be careful!"

At this time, Angela showed a helpless expression, and then she just waved her hand, and Yu Yifan and his group came directly to the general management floor with a flash of white light.

"Do your Lobotomy employees have training in this area? Everyone has the ability to move in space." Seeing that Geburah was gone, Roland complained.

Yu Yifan didn't understand it for a while, and felt that Angela didn't seem to know this type of space movement before. At most, he used the marked employees outside the library to create some one-way portals. Yifan is also the first time seeing Angela using it.

"Welcome to the library, I hope there are the books you want here." Angela, as the owner here, finally began to fulfill her duties as the owner.

"I think Yu Yifan has already told you." Angela continued: "Those who enter the library should never go out again, unless they complete the test here."

"Test? What is that?" Tian Bai asked.

"It's very simple. I have won against the secretary here, such as the person in front of you." After speaking, Angela's eyes moved to Yu Yifan.

The others also followed Angela's gaze and understood something.

"Of course, if you can successfully pass the test, you can take any book here."

"Why do we need books?" Luo Ti didn't care about this.

"The function of the book is to restore the contents of the book again, which contains personal abilities, causes of distortion, and even some singularity technologies, etc."

"By the way, since Yu Yifan received the rabbit last time, we have added more books on basic Singularity technology."

"If you choose to stay in the library, I can promise Yu Yifan to let you stay here as an assistant secretary. It is also because of the Singularity Technology that you can leave the library for a short time and go to the outside world for a short time."

"Singularity Technology? There is your L nest, right?"

When everyone was listening to Angela's introduction, Roland's voice suddenly sounded.

"It's natural." Angela said lightly, "Do you want to challenge it?"

"." Roland was silent for a while but still replied, "I'm just asking."

"Angela, I don't think they should just stay here." Yu Yifan still opened his mouth. Regarding Roland's change, Yu Yifan knew the reason and chose to tolerate it, but it was not what Yu Yifan wanted to let everyone stay here. have witnessed.

"Then what should I do?" Angela turned her head, staring at Yu Yifan with eyes shining with humanity, and at the same time, the space around Yu Yifan seemed to be still.

Obviously, Yu Yifan also noticed the abnormality around him, and he felt that he seemed to be cut off from the people around him at this moment.

Yu Yifan subconsciously said, "Shigui Company?"

The four words blurted out very fluently, and Yu Yifan added in the next second: "There is also W Company"

"Well, I learned some things after recycling their books, and I feel better recently. After everything is over, I really want to see the outside world." In front of Yu Yifan, Angela no longer concealed it. Like a human being.

"Angela" Yu Yifan lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking: "What does the book of truth you mentioned earlier contain, and can it really complete the previous task with it?"

Angela smiled softly: "Well, it contains scattered rays of light, as well as unknown rays of light. Collecting them together makes sense and can achieve all purposes."

"Including yours, right?" Yu Yifan said such a sentence for some unknown reason.

Angela also abnormally did not torture Yu Yifan's body anymore, but asked back: "As long as there is no conflict, my purpose has nothing to do with you, right?"

"I hope so, and my companions, I must let them assist me when I need it!" Yu Yifan didn't go any further.

"Yes, I am very grateful to you." Angela adjusted the time slightly at this time, so that Yu Yifan could only hear the first two words, and then the time returned to normal, and everyone began to be able to move normally up.

After that, under the astonished eyes of the four people, Yu Yifan and Angela seemed to have reached the same opinion to some extent.

In this way, the four of them were arranged to rest in the library.

In fact, except for Zero, the other three are all fine.

Roland has his own goals. Luo Ti himself only has an aversion to the city, and there is nothing wrong with being in the library. As for Tian Bai, it is not a big problem that he obeys Yu Yifan very much now.

So there is only Zero, this girl who has always been silent is the person Yu Yifan feels most guilty of.

People who were fine outside were suddenly "imprisoned" by me, and it felt like it couldn't be justified.

So after arranging the rooms of several other people, Yu Yifan came to the door of Ling's room alone.

(End of this chapter)

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