god employee at lobotomy

Chapter 99 The Way to Eliminate White Night

Chapter 99 The Way to Eliminate White Night

"Don't look, you can't do anything if I'm here alone." John said calmly seeing Yu Yifan still looking at Maria's figure in the distance.

As soon as John finished speaking, a black vortex appeared in front of Yu Yifan, which was space distortion!
Before Yu Yifan could be happy, the next moment, the distorted state of space came to an abrupt end.

John shook his head: "I said, it's useless, no one can defy God's will, even the leader!"

"Hmph, really, why was it suppressed so well by Lobotomy before then?" Yu Yifan said disdainfully.

"You!" John frowned, looking very dissatisfied with Yu Yifan's rhetoric, "You just have to be stubborn, the previous actions against God are no longer effective!"

Yu Yifan still wanted to say something, but a consciousness in his mind seemed to be calling him.

"Yu Yifan, Yu Yifan!"

With a whimper, Yu Yifan lost consciousness, and he came to this violet garden again. Now it seems that the church in the middle has become very gorgeous, the violets are in full bloom, and there are already twelve buildings of different styles standing around Yiran. building.

However, only six of them were given red marks.

Standing in front of Yu Yifan now was the epidemic doctor wrapped in black.

"You, what's the point of asking me to come here now? I'm sorry, I've already failed your expectations." Yu Yifan sighed, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"I don't blame you, I said, you can't refuse"

"Yes, so what, I really wanted to completely suppress or even kill it, but I couldn't do it!" Yu Yifan interrupted the epidemic doctor.

"I know you are suffering, but listen to me, okay?" the epidemic doctor said patiently.

Seeing this, Yu Yifan just said indifferently: "Okay, tell me first, is there any other way now?"

"You should have encountered some future in the accidental time with Bai Ye, right?" said the epidemic doctor.

"You mean the hallucinations that affect my emotions? Shouldn't this be just a means for him to revive himself faster?"

"No, those things are the future!" The epidemic doctor affirmed.

Yu Yifan couldn't believe it after hearing this: "You mean those are all true??!!"

When Yu Yifan recalled the clips he had encountered before, he suddenly felt a strong sense of vomiting welling up in his stomach.

"Bai Ye has the ability to predict, so these are indeed scenes that will happen in the future."

Yu Yifan forcibly held back his impulse: "Then since the future has already been decided, what else can I do? Now I am so imprisoned, I can't do anything."

"You are the only person who can change the world." The epidemic doctor said flatly.

Yu Yifan disagreed: "Oh, I'm already like this, what else can I use to change the world, from the beginning to the end, I'm just an insignificant person, Bai Ye, it can also be parasitized by another person, right?"

"You don't belong to this world, do you? There must be a reason for Bai Ye to choose you, so don't be so decadent." The epidemic doctor stepped forward and touched Yu Yifan's shoulder with his black gloved hand. Yu Yifan Immediately felt much better.

"This thing is bound to happen. Ever since White Night parasitized you, its rebirth has already started counting down, and you can't stop it yourself. However, I have two methods for you to completely eliminate this scourge of the world. guy."

"Talk about it..." Yu Yifan can leave the Violet Garden now, but even if he leaves, he will just sit and wait in another place, so he might as well listen to the advice of this person who has been with Bai Ye for a long time.

"The first one is very simple to say. It has to do with a friend you had before, or an item."

"One crime and one hundred virtues?"

"Yes, find it, put on the jewelry it gave you to make atonement in front of it, and Baiye will fall into a deep sleep again, at least not for a long time." The epidemic doctor added, "It's just that after the atonement is completed, you also will cease to exist."

"Talk to the second point!" Yu Yifan no longer wanted to take this action after hearing it.

Leaving aside the issue of whether to sacrifice his life to die with Bai Ye, even if he thought about it, this crime and all kinds of goodness are not something he can find now.

"The second one has to do with the fragments of the future you see."

"Find the location of a clock in these fragments, and ring it at a specified time to complete the seal on White Night."

"Of course, this matter must be done by you."

After the epidemic doctor finished speaking, Yu Yifan also recalled the scene he had seen before: "A clock? What kind of clock?"

"The bell you see in the clip, that's what you need to ring."

"Big Ben! It's above the library!" Yu Yifan suddenly excitedly said, "Then when do we need to ring it?"

"The moment your White Night's parasitic level becomes 99%." After the epidemic doctor finished speaking, he disappeared in front of Yu Yifan, and the scene around Yu Yifan began to change again, and Yu Yifan was also a little flustered for a while: "Then how do I get out of here?"

"Someone will come to save you. This is the answer that the future will tell us." The voice of the epidemic doctor rang in Yu Yifan's ear for the last time, and Yu Yifan also returned to the place where he was imprisoned.

John was still guarding by his side, but his face was full of respect.

Yu Yifan didn't want to pay attention to him anymore. The apostle who was brainwashed by Bai Ye would no longer have the same emotions as before. Even if he had some memories, he would no longer be the same person as before.

What the epidemic doctor said made Yu Yifan think a lot. If someone really came to save him, who would it be? Angela? Geburah? Yesod?Or the other librarians in the ruined library who have not woken up?

It can't be another abnormality, right?What can compete with Bai Ye, is the other ALEPH?Or that ten thousand year old bone?
Yu Yifan couldn't think of anyone else who could come to rescue him. Originally, he thought that Maria was the closest to him in this city, but the reality still hit him hard.

As for the epidemic doctor's claim that only he can change the world, Yu Yifan thought it was just the epidemic doctor's rhetoric to cheer himself up. After all, after Bai Ye came back to life, both himself and the epidemic doctor would die together as Bai Ye's newborn gift.

Time passed by bit by bit, Yu Yifan was staring at the parasitic degree of the white night in front of him besides non-stop thinking.

He has now figured out the cycle of this parasitic increase: a one percent increase in about six hours.

But now, White Night's parasitic level has reached 69%.
Sure enough, what the epidemic doctor said was false, right? He was just giving himself hope of survival?Instead of waiting for Bai Ye’s resurrection, it’s better to end it yourself!

Yu Yifan couldn't wait any longer, his heart became ruthless, and he planned to bite his tongue and kill himself.

But at this moment, the room Yu Yifan was in was suddenly smashed open by something, and the surrounding area was filled with smoke and dust. John seemed to be knocked aside by something immediately.

Only then did Yu Yifan realize that someone really came to rescue him.

(End of this chapter)

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