Opening Awakening Weapon Box

Chapter 96 Born to Sin

Chapter 96 Born to Sin
"Shouldn't you be the smart one? In order to achieve the goal, first establish the celestial beings, and then gather the hatred of the entire world through the celestial beings."

"Carrying out peacekeeping operations without hesitation, in the process, not only showed the world the power of heaven and man, but also made people on the mainland fear."

"Secretly unite with the most powerful and prestigious Spirit Hall today, with Heaven and Man testing outside, and Spirit Hall making overall arrangements inside."

"If your purpose is to unify the world, then obviously you have succeeded by now."

"But what you are taking me to do now shows that your purpose is not such a naive thing as unifying the world."

Hearing the analysis of Sin next to him, Wuchen shook his head helplessly.

"If I say, I do this, everything is to save the world, do you believe it?"

Sin rolled her beautiful eyes, obviously she didn't believe it.

After wasting so much effort, it set off a confrontation between the two major powers in the world. She said it was to save the world, so she would believe it!

The confrontation between the two major forces will inevitably make the world full of holes.

Of course that's just what it looks like.

The operation of the world has its own laws, just like the fate of the stars, everything is planned.

Sentient beings absorb the spiritual energy of the world, in the final analysis, they absorb the lifeblood of the world. If this person leaves the world directly in the end, and has not done anything meaningful to the world, the world will suffer a lot for nothing.

If there are too many such people, the world will slowly return to the Dharma-ending age.

And if someone started civil strife in the world, the world would be overjoyed. The aura that was released not long ago was withdrawn in a blink of an eye. Is there anything more gratifying than this?

"Your request, I can't do it now. After releasing the Rakshasa God, although I can still use some extremely small authority, but the authority is not very high, at most it is similar to a normal priest."

"Besides, what you need is completely inconsistent with Rakshasa's position. Even if the god king comes, if he doesn't borrow his authority, he won't be able to cover the entire world."

"Asura, life, destruction, kindness, and evil. These are the five great kings of the God Realm, and they are also the main members of the God Realm Committee. Strictly speaking, their authority does not exactly match what you do."

"So, with the existence of the Fate Star, even if my Rakshasa God is still there, I can rely on the Rakshasa God to temporarily steal Shura's authority, but I can't do what you want to do."

Sin said a lot, but Wu Chen quickly found the key point.

"You also said that it is when the Fate Star exists. I guess you didn't say 'when the Fate Star has an effect'. In other words, on a starless night, you can operate unscrupulously, otherwise you won't pull me Come here."

Said, Wuchen shrugged.

Originally sat well in the Rose Hotel, watched the construction of the Celestial City, and casually talked about the idea of ​​selecting activities for the Celestial Reserve, but was dragged here by sin, saying that there is a way to realize the idea of ​​dust-free .

In fact, I didn't move anywhere, I just sat on the big red love bed, and changed places in the blink of an eye.

Wuchen didn't know where it was, but he could be sure that it was definitely not the Douluo Continent.

When celestial beings act, there will be information gathered to him every moment, and he does not need to respond, this is just a necessary process.

But after coming here, the vibration of the token stopped immediately.

The transmission of the signal has a range. The signal transmission range set by Wu Chen can only be spread across the Douluo Continent and other dimensions. If there are no exact coordinates and it is impossible to determine whether there will be other interference during the transmission, Dust-free does not plan to transmit signals in a wider range.

Now it is just a tool to judge whether a person is still in Douluo Dalu.

After all, the actions of heaven and man need to be reported. If they suddenly appear in a place and find that there is no signal, they can probably make a judgment and raise their vigilance.

And now.

Not only did the token of restlessness stop, allowing Wuchen to enjoy a rare peace, the surrounding air also made Wuchen know that he was no longer in Douluo Dalu.

Although the spiritual power on Douluo Continent had no effect on Wuchen, he could still feel the thinness of the spiritual power.

It's like people who often live in smog areas suddenly ran to the seaside, or people who lived in plateau areas suddenly ran to the plains.

The difference in the air is too obvious, even if you don't pay attention to it normally, it's hard not to notice it now.

"You're right. The god position and the fate star are deeply bound. As long as the fate star is still there, no one can steal the god position and embezzle the authority in it."

"But on a starless night, the limiting protective effect of the Fate Star disappears. Those who don't know the existence of the Fate Star will certainly not know it. Today is the time when their god position defense is the worst."

Looking at the girl beside her, whose eyes are getting brighter and brighter, ready to have a big fight at any time.

Wuchen remembered that this guy seemed to be looking for himself to kill other gods.

Therefore, don't even think about it, the other party must be thinking now, and will kill a few gods later.

Although Wu Chen has no feelings for those gods who have never met before, but for the sake of the stars falling one day later, it is better to save their lives.

"Although I don't know exactly what you want to do now, I still want to remind you. One day later, something extremely terrible may happen, and I may not be able to stop it. Therefore, I will secretly promote the destiny establishment."

"Throughout the journey, although some ordinary people's lives were lost, it was only a necessary sacrifice. If possible, I will find a way to bring them back in the future."

"As for those high-end combat powers, not to mention Title Douluo, even those guys in Soto City are not dead."

Sin was silent.

She understood what Wuchen wanted to say.

"I didn't even kill those people in the City Lord's Mansion, now you want me to help you kill a god who is higher than Douluo?"Wake up, stop dreaming'

Maybe Wuchen couldn't say the last sentence, but he would never do the killing of God unless it was necessary.

The light in Sin's Eye dimmed visibly with the naked eye, as if his vitality had been sucked away by something all of a sudden.

Wuchen rolled his eyes, "If they are really useless, they are parasites in the world, then this world doesn't need them."

The implication is that the world is in danger now. If I confirm that keeping them is not beneficial, but will affect the survival of the world, then I can only invite them to die.

Sin heard it, but she wasn't too happy. Although she could confirm that some guys were indeed useless, she would be disappointed as long as any god that disgusted her survived.

"Forget it, if you don't kill them, don't kill them, let them live first."

"Is this the God Realm?" Wu Chen raised his hand and asked casually.

God Realm God Realm, isn't the reason why it is called God Realm because it is far higher than the human world?
Such a rich aura is much more comfortable than Douluo Continent. If an ordinary soul master is in such an environment all year round, he may be able to break through his talent limit and rise to a higher level. soon.

After all, standing on the tuyere, even a pig can take off.

"That's right, it's the God Realm. If you want to steal the god position, the most convenient place is the God Realm."

"Let's go, we need to go to the center of the God Realm now, where all the gods' thrones are stored, and it is the most heavily guarded place in the entire God Realm."

As he spoke, Sin looked Wuchen up and down.

"Do you have any hidden abilities? If not, it's better for me to go alone."

Wuchen smiled disdainfully, as if to say, 'Who do you look down on? '

Obviously his mouth didn't move, but Zui always felt that he had heard this sentence.

I saw Wuchen took out a token, Xiantian Qi surged from his hand, and quickly took it back.

Afterwards, Wuchen handed the token to Sin.

"This thing is given to you. It has both the functions of sending messages and storing things. It's just that I can only contact me for the time being, but if there is a built-in space, there is no problem in putting your house in it."

Sin took the token and played with it in his hands.

The token is an empty token, the kind that has been processed but has not yet been engraved.

Seeing that the sin was about to be withdrawn, Wuchen hurriedly said: "Don't worry."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, just when Zuin thought that this guy would be the same as the group of guys who disgusted her, Wu Chen's hand landed on the token, and then he disappeared completely.

He only felt the token in his hand tremble, and then Wuchen's familiar voice was directly transmitted to sin's ears.

"You can understand the space inside the token as a world. This world is stable, but small, and can store living things. Even if you want, you can even run into it by yourself."

"Its coordinates are temporarily bound to the token by me. Of course, this is given to you together with the token. After the world is over, I will tell you how to transfer the coordinates. It doesn't matter if the token is damaged, just If the world coordinates were not transferred in time at that time, then this world would not know where it would go.”

Of course, Wuchen kept a hand, after all he is still in the Token World.

If it really floats randomly, then the sin will just crush the token now, and others will have to float to the ends of the world?
The next transmission location of the world coordinates is at the ancient tree of life in the deepest place.

As the person who created this small world, Wu Chen can monitor the safety of the world at any time, that is to say, if the world coordinates are transferred to the ancient tree of life, then he can turn around and directly kill the woman outside.

Fortunately, this backhand is not useful.

Sin happily accepted the token, and blamed it on his waist.

The small token dangled around the empty waist, almost drifting to the mysterious place.

Of course, Wuchen didn't know the situation of Token.

"I'll call you when I get to the place. Don't come out by yourself. If you reveal your secrets, you will have to kill."

Wuchen in the token nodded, and used his summons token to express to the criminal outside that he knew the information.

Sin cleaned up her makeup and put the black veil on her face again, just like those replicas, except that the hat on her head showed her identity.

Sin doesn't care about that either.

Due to her special nature, no one will care about where she goes in the God Realm.

But if there is a man with him, or a man who has not been recorded in the God Realm, it may cause an uproar.

Walking out of his room, sin went straight all the way towards the center of the God Realm.

The scenery of the God Realm is actually not much different from that of the mortal world. In other words, the God Realm is modeled after the mortal world, but the richness of the aura is much higher than that of the mortal world.

God is just a group of stronger people.

"Lord Rakshasa."


"grown ups."

Along the way, many people who knew the crime greeted her.

Although their eyes were filled with awe, sin could clearly see their desires and the sinful thoughts in their hearts under their eyes.

'This coquettish bitch, I don't think it's enough to play every day. I have to ask for a few more later, and the ones at home are almost ruined. '

'Sure enough, this kind of queen temperament is what I want to play the most! '





Every time he felt such evil thoughts, sin wanted to cut these sanctimonious guys into pieces again.

She had such an idea before and tried to implement it.

But there is no way, under the interference of Fate Star, no god can die before there is no death plot, no matter what happens.

And now, Starless Night.

As long as sin wanted to, she could easily take the lives of these disgusting guys.

"Less right and wrong, if you let me have a moth's judgment before I determine their crimes, then"

The dust-free voice sounded in the guilty heart at the right time.

Bloodlust is forcibly suppressed by sin.

She does not have much evidence for some of those who are too high in status, but the evidence she holds for these disgusting pawns is enough to make them die thousands of times.

They are a bunch of filthy moths!
Wuchen will kill them all!

Thinking of this, the violent flame in the sinful heart slowly subsided.

There was even a smile on his face, but because of the veil, others couldn't see sin's expression. They could only judge from their familiarity with sin's face that this person was smiling.

They also laughed, but as for why they laughed, they couldn't write.

Sin looked at them with a smile, the more he listened to their inner thoughts, the brighter his smile became, that is

—Look at the dead man's smile!
They're going to die, there's no need to lay down their lives for a bunch of filthy bugs.

Sin looked into the distance, where was the center of the God Realm.

What she was staring at, the biggest worms, were right there.

'Just wait, the peaceful days will soon disappear.I will take back everything you have done to me! '

The fire of hatred feeds sin.

She was originally a woman born from sin, the more sinful the place, the more her strength can be nourished.

She should dominate evil, not be dominated by it.

It's just that what determines a person is more the environment in which she lives.

She was born from sin and to sin.

(End of this chapter)

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