This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 29 Tsunade Hime's Injury

Chapter 29 Tsunade Hime's Injury

Bingsan frowned, and said to Yigennin with sadness in his eyes: "Go and hand over this scroll to the lord as quickly as possible. Do you understand by yourself!"

Genin quickly saluted and turned to leave.

Bingsan thought about it for a while, then quickly formed a seal, and with a bang, Xiangxue appeared on the spot.

Xiangxue climbed onto Bingsan's shoulder, rubbed it against her and said, "Is it because you miss me?"

Bingsan smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, I have something to ask you."

Xiangxue stuck out her tongue, and said dissatisfiedly: "I only think of him when I need him, hmph, it's dead!"

But Xiangxue still took the scroll and left quickly.

Orochimaru was slightly surprised after taking the scroll from the mouth of a small snake. After contemplating it for a while, Orochimaru squinted his eyes and shouted to the outside of the tent: "Command!"

A shadow brush appears in the center.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said, "Can I trust you?"

Anbu nodded quickly, and said in a low voice: "It is my honor to be loyal to you."

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said: "I will send this news to Jiraiya within three days. If not~"

Anbu lowered his head and interrupted: "Unless I die, it will definitely be delivered on time."

Orochimaru patted Anbu on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Anbu's body trembled slightly, and he got up to leave.

Three days later, Jiraiya saw Anbu in person, and after Anbu handed the scroll to Jiraiya, he passed out on the spot.

Ji Lai was also shocked, quickly opened the scroll, glanced at it, turned around and ran out.

Anbu, who was in charge of sending orders, shouted, "Master Commander, where are you going?"

Ji Laiya shouted anxiously: "It's a very urgent matter. You go and tell Nara Military Adviser, he can settle this matter with one word." Then he disappeared without a word.

Ji Laiya had just left when a black and white man climbed out from under a big tree not far away, punched and kicked the big tree next to him, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Finally, eight days later, Jiraiya met Tsunade Hime who was drunk in a small town in the Land of Fire.There is only one guard around Tsunade, an old servant of the Senju family.

When the Senju family was disbanded, the old servant refused to leave. The second generation remembered his loyalty and personally engraved his name on Senju's genealogy.

He became the uncle of the first and second generations, Tsunade's great-grandfather, Senju Mayo.

Today's Qianshou Zhenyang is quite old, and his hair is all white.If it weren't for the yin seal that the second generation specially improved for him, he probably wouldn't be able to walk long ago.

He is also the only top elite jōnin of the Senshou Clan. If the old man completely activates the Yin Seal, the third Sarutobi Hiruzen must also avoid his edge.

After Jiraiya found Tsunade's trace, he hurriedly wanted to rush up.As a result, he was grabbed by the old man with one hand.

After Qianshou Zhenyang used the water escape technique to force your face, Zilai also instantly woke up.

Seeing that it was Qianshou Zhenyang, Zilai also shivered.He didn't forget that when he met Tsunade because of peeping, he was beaten by the old man many times.

Jiraiya touched the water on his face and said, "Grandpa, please forgive me, please forgive me! Don't hit me, don't hit me. I'm really looking for Tsunade this time. Her mother is seriously ill."

Afterwards, Zilai also told the old man carefully about the news he had received. The old man nodded after hearing it, then shook his head, and finally left with a sigh.

Jiraiya watched the old man walk away, took a deep breath, turned around and headed towards Orochimaru.

He didn't want to be caught by the old man again, as soon as he saw this old man, his whole body ached.The old man hit people specifically to greet the painful place, and his attack was very dark.

Tsunade returned to Konoha two days later.The third generation hurriedly met Tsunade, took the initiative to put down his figure, expressed his sadness with regret, and asked Tsunade to live temporarily in Damingfu for Konoha's sake.

When Tsunade returned to Daming Mansion, more than ten days had passed.As soon as he entered the Daming Mansion, a man walked up to him.

The man is about 1.7 meters tall, with a mustache, big eyes and a high nose bridge.It looks very pleasing to the eye.

The person who came saw Tsunade and greeted immediately: "Sister Tsunade is back, why don't you let me know in advance, so that my brother can prepare the room and clothes for the eldest sister."

Tsunade just said a simple "hmm" and walked in. The smile on the man's face didn't diminish, but he smiled even more happily.

This man is Tsunade's half-brother, Tachibana met me.

According to Bingsan's investigation, the names in the entire Naruto world are actually from the same clan.They have the same surname Tachibana, which means they have the same special ancestor.It is the emperor who is written in the history books.

Tsunade Hime is Tsunade's title, in fact she should be called Tachibana or something.

But because of her maternal grandfather, the first generation of Mesenju Hashirama, who is the god of the ninja world.

And because the second generation had no children, Tsunade was sent to Konoha and inherited the Senju family.

So she can be called Senju Tsunade.And her younger brother Nakoki should be called Tachibana Romoki.

Tsunade walked to her mother's room, and saw that her mother's body had changed a little bit, indicating that the medicine of Bing San had a little effect.

However, Tsunade, who is a master of medicine, can tell at a glance that her vitality has been cut off, and she is only supported by special medicines.

Tsunade's mother saw Tsunade and said happily, "Gun-chan, you're back. Cough cough, come here and let mom take a good look."

Tsunade's mood was very complicated. If it hadn't been for the news from Bingsan, she might not even be able to see her mother for the last time.

Tsunade took a deep breath and said, "Ma'am, I'm not young anymore, so don't be so nasty, okay?"

Tsunade's mother was very happy. Tsunade hadn't spoken to her in such a tone for many years.

The mother and daughter chatted for about half an hour, and the servants came to inform that the daimyo had a banquet for Tsunade Hime.The location is in the outer hall of the mother's house.

Tsunade dislikes her father very much, and in fact her father did nothing.

It's just that the most ruthless emperor's family, as the great name of the country of fire, is equivalent to a prince, even if there is family affection, it needs to be restrained and cannot be shown.

Don't you see that Cao Cao just said that he liked Cao Cong the most, and Cao Cong died.

After only two days, Tsunade's mother died.In front of her mother's bed, Tsunade, a strong woman, shed tender tears.

Tsunade's mother took Tsunade's hand and said intermittently: "Tsuna-chan, mom knows, please don't resent mom, okay?
Back then, your grandfather only had me as an incompetent daughter, and my second uncle was obsessed with research and refused to start a family.

In the huge thousand-handed clan, three or four thousand clan members cannot live without someone to inherit.

A Gang, mom loves you, mom knows you have suffered a lot.

Ah Gang, my mother also shed tears every night, and you are always scarred in your dreams.

Ah Gang, your grandfather left early.The second uncle died in the Kingdom of Thunder again.Mother only has you as a family member.

A Gang, in fact, your father loves you very much.

Ah Gang, you have always lost money these years. Even though your father is a big name, he can't take the country's money casually.

A Gang, your father even sold his favorite inkstone to you to pay off the debt.

Gang.Mom and Dad love you, and Ah Gang forgives Mom.

Gang. . . "

In the end, this gentle woman passed away with regret on her face.Tsunade fell on the couch and wept uncontrollably.

Daimyo came in from the door, and gently covered Tsunade's mother with his clothes.Turn around and go out the door.Only Tsunade Hime was left crying loudly in the room.

Standing at the door Qianshou Zhenyang, looking up at the blue sky.The sunshine in the Land of Fire was a little dazzling, and his eyes were a little dry.

The next day, Mrs. Daming passed away.The whole country mourns.

Tsunade Hime personally buried her mother.This strong woman, since her grandfather died of illness, the family disbanded, her second grandfather died in battle, her grandmother passed away, her younger brother died in battle, her lover died in battle, and her mother passed away forever.

Now in her early thirties, although she looks glamorous on the surface, in fact, her heart has already been scarred and overwhelmed.

 The book has been signed, and the brothers who want to invest can order it by express delivery.There are also requests for favorites and recommendation tickets.Starting today, three chapters will be updated every day.I just want to tell everyone a story that I think is reasonable. If something is wrong, welcome to correct me.But please don't spray and bar.


(End of this chapter)

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