Opening Awakening Weapon Box

Chapter 139 Under the Light

Chapter 139 Under the Light

The young master listened to the voice coming from the basket.

no way?What can't be done, is there a way to do this, or is there no way to stop it?

I don't understand, I always feel that there will be a big problem in this era.

It is very abnormal for the power to appear in the younger generation.

Just like a child holding a firearm that has been unbolted and loaded at the same time, it may misfire at any time and cause considerable damage.

Yu Wenhua is like the kid with the gun, while Taozi is more like the little girl with the nuclear bomb.

Compared with Yu Wenhua's stability, Taozi is really a ticking time bomb, and there is no telling when a big explosion will happen.

Her character is out of character. This is written in the information, but it is not mentioned that it caused any disaster. It may not have caused it, or it may have been deleted.

Just like Qinghan and Dongfangyue had no records, they were all deleted.

In contrast, Xiao Yuzi's records are too detailed, down to what brand of diapers the child wore when he was a child, and how old he is still wetting the bed.
It can be seen from this that Bai Zhuangzhuang's records do not have details about what kind of stinky fish and shrimps Xiao Yuzi is.

At present, generally speaking, the more detailed the information, the more rubbish it is.

Like Taozi, apart from what the school showed, which was almost well-known, she couldn't find anything else in her information.

Yu Wenhua, Tang Cheng, Xu Chun'er and others were more or less in this situation.

So Rong is obviously more ordinary, but he is not ordinary there.

Among the few people, he is the only soul master without any special skills, so can he be arranged?

I don't know whether others believe it or not, anyway, the young master himself doesn't believe it.

Rong Ming's appearance in the information is very ordinary, making people think that he may be the relatively trash one in the supermodel class.

But in fact, this information is much less than Xiao Yuzi's.

Xiao Yuzi's details. This child was still hiding his child when he saw the young master at first, but he didn't know that his information had already been checked.

Through the information, the young master can even guess why this kid is hiding it.

The young master didn't intend to get involved in the old-fashioned grievances of the nobles, but he just lamented that such old-fashioned things still exist in this era. Although he didn't know why he lamented the old-fashioned, he still sighed.

Among these super template people, the young master cares more about Qing Han and Dongfang Yue.

Without information, it is the most mysterious.

This kind of mystery even exceeds that of Xia Fangfang, who learned forging at the age of 16 and is now about to become a master at the age of 17.

If you think about it with your toes, you can think that something is wrong with this group of people.

But he went straight to the coward with the Great Elder, didn't get any feedback, and instead sent out a basket of delicious grapes.
Master is at a loss.

He stroked his hair up, revealing that noble forehead, with a sighing expression on his face, anyone could see his helplessness.

It's just that no one saw it, otherwise they should have suspected, what troubles does such a small child have?

Obviously, the young master didn't regard himself as a child, so when he said that the times were turning to the younger generation, he didn't talk about himself.

At the age of 12, he overthrew the Great Elder who is now at the end of the Ninth Realm with one punch!
Aren't you the most dangerous one?

The Great Elder actually wanted to say this all the time, but he was afraid that if he said it, the danger would directly fall on him and become the projection of that Great Elder.

So before the idea came up, I emptied it directly, and became a fool who only knew how to say 'Abaa Abaa'.

As a result, the young master returned without success.

He took out the information, not only the information displayed by Shrek, but also the information the young master found through other channels.

Shrek gave him a communicator through which he could connect to the network and view various information.

But after the young master picked up a new one casually, he found that the one Shrek gave him not only has the positioning function, but also restricts the search, and the data display is quite incomplete.

For example, Xiao Yuzi, using the search provided by Shrek, can only find Huo Yu's name and the latter's performance in the entrance examination.

But the young master figured it out by himself, and after checking through some channels, he found out Dai Yuhao and the things behind him.

From this point of view, Shrek kept more than one hand.

But the young master didn't say anything, after all, he doesn't know who he is now, so others can guard against him, and they can't guard against him anyway.

I threw these useless materials all over the place, and snapped my fingers, and these things spontaneously ignited, but there was no residue left.

"Shrek is hiding, but in terms of information, it can't be found from any angle. Could it be that Shrek's status is not as simple as it appears on the surface?"

The young master was puzzled, but in an instant, she denied herself, "It shouldn't be, people at the highest level are so weak."

He was referring to the Great Elder. As an existence that was crushed by a single punch, the opponent was quite worthless in the young master.

The young master was silent. He looked at the various papers that were spontaneously ignited, and suddenly an idea appeared in his heart.

Then, he closed his eyes, his consciousness sank slightly.

Today, it is a sunny day, Shrek chooses the recruitment conference, naturally he will not choose any bad day.

The sun hangs high in the sky, blooming with its own light.

Consciousness gradually rises, and gradually, it comes to the angle of the sun.

As the sun intensified, the young master's sight also began to move slowly.

The entire continent gradually emerged in his consciousness.

First of all, in terms of the area of ​​the mainland, it is completely different from what the young master himself found out!
The area of ​​the mainland is currently announced, only the three major empires: Tiandou, Xingluo, Sun and Moon, and some duchy-free areas under the jurisdiction of Tianming.

But the real area of ​​the mainland is far more than that!

The young master has discovered one thing. The map given so far is based on the current situation in the mainland.

All are covered by black mist, but not covered areas.

Yes, black mist.

At the border of the continent, thick black fog spreads, so that the sun cannot penetrate.

What exactly is the black mist?
There is no way to verify this point, and there is no information related to the black mist in the available information.

But the young master has an intuition that this black mist will not cause him any harm.

Just like he has the same intuition that he can do what he is doing now, with the help of the sun's sight!

"Take a look back and study."

When the young master thought of it, he turned his vision around.

Continent, continent, the reason why it is called continent is because it is a huge piece of land, so correspondingly, there will be oceans!

But the young master didn't see the ocean, and the word 'ocean' didn't even appear on the Internet.

It's as if this is a forbidden word, or that no one has ever thought about what the ocean is.

This is inevitably a bit unbelievable.

Intuitively, the ocean and land must exist, but now, the land exists, but the ocean cannot be found?

How can this be? !
The young master does not believe in evil, and intensifies his efforts to search.

At the same time, the radiance emitted by the sun became brighter, and the heat cast by it became more abundant.

"Why is it so hot today?"

The busy crowd sighed with emotion about today's weather, and didn't think about any strange places, either walked or used tools to go to the destination they needed to go, or continued their work.

In today's era, although there is a trend towards the younger generation, the mainstream is still busy, and few people even have time to see what fell on the ground. Everyone seems to have a clear goal.

The young master didn't pay attention to these people. If he did, he would have more doubts about this era.

His gaze, following the light, continued to cast into the distance.

In the end, the young master discovered that the map of the mainland was not only wrapped in black mist, but also blocked by a towering iron plate with no boundaries.

There are imaging devices all over the iron plate, and the human eye will only find that there is also a normal scene there.

At the same time, the iron plate is also equipped with a mental disturbance device, which makes people not want to go to that area.

"Hologram, mental device?"

The young master has come into contact with these two devices during the entrance examination. The virtual combat of the former in the last level is confusing with the real, making people wonder if it is true or not. It can indeed bring a lot of help to the actual combat.

The latter is the second hurdle.

If I remember correctly, Xibo Promenade.

So, what role is Xibo company playing?

What is the purpose of building such an iron plate that is high enough to block sunlight, and what do they want to block?
The young master was very puzzled, not only about Xibo Company, which is a charitable technology company on the surface, but also about the sun.

Yang is everywhere, able to make everything invisible, but now he is blocked by a board, a cloud of black mist?
Is this still Yang?


Vaguely, he seemed to hear a bird's call, and in a daze, he seemed to see a magical little bird with golden hair all over his body. It had two legs under its body, but its tail seemed to be a third leg.

In the next instant, the young master's perspective was changed.

If we said that the sun was the main perspective before, all we saw were places where the sun shines.

So now, wherever the light is, the young master can see it.

What could be seen before can still be seen now, and what could not be seen before can be seen now. Those places that were under the shadow of the sun but shrouded by other light sources now appeared one by one in the young master's field of vision among.

Under the peaceful and peaceful city, the young master saw those students in his class.

Jiu Yiyi, Tao Zi, Yu Wenhua, Rong Ming. These few are still drinking happily in class, and they seem to be unable to hold on. On the contrary, Bai Zhuangzhuang on the side has nothing to do, as if they are drinking cold water.

Qinghan walked out of the academy, this is very abnormal, how can a freshman leave school on the first day?Even the old students would not choose to leave if they had nothing to do.

After all, Shrek could meet all their needs, basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, and they would not go out unless the school gave them experienced assignments.

Qinghan walked into a coffee shop called Slow Time, ordered two cups, but he only drank one, sitting there quietly, as if waiting for someone.

After a while, the person she was waiting for came.

This man, the young master also knows

——Eastern Moon.

Well, the two files collided blankly.

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

The nonsensical dialogue made the young master unable to figure out what these two people were thinking. Qing Han raised his eyebrows and said something: "You shouldn't be responsible for this place."

And Dongfangyue also gave a response, "It seems that you should be here", tit for tat, you come and go, and you will not lose the wind in the slightest.

The two seem to be the swordsmen who are competing, you come and go, the knife is deadly, and it hits the vital point directly.

Even if the young master looked very confused, if you don't know what these two people are talking about, all kinds of charades will make people dazzled.

After watching for a while, the young master decided not to look at these two, and switched his perspective, but turned to Xiao Yuzi.

The kid took out a dagger and muttered something, "I will definitely avenge you."

The young master just looked at it and cut it away.

What kind of grievances are long, it's boring and boring.

In fact, he didn't decide where to look when switching perspectives.

All he can decide is to watch or not to watch, and if he doesn't watch, he will be automatically switched.

It was as if those lights were giving him a picture, and now, he still didn't seem to be able to choose on his own where to look.

After switching from Xiao Yuzi, the perspective becomes very interesting.

The young master finally saw the sea, the black sea.

Zooming in, I couldn't find anything other than the Black Sea. Zooming in again, I still couldn't find anything, but I had a small idea.

At that point, the young master zoomed in infinitely, and finally saw the whole picture.

It was a tree, just standing there, but it felt as if it held up the whole world.

Under the tree, a woman with a single eyepatch sat cross-legged, even though the leaves fell on her body, she didn't reach out to brush them off.

Looking at its body, it is covered by large leaves, but through the gaps in the leaves, you can see the black clothes.

Suddenly, the woman moved, pulled out the sword that was placed aside, and under the fierce slash, the young master's perspective was forcibly switched.

It seemed that the sword cut the light and cut off his sight.

The young master thought it was interesting, and wanted to find another angle from which he could see the sea, but he couldn't. After pulling out many angles, he couldn't see the sea again.

Now, I don't know where the sea is. I only know that there is a sea. Is there something wrong with this color?
The young master has never seen the sea since he woke up, and he has not found the sea after checking the information. He just intuited that there is such a thing as the sea.

But it feels a little strange.

When switching perspectives, the young master once again saw an interesting picture.

It seemed to be an elevator. Uncle Shi, who was testing his double knives on his knees, was next to another person who looked very similar to Xia Fangfang.

"The test results show that the two have certain commonalities and resonate. But where the commonality is and how they resonate have not been found out yet."

"Don't worry, take your time, it's here anyway, I can't run away."

Uncle Shi nodded and stopped talking.

Master: .
Do you all talk like this?If you don't play charades, you will die?
(End of this chapter)

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