god employee at lobotomy

Chapter 204 The battle of seven-color desire and determination

Chapter 204 The battle between seven-color desire and determination
Even the personnel inside the Uncanny Face organization saw such a spectacular sight for the first time.

However, there are only a handful of people present who truly understand this power.

"Emotional power materialized" Yu Yifan's lips moved slightly, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

Yu Yifan didn't take it seriously when the ghostly face used emotional power before, but he didn't expect these people to actually reach such a level.

There is no doubt that this is comparable to the power of L company's Singularity technology, but its color is not so pure.

Compared with emotions, it is obviously more appropriate to describe them with desire.

"Seven original desires!" The voice of the seven strange faces came from the beam of light, and a colorless mask slowly formed around the beam of seven colors, and the color of the beam of light gradually disappeared.

"Come in!" Yu Yifan shouted from someone beside him.

After hearing this, Yu Yifan couldn't help rushing forward. Yu Yifan's white exoskeleton was equipped with a very powerful mechanical speed-up device, and Yu Yifan had already penetrated into the mask in just an instant.

The moment he entered the mask, Yu Yifan only felt that the mask was formed in an instant, and this place was obviously isolated from the outside world.

"Are you still letting him in?" The arrogant blue face didn't lower its head, but just glanced at Yu Yifan slightly.

"I'll go and get rid of this kid." The furious red face looked at Yu Yifan and wanted to kill him for no reason.

"I'll do it. According to the order, I'm the last one. This time I must deal with Auri!" The black face with fighting spirit silently withdrew from the formation of seven people, and the others had no objection.

Obviously, they didn't think that the masked man who appeared suddenly had any strength. Even with the equipment given by Auri, he was vulnerable to the absolute dematerialized power.

"You give me a familiar feeling." Zhan Yi Hei Mian did not rush to make a move, but moved his body: "Have I seen you?"

"Those are not important, you just need to know that this is your cemetery." Yu Yifan saw that the seven people came here with only Zhanyi, and knew that he was underestimated, besides, Yu Yifan had fought against Zhanyi before However, there is no winner.

Although Yu Yifan does not have Bai Ye's various attribute abilities and equipment bonuses now, the white exoskeleton given by Auri is not too bad. As the white exoskeleton exists on Yu Yifan for longer, Yu Yifan will It became clearer and weaker about the abilities and weaknesses of the Seven Faces.

Even if the fighting spirit became stronger, Yu Yifan still wanted to compete with him.

As for whether it can be delayed, that is not a question for Yu Yifan to think about.

Yu Yifan observed the formation of seven people. If those dots are the key to the formation of the formation, then Yu Yifan is sure that before the formation of the formation, the tasks of his companions can be perfectly completed and returned.

When the time comes, Yu Yifan will let Guilly Face and Aurui know what it means to be the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind.

"Very arrogant? Then I won't ask your name, because the arrogant and cowardly people are not worthy of being remembered by me!" After finishing speaking, the black face of fighting spirit launched an attack.

Yu Yifan guessed rightly, if the seven people are not fully in place, this time will be greatly increased, the fighting spirit black face does not want to spend too long here.


What Yu Yifan didn't expect was that the black face of fighting spirit would be magnified as soon as it came up, but this seemingly extremely sharp and swift wind blade could not cause any harm in front of Yu Yifan.

With a pop, two 'cotton' blocked the wind blade of the black face of fighting spirit.

"This is." Zhan Yi Hei Mian was stunned for a moment, before reacting randomly: "Tsk, it's disgusting."

Yu Yifan looked at the expression on the black face of fighting spirit and expressed helplessness. This was something given by Ke Ao Rui, how could he say that he was disgusted?
Of course, Yu Yifan doesn't mind using it if he has something good. After all, the singularity value is not brought by the strong wind, and Yu Yifan doesn't want to waste it if he can not use the singularity value.

This pair of cotton-like white gloves seemed to be used to deal with the blades of the black face of fighting intent. Yu Yifan then went up unceremoniously and launched an offensive against the black face of fighting intent.

With the excellent performance of the speed engine, Yu Yifan was able to directly crush the fighting-intent black-faced fight, and after a while the fighting-intent black-faced became a bit too much.

"Hmph, it's no surprise that he's from Auri, and he likes to play dirty things." Zhan Yi Heimian suddenly took a step back with his right foot, his whole body gradually lowered down, and his breathing rate was almost invisible. Yifan felt that there was a statue in front of him.

When Yu Yifan wanted to launch the next attack and directly knock out the Black Face of Fighting Intent, both of his eyes suddenly opened at the same time, a ray of light flashed from his eyes, and the sword in the sheath also Pull it out, but after the sword is swung, Yu Yifan can only see the hilt unsheathed in his eyes.

However, Yu Yifan suddenly had an extremely bad feeling, and without thinking about it, Yu Yifan activated almost all the existing Singularity technologies in succession.

The speed of time increases and decelerates, the space is briefly randomized, and everything locks towards the attacking direction
The speed engine also reached its maximum power.

Why is Yu Yifan so nervous?
Because Yu Yifan had already seen the mouth shape of the black face with fighting spirit: "Shihe!"

The moment the time froze, Yu Yifan's back was completely wet.

He didn't expect that the black face of fighting spirit would suddenly burst out with such a powerful force at such a time.

A light and shadow split the world inside the mask into two halves in an instant, and Yu Yifan discovered that the mask was a complete sphere.

Although Yu Yifan barely escaped, the speed engine was affected to some extent.

The speed engine of the left foot was directly shattered by this blow. If he used the speed engine again, Yu Yifan would definitely not be able to master the balance.

Looking at the handle of the knife in the hands of the war-like black face and the posture he still maintained, for some reason Yu Yifan suddenly felt a trace of respect.

Those who know how to use knives can use the worst quality knives to crush knives that are several times tougher than it. Obviously, the knives used by the black-faced knives of fighting spirit can be regarded as masters, but the handle of the knives he swung in his hand can be seen, The power of this knife is terrifying.

In fact, it wasn't just Yu Yifan who didn't expect it, neither did the other six people in the heavenly formation.

On the one hand, the Shi He with the black face of fighting spirit had never been used before, and on the other hand, the power of this Shi He surprised the six of them.

"Shihe, that's the power to use up the lives of two individuals. If he doesn't hit, that guy with fighting spirit can't rest in peace." The furious red face was a little moved.

The arrogant blue face said, "No, he actually hit, but there were too many things involved in the process. That kid with the mask seems to have the same power as us."

"Is he also the apostle of desire?" Lust stared at Yu Yifan strangely: "Then can he fill the vacancy of the black face?"

(End of this chapter)

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