This ninja is not Naruto

Chapter 35 Breakthrough

Chapter 35 Breakthrough
"I heard that Bingsan-kun's ninjutsu has a very large range, so Bingsan-kun, come and say hello to the rock ninjas in front of you." Standing on the top of the mountain, Namikaze Minato said with a smile on his face, and patted Bingsan. three heads.

Bingsan opened the black-bellied man's hand, thinking that if the bastard touches Laozi's head again, Laozi will tell Jiu Xinnai that you have private money.

Bingsan said with red eyes: "You have to be careful, it's also the first time I don't make a mistake and hurt my own people!"

After finishing speaking, Bingsan bit his cheek and quickly made seals and shouted: "Water escape; big explosion and water rushing."

Amidst the rumbling sound, a three-meter-high wave appeared in an instant, and the overwhelming momentum suddenly appeared.

Bingsan felt that it was not enough, and continued to make seals with one hand covered in cold sweat.

Uchiha Tsuki couldn't help but feel a little distressed when he saw the fine sweat and bulging veins on Bingsan's forehead.

Bingsan shouted with trembling hands: "Water escape; the technique of the Great Waterfall."

On top of the originally three-meter-high waves, another curtain of water came from the sky, like the nine heavens overturned and the Milky Way hanging upside down.

During the turning point, the mountaintop chosen by Shikahisa Nara turned into a vast ocean.

The big waves with a width of more than 20 meters and a height of five or six meters rolled down the slope with an indomitable momentum.

Bing San shouted: "Masters, let's go!"

After all, a group of people rushed down on the big waves.

Kakashi, Obito and Lin stood blankly on the condensed ice layer of Bingzo, Obito pointed at Bingzo who was manipulating the water flow with trembling lips and said: "Cheat, lie, this scale. You Is it a monster!"

The corners of Kakashi's eyes kept shaking, Lin's eyes flickered, and her face turned pale.

After a patrol team heard the sound from the mountain, they raised their heads, and Iwanen knelt down on the ground with a thump, and the kunai in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp clang.

Iwanoshi trembled all over and watched the huge waves fall from the sky with blank eyes. He opened his mouth and before he could utter a word, he was completely crushed into minced meat by the waves!

A group of rock ninjas below quickly began to seal, and all kinds of defensive ninjutsu did not cost money.

There was even a rock ninja who was so frightened that he lost his size and released a powerful thunder tunnel.

More than 30 Iwanin peripheral security troops were instantly swallowed up, and the big wave was like a high-speed train, hitting more than 180 eggs at a speed of 30 yards, and crushing them in an instant.

There were only a few jounin who showed their abilities and escaped the big waves and then attacked the people on the top of the waves.

Bing San ran over the crowd with water and shouted: "Water gate."

Minato responded, "Ah, got it."

In an instant, Minato disappeared in place, and the ninja who attacked was stabbed to death by Minato in mid-air.

In just an instant, the outer defense line was breached, and everyone braved the wind and waves with pale faces to move forward.

Nara Shikahisa immobilized everyone with his shadow, and Yamanaka Kaiichi followed Hinata and Tozo to confirm the direction.

The rest closed their eyes and squatted halfway to cooperate with Lu Jiu to defend against tremors.

Halfway up the mountain, the water has turned into a torrent of mudslides flowing down the mountain.The originally tree-lined mountain was instantly waded out into a straight road.

Now Bingsan and the others are less than five kilometers away from Danzo and the others, and they still need to continue to rush forward.

There are more and more vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks in the water waves and mudslides, gradually breaking away from Bingsan's control.

Bing Sanyi gritted his teeth and completely let go of his control over the direction, and quickly began to seal.

Everyone felt that the originally slightly turbulent ice suddenly turned into a flat boat that was difficult to stand on, swaying in the rough storm.

With a bang, three clones of Bingsan appeared.It was just that the avatar was swept into the mudslide in an instant, and a blood flower turned around and disappeared.

Bingsan felt the chakra that was almost overflowing, gritted his teeth and continued to seal.

After looking around at the crowd, Bingsan gritted his teeth and shouted: "Stand still, Shui Dun; the skill of Longhu pot!"

Booming, a large amount of water was injected into the already turbulent mudslide in an instant, and the speed became even faster after a pause.The high-speed wind blew dense cracks on everyone's faces and bodies.

Bingsan felt it briefly, and found that the speed was at least [-] paces.

Suddenly came to a flat slope, Ding Zuo slipped and fell down, Lu Jiu's quick hands and quick eyes pulled Ding Zuo back with a shadow.

But there were still two thud thumps, and the two Anbu who were in charge of protecting Bingsan dropped ice cubes and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

After Bingsan squatted on the ground and inserted his hair into the ice to stabilize his figure, he made another seal and drank: "Everyone is mentally prepared, until we meet the big troops.

Ice escape; the art of ice prison. "

Kakaka, the ice layer spread upwards, freezing everyone into one piece.In an instant, the ice block that everyone was stepping on began to slow down, and the debris flow under the ice block rushed forward without any reduction.

There is a group of rock ninja in front, about 80 to [-] people.

Looking at the mudslide that rushed down, the leading ninja shouted tremblingly: "Everyone, unite ninja, mud flow wall."

In an instant, the earth flow walls of different heights were superimposed to form a mountain of earth in front of him, and Bing San shouted: "Everyone is ready to throw!"

There was a bang in an instant, and the mudslide hit the mud flow wall group.

The crowd felt a rumble under their feet, and the inner mansion rolled over for a while, and Gen Ren, who was standing nearer the front, spewed out a mouthful of blood, all of them were injured in their internal organs.


After Bingsan shouted hoarsely, he threw out Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai!

Shuashuashuashua, a piece of Flying Thunder God Kuwu flew towards the sky in a dense mass.

Minato gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go to hell, get up for me!"

With a sound of swiping, the entire ice cube disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already on the heads of the rock ninjas, and Bingsan shouted with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth: "Lu Jiu, don't make a mistake! Water escape; Exploding water and rushing waves!"

Bingsan stood on the rapidly falling ice and sprayed a big mouthful of water. With a bang, the ice hit the surface of the water, splashing more than two meters high.

Everyone plunged directly into the bottom of the water and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

There was a mudslide attack in front of the rock ninjas, and there was a flood of water falling from the sky, and they lost their sense of control in an instant.

There were people running in all directions, front, back, left, and right, but even if they could escape the huge waves within a range of [-] meters that fell from the sky, they couldn't escape the mudslides with a range of several kilometers from the mountain.

With a bang, the mudslide hit the huge wave, and everyone was directly knocked out of the water.

Lu Jiu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and shouted: "Hurry up, Feng Dun will slow us down, we are about to get out of the range of the flood!"

The person who was still able to move flung out the messy wind towards the front, and finally the ice cube hit the water surface again with a bang.

The ice cube cracked a large piece, and it almost broke into pieces in the end.

The water was blocked by the rock ninja's earth flow wall group and the rock ninja's corpses, and the speed was also much slower.

From the original two or three hundred miles to one hundred and seventy-eight.

Bingsan turned his head with a dark face and slapped Obito and shouted: "What the hell are you calling Fengdun, you let your sister's fireball!"

Obito rubbed his blushing face and shouted: "The speed is so fast, I only heard "Quick play"!"

Bingsan pulled off Obito's clothes and wiped it, but with a dark face, he shouted: "Lu Jiu, next time I'll play with you again, Ding Zuo is your grandson!"

Lu Jiu was so frightened that he almost fell to his death.Lu Jiu shouted: "Next time we play this again, let Ding Zuo do the trick!"

Ding Zuo lay down on the ice in a daze, his face turned blue from the cold, and shouted: "It's none of my business!"

(End of this chapter)

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