god employee at lobotomy

Chapter 210 The Puppet King

Chapter 210 The Puppet King

Although it is not easy to find metal in this country, after all, with the relationship of the emperor, Yu Yifan can use almost all the metal materials in country T. Of course, Yu Yifan is not greedy. The metal needed for a weapon is enough.

After careful consideration, Yu Yifan chose to make himself a small knife like a black knife, so that he could familiarize himself with the operation of the black knife in advance.

Although the gear technology can be converted into any weapon before, but because of this ever-changing, Yu Yifan is not very proficient in every weapon. It can be said that, except for the spear, Yu Yifan has almost no special weapons. proficiency.

The short dagger is the next weapon that Yu Yifan wants to develop. Compared with the long spear for medium and long-range attacks, the short dagger is not as long in attack distance, but it is better in flexible hit rate and surprise.

Especially in the case of mages everywhere, the short dagger is especially useful.

It can be said that if Yu Yifan had the black knife in hand now, he could directly assassinate the bishop and replace him with the whole country to directly search for the gold treasure, but now that his abilities are limited in many aspects, he can only do this first.

"Wu Ming." Seeing Wu Ming fiddling with the strange things in his hands, Aina suddenly felt that the person in front of her seemed a little strange.

"What's wrong?" Yu Yifan assembled the dagger. For the sake of safety, Yu Yifan divided the dagger into multiple parts and finally assembled them. Although in this way, the power of the dagger may be reduced. But as long as it doesn't reveal too many flaws, that's fine.

"Shall we go see Dad?" Aina said tentatively.

When Yu Yifan heard this, he was a little surprised. He heard Aina say that the king didn't want to see Wuming. The first time Wuming met the king, the king almost dragged Wuming out and beheaded him.

"I'll go." Yu Yifan replied and started the final assembly of the dagger.

"You..." Aina wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yu Yifan.

"I know, your father doesn't want to see me, but after all, he is a dying person, so why should I care about him." Since Aina has done him such a big favor, Yu Yifan also wants to give back.

As far as Yu Yifan knows, Aina very much hopes that her father can get along with Wuming friendly, but before Yu Yifan came to this world, these two guys were surprisingly stubborn.

Without Aina, these two people would even think of ways to kill each other.

"How can you say that about Dad?" Aina frowned slightly, her face full of anger.

"I know, I know, go visit your dad. He will get better. Besides, in the worst case scenario, isn't there a golden treasure?" Yu Yifan was very calm. He was not the one who died anyway. As far as this world is concerned, He was just a passerby. Yu Yifan mainly wanted to know what was in the golden treasure.

The gold treasure is very mysterious in the T country, and it is even said that there are dragons in it, which is simply ridiculous.

Yu Yifan only cares about the so-called clues of greed.

Yu Yifan had a hunch that the Queen of Greed might be waiting for him inside the golden treasure.

After Yu Yifan prepared everything, Aina took Yu Yifan to the king's bedroom.

Dong dong dong

"Who is it?" The king's tone was a little weak.

"It's me, Dad." Aina said worriedly.

"My dear girl, come in."

Entering the palace, Yu Yifan found that although it was luxurious, it was not popular. There were only two attendants in Noda's room.

"This is Wuming, what are you doing here!!" The king saw Wuming coming in, and his voice became a few degrees louder. Those who didn't know thought that the king had recovered.

"I'm here to visit you." Yu Yifan was a little speechless, he didn't expect the king to be so excited about his arrival.

"I don't need your visit, hum!"

"Oh, Dad~" Aina comforted the king gently. Yu Yifan didn't say anything during this period, just an old man who was dying.

Yu Yifan didn't speak until the king's mood stabilized.

"So you think the bishop will make you immortal after finding the treasure?" Yu Yifan scoffed at the content of the conversation between Aina and the king.

"Aina, such an unruly person should be pulled out and executed directly." The king's face was a little ugly.

Aina also glared at Yu Yifan: "Father, he is just kind."

"Hmph, kindness?" The king snorted coldly, "Xiao Lan was brought up by me, if she doesn't save me, do I expect you, an outsider, to save me?"

"If you think so, then I can't help it." Yu Yifan waved his hand and was about to go out. Anyway, standing here was always ridiculed by the king, and Yu Yifan didn't want to accompany him here anymore.

"You" looked at Yu Yifan's arrogant back, the king really wanted to tear him into pieces, but his beloved daughter has liked such a person since she was a child, and Wuming's character is not bad
After thinking for a moment, the king sighed: "Forget it, follow him and you must pay attention to your own safety. Everyone will know about the gold treasure sooner or later. If he can bring back the cure for me, I will allow you to be together."

Aina's face showed a gleam of joy after hearing this, but of course Yu Yifan didn't hear these words.

In fact, Yu Yifan didn't expect that he would gain the king's trust with a few words of ridicule out of nowhere.

Because Yu Yifan's analysis was completely correct. The king had always trusted the bishop before, but he was helpless. He was not stupid. Even people who lived together from childhood to adulthood, the king would have a defense.

Since his 'illness', he has no ability to take care of the affairs of the country at all, and it is completely handed over to the bishop, including the formation of the Golden Guard without the king's knowledge.

Later, the king also discovered some clues. It seemed that his 'serious illness' was given by the bishop, but the king did not want to believe it and did not dare to believe it.

No king is willing to admit that he is just a puppet of his ministers.

Today's Yu Yifan's few words can be regarded as poking at the king's heart that has been struggling these days, and it also made him give up his obsession with the golden treasure.

In fact, the establishment of T country is based on the talent of the kings of the past dynasties for gold treasures. Every other generation, gold treasures will appear in due course, strengthening the strength of T country.

The king didn't want to reveal the golden treasure to any outsider. Since his daughter had a weak personality since she was a child, the king raised a talented child and planned to use it as a puppet of the royal family. It turned out that the puppet was actually himself.

On the day when the talents were handed over, the king was seriously ill, and he should have thought of the mastermind behind all this long ago.

Aina walked a little more easily after leaving the palace, and came to a corner outside the palace, where Yu Yifan had been waiting for a long time.

He has already repaid Aina's favor, and Yu Yifan plans to find clues to the golden treasure by himself, so Yu Yifan is going to say goodbye to Aina briefly, anyway, when he leaves this world, the nameless soul will return to this world body.

"Nameless!" "Aina!" The two said at the same time.

"You go ahead." Yu Yifan said.

"I want to tell you a secret, about the golden treasure!" Aina's face was full of excitement.

Just as she was about to continue speaking, Yu Yifan put a finger between Aina's mouth to signal her not to continue. At the same time, Aina followed Yu Yifan's gaze and saw that the bishop's right guard was Looking at the two of them from the high wall not far away, it seems that they are also waiting for Aina to continue talking
(End of this chapter)

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